Project Details (tipcs2130m000)

Use this session to list general project details.

In the details session, you can maintain project details. This data is related to the logistical actions and financial consequences of a customized demand.


If you started the Project Details (tipcs2130m000) session by zooming, you can only find and select a record.



A collection of manufacturing and purchasing actions that are performed especially for a particular customer order. A project is initiated to plan and coordinate the production of these items.

For a standard-to-order production, the project is only used to link the item with the customer order. Otherwise, a project can include:

  • Customized item data (BOMs and routings)
  • Project planning (activity planning)

A budget is a special type of project. A budget is used to plan and estimate, not to carry out production.

Related topics

Project Status

The status that is assigned to the project. This status, which is displayed in most sessions, indicates the project progress. Depending on the project status, some sessions cannot be executed or cannot yet be executed.

Project Stage

The current execution stage of the project. Stages are entered in the Project Stages (tipcs2110m000) session.


The project of the type budget that originated the actual project.

Stage of Completion

The percentage of work that is completed on the PCS project.

The percentage that you type in this field is displayed in the POC (manual) field of the Interim COGS and Revenues by Project (tipcs3190m000) session. The percentage can be used in revenue recognition calculations to determine interim Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and interim revenue for a PCS project.

Investment Project

Internal projects are used to collect costs, such as costs relating to warranties, product development, and investments. These projects must not be included in Work In Process (WIP), but must be posted to separate general ledger accounts in the Balance Sheet or P&L Statement.

If this check box is selected, the project is an internal project. As a result:

  • No sales order can be created
  • No financial entries are made for Combination of PCS and Estimated Cost of Goods Sold or Combination of PCS and Act. Costs of Goods Sold

If this check box is cleared, the project is an external project. As a result:

  • A sales order can be created.
  • Financial entries can be made for Combination of PCS and Estimated cost of Goods (with the Calculate Standard Costs by Project (tipcs3250m000) session).
  • You cannot change this field if one or more financial transactions are already being processed.
  • Also an internal project cannot be linked to a sales order line in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.
Revenue Expected

This checkbox is used to determine whether or not turnover is expected for the project. This outcome determines when and how sales standard cost bookings are carried out.

If this check box is selected, the sales standard cost bookings are created on the basis of an actual turnover. If it is an actual turnover, the right sales standard cost bookings will be created at the next standard cost calculation for the project.

If this check box is cleared, sales standard cost bookings are created on the basis of the parts of the project. Once there are sales orders for a project for which invoicing has taken place, or there are no sales orders, then at the next cost-price calculation for the project sales standard cost bookings will be carried out for all parts of the project.

Net Change Actual Costs

If this check box is selected, financial transactions were recorded for this project after the last time the actual standard costs were calculated in the Calculate Standard Costs by Project (tipcs3250m000) session. If you perform a net-change actual standard cost calculation, LN skips the projects for which this check box is cleared, because the actual standard costs have not changed since the previous calculation.

If you perform an actual standard cost calculation in the Calculate Standard Costs by Project (tipcs3250m000) session, LN clears this check box. If a financial transaction is recorded for a project, LN selects this check box for that project.

To perform a net-change actual standard cost calculation, in the Calculate Standard Costs by Project (tipcs3250m000) session, select the Net Change Only check box.

Percentage of Completion Calculation Method

With revenue recognition, you can calculate interim Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and interim revenue for a PCS project. The interim COGS and revenue are based on the percentage of the work that is completed on the PCS project. In this field, you must determine how the Percentage of Completion (POC) is calculated for the PCS project.

Post Interim COGS and Revenues by Cost Component

With revenue recognition, you can calculate interim Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and interim revenue for a PCS project.

If this check box is selected, the interim COGS is specified by detailed cost components. You can view and maintain the detailed interim COGS in the COGS by Cost Component (tipcs3191m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, the interim COGS is not specified by detailed cost components. Instead, the interim COGS is posted on the cost component that is specified in the General Cost Component for Interim Postings field.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Interim results by cost component.

General Cost Component for Interim Postings

The cost component on which the interim Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is posted. You can only enter a cost component if the Post Interim COGS and Revenues by Cost Component check box is cleared.

Revenue Recognition by Transaction Price

If this check box is selected, the transaction price is used to calculate interim revenue and interim COGS results.

The first transaction price is defaulted from the net sales amount, but it can be overwritten manually. Every new calculation of the interim COGS and revenue, the transaction price is defaulted to a new generated line.

Default value


To select this check box, a value other than None must be selected the Percentage of Completion Calculation Method field.

The check box can only be set to Yes, if the status of the selected PCS project is Free, and no interim revenue transactions based on transaction price have been posted.

Over Time Accounting

If this check box is selected, the actual COGS and revenues are not taken into account when calculating the interim COGS and revenues.

Default value

Check box selected

The check box can be cleared or selected, as long as the PCS status is Free.

COGS and Revenues restricted to Financial Company of PCS Project

If this check box is selected, PCS related COGS and revenues are all posted on the financial company of the PCS project's calculation office.

