Replacing outdated materials and designating use-up materials in BOMs

This topic describes how to replace an outdated material with a replacement material in a bill of material (BOM) and specify the outdated material as a use-up material.


If you use Engineering Data Management (EDM) to control changes in a BOM, you this procedure does not apply.

To replace an outdated item in a single BOM

To replace an outdated component, proceed as follows:

  1. Start the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session.
  2. Insert a BOM line with the same BOM position number as the outdated component.
  3. Enter the date when the switch must occur in the Expiry Date field for the outdated component.
  4. Enter the same date in the Effective Date field for the new component.

If the outdated component is not used anymore in any BOM, you must set the item's last allowed order date in the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session. If the last allowed order date is specified by warehouse, you must use the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) session.

If you enter a new component with the same BOM position number as an existing component, LN automatically inserts the outdated material as use-up material in the Use Up and Alternative Materials (tibom0150m000) session.


Use the following procedure only if the replaced item is no longer used in any BOM. If you replace a material in one BOM and continue to use that material in another BOM, you must not change the material into a use-up material.

To change a material into a use-up material
Step 1. Start the Print Where-Used BOM Components (tibom1412m000) session

Optionally print an overview of all bill of material (BOM) that use the item as material.

Step 2. Specify the last allowed order date

In the Items - Ordering (tcibd2100m000) session, set the Last allowed Order Date to the last date on which you can still order the outdated item. Enter a date in the near future.

Step 3. Check where the outdated material is used

Use the Check Use Up Material Definitions (tibom0251m000) session to print a report of BOMs that use the outdated item as material without any alternatives specified.

Step 4. Replace material in the bill of material

Add the replacement material to the relevant BOMs.

In the Replace Item in Bill of Material (tibom1212m000) session, take the following steps:

  1. Enter the item to be replaced and the replacement item.
  2. Enter a date in the Effective Date field that is no later than the outdated item's last allowed order date.
  3. Under Selection Range, enter the range of main items of which the BOMs must be adjusted.
  4. Select the Retain Original Item check box to retain information about the history of the BOM. This setting is recommended, but not mandatory.
  5. Clear the Retain Effective Date check box.
  6. Set the remaining fields, according to your requirements.
  7. Click Replace.
Step 5. Copy item to the alternative materials

Indicate that LN must continue to use the outdated material until there is no more stock.

In the Copy Item to Alternative Materials (tibom0250m000) session, take the following steps:

  1. In the Alternative Material field, enter the outdated item.
  2. In the Is Alternative for Item field, enter the replacement material that you just introduced in the BOMs.
  3. In general, the range of main items of which the BOMs must be adjusted includes all main items.
  4. Set the Priority field to Add as Highest. The maximum priority is Use up.
  5. Click Generate.
Step 6. View replacements

You can use the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session to see the effects of the replacements. To see the use-up material, take the following steps:

  1. Select the BOM line of the newly introduced material.
  2. On the appropriate menu, click Use Up and Alternative Materials.