Engineering Item and Item Consistency (tiedm1521m000)

Use this session to display any differences between the revision and the production item to which the revision has been copied. These differences have been caused by changes to either the E-item or the item.

If you copy an E-item revision to an item, you can see if the two items are the same.

Click the Find Record button to enter the revision and item. If the target item is customized, you must also enter the project code in the first segment. LN then displays the comparative data and shows any differences by placing an asterisk (*) at the item data. The asterisk is also displayed if the data have not yet been copied.

  • You can also compare EBOMs and production BOMs using the EBOM and PBOM Consistency (tiedm1520m000) session.
  • You can print the comparison between E-items and items using the Print Engineering Item and Item Consistency (tiedm1471m000) session.


Engineering Item

The engineering item that you want to compare with an item it has been copied to.

To enter a new E-item, click the Find Record button.

E-Item Revision

The engineering item revision that you want to compare with an item to which it has been copied.

To enter a new revision, click the Find Record button.

Main Item

The item which has had data copied to it from the E-item revision.

To compare a new item, click the Find Record button.


The name of the E-item or item.

If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field, the E-item revision and item are different.


The material from which the E-item or item is made.


This field is only applicable if the item is a physical product.


The size of the E-item or item.


This is additional information to the length and width defined in the (E-)BOM.

This field is only applicable if the item is a physical product.

Norm Standard

The standard to which the E-item or item complies.

This can be either a national standard, such as NEN, or an international standard, such as ISO. The standard to which the item complies. This can be either a national standard (for example, NEN, DIN, BS, ASA), or an international standard (ISO).

Search Key I

The first search key for the E-item or revision. If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field, the E-item revision and item are different.

Search Key II

The second search key for the E-item or item. If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field, the E-item revision and item are different.

Product Type

The E-item's or item's product type.

Selection Code

The E-item's or item's selection code.


The weight of the E-item or item. If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field, the units of the E-item and item are different.


The order parameter that controls the way an item is produced or ordered.

This can be:

  • Anonymous, the item is produced or purchased independent of customer orders.
  • To order, the item is produced or purchased only if customer orders exist for the item.

If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field, the E-item revision and item are different.

BOM Quantity

The E-item's or item's BOM quantity. If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field, the E-item revision and item are different.

Inventory Unit

The E-item's or item's inventory unit.

Unit Effective

If this check box is selected, the E-item or item is a unit-effective item. If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field, the E-item revision and item are different.


If this check box is selected, the E-item or item is interchangeable with other unit-effective interchangeable E-items. If an asterisk (*) is displayed in this field, the E-item revision and item are different.