Possible values

  • New

    When a tool is entered in LN, the tool is assigned the New status.

  • Available

    The status must be Available if the tool is to be allocated to a production order or a service order. A multipiece tool can only be Available if at least one component is assigned to the tool in the Tool Components (titrp0506m000) session. You can only change the status of a multipiece tool to Available if the components have the Allocated status, the In Refurbishing status, or the Available status.

    You cannot change the Available status of the tool if the tool has the usage status:

    • Requested
    • In Use
    • Returned
  • Blocked

    Tools with the Blocked status cannot be planned or issued to a production order or a service order. You can only manually set the status of a tool to Blocked in the Tool Numbers (titrp0102m000) session.

    If the tool has the Blocked status, the tool is not considered when:

    • Planning new estimated requirements.
    • Performing the availability check for tools.

    You cannot modify the status of a component of a multipiece from Available to Blocked if a second component with one of the following statuses is assigned to the multipiece tool:

    • Available status.
    • Allocated status.
    • In Refurbishing status.
  • Allocated

    The Allocated status is assigned to a tool when it is requested by means of the Request and Return Tools (titrp0215m000) session. When the tool is returned by means of the Request and Return Tools (titrp0215m000) session, the status changes to Available.

  • In Refurbishing

    The In Refurbishing status is assigned to a tool when the tool is requested to be refurbished by means of the Request and Return Tools (titrp0215m000) session. Tools with this status will not be planned for issue to a production order or a service order within the planned period of maintenance.

    The tool status changes from In Refurbishing to Available if the tool is returned using the Request and Return Tools (titrp0215m000) session.