Configurable Item - Constraints (tipcf2110m000)

Use this session to define constraints by generic item. You can use these constraints to control the whole product configuration process.

With constraints, you can define a generic product model in a flexible manner. Constraints consist of a mix of formalized data recorded in the database and a number of decision rules, which can be defined by means of a constraint editor. Among other things, constraints enable you to indicate under which conditions certain combinations of options are acceptable, mandatory, or not acceptable for product features. You can also indicate which bill of material components or operations must be included or excluded, what the purchase or sales price structure for a product variant is, and so on.

In each constraint section, global or local variables can be defined, which can be supplied with certain values, with or without the help of a formula. Global variables keep their value during the whole configuration or generation process.

Constraints can be used with product features to control the configuration process. This is important for horizontal dependencies between option sets, relations between price list lines in connection with surcharges or discounts, and so on.

You can select a record and click the Text Editor button to activate the constraint editor.

You can choose Start Zoom Session on the Options menu in the constraint editor. ERP then displays a menu with the following sessions:

  • Product Feature (tipcf0150m000).
  • Options by Product Feature (tipcf0160m000).
  • Product Features by Configurable Item (tipcf1101m000).
  • Options by Product Feature and Configurable Item (tipcf1110m000).
  • Constraint Validation Messages (tipcf2120m000).

You can select one of the preceding sessions, and select a record to include this record in the constraint. If you use the editor and you want to add an option to a feature, you must first select the feature before you can zoom to the Options by Product Feature (tipcf0160m000) session, or to the Options by Product Feature and Configurable Item (tipcf1110m000) session. LN displays the options that belong to the selected feature. You can then choose an option to add to this option in the editor.

A meta language that is specially devised for this purpose and that is a subset of LN is used to define constraint expressions. For online Help about the potential of this meta language, and the possibilities of the constraint syntax, refer to Constraint editor.


If you started this session by zooming, you cannot maintain the constraint text.


To get an overview of all constraints using a particular feature or option, use the Print Where-Used Product Feature and Option (tipcf0450m100) session.



The code of the configurable item.

Default Supply Source

The source that supplies an item by default. An item can be supplied by using purchase orders or schedules, production orders or schedules, assembly orders, or warehousing orders.

The default supply source determines what type of order is used to supply the item, but in general, you can override the default and specify an alternate source.

This field can be used to determine what type of supply order LN must create if you enter a sales order for this item and the item's inventory on hand is not sufficient.

The possible values are:

If the item type is Manufactured or Generic, this field can be Job Shop or Assembly.

If the item type is Engineering Module, this field is Assembly and cannot be changed.

If the item type is Purchased, this field is Purchase and cannot be changed.

Related topics

Constraint ID

The code that uniquely identifies a constraint of a generic item.

Constraint Section

Choose from the following:

Before Input

The Before Input option section is carried out by the product configurator before you can enter an option value for a product feature. You can set default option values in this constraint section and also indicate under which conditions the input or representation of a product feature is allowed.


This section is used by both the product configurator and the product generator to validate option values for product features. The section is also used to validate or select generic item data, components in the generic product structure, operations in the generic routing and price list lines in the generic price list. If the validation section is carried out by the product configurator for the Validation option value, the product configurator can generate messages to support the configuration process, which will be displayed on the screen.

Parameter Substitution

The Parameter Substitution section is used by both the product configurator and the product generator to calculate parameter values in the generic product structure. The parameter values can include fixed option values for product features:

  • Length
  • Width
  • Number of units
  • Material quantity in the generic bill of material
  • Setup time
  • Production rate
  • Cycle time in the generic routing
  • Purchase or sales prices and price factors in the generic price list
Constraint Text

If this check box is selected, a constraint source code is present for the constraint.


Check Constraint

LN checks whether the constraint is built according to the syntax.

Execute Constraint

LN executes the constraint. You can check if the results are in accordance with your request.