If this check box is cleared, PCS related COGS and revenues are posted on the financial companies of the service department, sales office and/or warehouse.

This field is defaulted from the corresponding field in the Project Control Parameters (tipcs0100m000) session.


If this check box is selected, and you clear the check box, you cannot select the check box again. The reason is that before selecting the check box again, you could have posted PCS related COGS and revenues to financial companies that are different from the PCS project's financial company, which is not allowed if this check box is selected.

COGS Distribution based on

If the COGS and Revenues restricted to Financial Company of PCS Project check box is cleared, the general COGS is distributed among several departments instead of only on the PCS project's calculation office. You can use this field to indicate whether you want to enter the COGS distribution manually in the Project COGS Distribution (tipcs3110m000) session, or that LN calculates the COGS distribution based on the revenue of the sales order, service order, and/or warehouse order.

This field is defaulted from the corresponding field in the Project Control Parameters (tipcs0100m000) session.

Transfer between PCS Projects considered as Selling Relation

If this check box is selected, the transfer of items from one PCS project (the source project) to another PCS project (the target project) results in a revenue on the source project.

If this check box is cleared, the transfer of items from one PCS project (the source project) to another PCS project (the target project) results in a negative material cost booking on the source project. You can consider such a negative booking as a correction of the actual costs on the source project.

Post Project Transactions on Current Date

The date entered in to corresponding field in Project Control Parameters (tipcs0100m000) session is copied here whenever a PCS Project is created. If the

If this check box is selected, the current date is used when cost bookings are made.

If this check box is cleared, a date must be entered in to the Posting Date Cost/Turnover Sales field.

Posting Date Cost/Turnover Sales

The date on which the standard cost and the sales turnover must be entered upon the closing of the project. The value of this field can be overwritten during the execution of session Close Project (tipcs2250m000).

Invoiced Amount

The total invoiced amount for the project in question. If it is a main project, the invoiced amounts for the subprojects are automatically aggregated to the main project with the Calculate Standard Costs by Project (tipcs3250m000) session.

The invoiced amount is updated during project cost calculation in the Calculate Standard Costs by Project (tipcs3250m000) session and Close Project (tipcs2250m000) session.

The amount is derived from all sales orders, service orders and warehouse orders at the delivery side of the project for which invoices have been printed by the Invoicing module.

If the POC method is None, which means that no revenue recognition is used, the percentage invoiced is calculated on the basis of this amount and the total expected amount of revenue. This percentage is then used as a base for posting cost of goods sold on non-closed projects.

The interim COGS bookings are based on the interim COGS percentage in the Interim COGS and Revenues by Project (tipcs3190m000) session.

Invoiced Amount

The currency in which the invoiced amount is expressed.

Planning Method

The planning method indicates whether the start date or completion date in the network planning for the project should be regarded as firm.


You can select a planning method only in the case of a main or single project. A subproject automatically inherits the planning data of the main project.

Start Date

The desired or planned start date for the project. This date is used or calculated by network planning.


You can only fill in a start date if:

  • The project is a main or single project.
  • The forward planning method is chosen.

Related topics

Completion Date

The desired or planned completion date for the project.

You can only enter a delivery date if:

  • The project is a main or single project.
  • The backward planning method is chosen.
Actualization Date

The date that the standard cost(s) and valuation price(s) for the PCS project are calculated and actualized using the Calculate Standard Costs by Project (tipcs3250m000) session. Note that the actualization date can differ from the effective date of the costing data. You must determine the effective date in the Calculate Standard Costs by Project (tipcs3250m000) session.

Actual Closing date

The date that the project is closed.

Definitively Closed

If this check box is selected, all financial transactions for the project are deleted by the Delete Financial Transactions by Project (tipcs3200m000) session. You cannot reset the project status anymore.

Rough Estim.Capacity [H]

The total estimated capacity requirements for the project. Using the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session, this value is automatically calculated on the basis of the estimated capacity requirements per activity. For main projects, the estimated capacity requirements of the subprojects are automatically aggregated to the main project.

Aggr. Estim.Capacity [H]

The total aggregated capacity requirements for the project. Using the Aggregate Estimated Capacity to Project (tipcs4201m000) session, this value is automatically calculated on the basis of the project structure and the work assembly per customized manufactured item. For main projects, the aggregated capacity requirements for the subprojects are automatically aggregated to the main project using the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session.

HoursSpent [H]

The total number of hours spent on activities for the project that have been accounted for. This value is automatically updated with the Process Hours and Expenses (bptmm1203m000) session. For main projects, the hours are also aggregated for subprojects of the main project in the Generate Network Planning (tipcs4210m000) session.

Actual Man Hours

The actual man hours that are the posted to and processed by People.

Actual Machine Hours

The actual machine hours that are the posted to and processed by People.


Project Status

Starts the Project Status (tipcs2102m000) session.

Project Intercompany Trade Orders - Sales

Starts the Intercompany Trade Order - Sales (tcitr3600m200) or the Intercompany Trade Orders - Sales (tcitr3100m200) session displaying the intercompany trade orders, if present, for the selected project.

Project Intercompany Trade Orders - Purchase