Where-Used BOM Component (tibom1512m000)

Use this session to display the manufactured items in which a particular item occurs as a component. This is useful when you want to replace components.

To select a component for which you want to know in which items it is included, use the Find Record Button. You can also specify a particular BOM position number.

You can tab through each of the component items with the Next Group button, showing their parent manufactured item.


To print the information displayed in this session use the Print Where-Used BOM Components (tibom1412m000) session.


Manufactured Item

The product in which the component item occurs.


To print the information displayed in this session, use the following sessions:

  • Print Where-Used BOM Components (tibom1412m000)

The component's position number.


The sequence number is a subdivision of the position number.


The component item for which you want to know in which manufactured items it is used. You must already have defined the item in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session.


One of a series of steps in a routing that are carried out successively to produce an item.

The following data is collected during a routing operation:

  • The task. For example, sawing.
  • The machine used to carry out the task (optional). For example, sawing machine.
  • The place where the task is carried out (work center). For example, woodwork.
  • The number of employees required to carry out the task.

This data is used to compute order lead times, to plan production orders and to calculate standard cost.


A place for storing goods. For each warehouse, you can enter address data and data relating to its type.

Lot Selection

This field is applicable for lot-controlled items. The values Any, Same, or Specific regard the special conditions for the delivery of lot items on order lines. The values also determine the way lot numbers are assigned.


This field can be used, together with the Width field and number of units, to calculate the net quantity.

The net quantity is the Length field multiplied by the number of units and multiplied by the Width field, if applicable.

In the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session, you can only print a sawing list if you have entered the Length field for the given component. If you have entered both the Length field and the Width field, you can print a cutting list.


This field can be used, together with the Length field and number of units, to calculate the net quantity.

The net quantity is the Length field multiplied by the number of units and multiplied by the Width field, if applicable.

If you have entered both the Length field and the Width field, you can print a cutting list in the Print Production Order Documents (tisfc0408m000) session.

Number of Units

The number of times that the required quantity of the material, specified in the Length field and/or the Width field, appears in the product.

Inventory Unit

The inventory unit in which quantities of the main item are expressed.

Net Quantity

The amount of a component item used in the manufactured item.

To calculate this amount, multiply the number of units by the value in the Length field and the value in the Width field. For example, if you specify ten units of a component that is 2 cm long and 3 cm wide, the net quantity is 60 (10*2*3). If the width is not specified, the net quantity is 20.


If a negative quantity is shown, the production of a manufactured item results in a by-product. This by-product is entered in the bill of material with a negative quantity, which is used to calculate the gross material requirement.

Quantity-independent lines

If the BOM lines are quantity independent, a zero is displayed in this field.

Percentage Required

The percentage of raw material that must be available before the operation can be started.

Scrap Percentage

Recording a scrap factor prevents shortages in production. The scrap factor is expressed as a percentage loss.

A scrap factor of 5% means that LN will allocate 5% more of a component for a production order (gross material requirement).

Scrap is an extra loss in addition to the loss caused by the yield being less than 100%.

If you generate the BOM from an engineering BOM, the scrap factor and scrap quantity values will also be copied. However, these values will only be copied if the sequence number is the only thing changed, for example, wheel 10/1 to wheel 10/2. If there is a new item on the BOM line, for example, wheel to spare wheel, the scrap data will not be copied. In this case, the scrap quantity and scrap factor will be zero (0).

Related topics

Scrap Quantity

Unusable material or rejects of intermediate products, for example, because of faulty components, or products lost in cutting or sawing operations. The gross material requirements and/or an operation's input quantity must be increased to account for anticipated scrap.

In the BOM, you can define scrap as a percentage of the net material requirements, which is the scrap factor, and as a fixed quantity, which is the scrap quantity. A scrap quantity is mostly used to define the amount of material that is lost every time when you start producing, for example, to test the equipment.

For an operation, you can only define the scrap as a fixed quantity.

The quantity of material that will be lost during production. The quantity is a fixed quantity that is independent to the quantity produced. Recording a scrap quantity prevents shortages in production.

Scrap is an extra loss in addition to the loss caused by the yield being less than 100%.

If you generate the BOM from an engineering BOM, the scrap factor and scrap quantity values will also be copied. However, these values will only be copied if the sequence number is the only thing changed, for example, wheel 10/1 to wheel 10/2.

If a new item exist on the BOM line, for example, wheel to spare wheel, the scrap data will not be copied, In this case scrap quantity and scrap factor will be 0.

Related topics

Effective Change Order

The change order that defines the effective date of the BOM line.

Effective Date

The effective date and expiry date determine the validity period for the component. The effective date indicates when the component can be used in the manufactured item.

If the Link with EDM check box in the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) details session is selected, the effective date is derived from the Effective Date field of the engineering item's revision.

By using the effective date and expiry dates, LN can save historical data about the structure of a product without affecting production.

If the production date for the item falls outside the validity period, LN will not allocate any inventory or material requirements for the component.

Expiry Change Order

The change order that defines the expiry date of the BOM line.

Expiry Date

The effective date and expiry date determine the validity period for the component. The expiry date indicates when the component can no longer be used in the manufactured item.

  • By using the effective date and expiry dates, LN can save historical data about the structure of a product without this data affecting production.
  • If the production date for the item falls outside the validity period, LN will not allocate any inventory or material requirements for the component.
  • If you do not specify an expiry date, LN automatically sets the date to its maximum value.
Standard Configuration

If this check box is selected, the BOM line is part of an item’s standard configuration. The costs for the BOM line are included in the standard cost. If the Standard Configuration check box is cleared, the BOM line is not part of an item’s standard configuration. The costs for the BOM line are not included in the standard cost.

The Standard Configuration check box in combination with the setting of the Valid check box in the Exceptions (tcuef0105m000) session indicates whether an BOM line is used for a specific effectivity unit.

  • If the Standard Configuration check box is selected, and the Valid check box is cleared for an exception linked to the BOM line, the BOM line will be omitted for a specific effectivity unit or requirement.
  • If the Standard Configuration check box is cleared, and the Valid check box is selected for an exception linked to the BOM line, the BOM line will be added for a specific effectivity unit or requirement.

If the BOM line has exceptions attached, but you do not want to use the exceptions, for example, for selling spare parts, or for an end item which is not unit-effective, then you can clear this check box.

Exceptions Present

If this check box is selected, this BOM line has exceptions linked to it. Exceptions are part of the unit effectivity concept.


If the component item is defined as a phantom in the Items - Production (tiipd0101m000) session, LN will select this check box. You can override that value here.

  • You can use phantom items to record technical information about the product structure or to carry out standard cost calculations.
  • If the component item is a phantom, you cannot define alternative materials.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Phantoms.

Related topics

Use Phantom Inventory

If this check box is selected, LN checks if any phantom inventory is available.

If the phantom item is available in inventory, and the quantity is sufficient, this inventory is used as component in the production order.

If no phantom inventory is available, or if the quantity is insufficient, the inventory is not used. LN treats the component as a normal phantom item, so the phantom is exploded for the total quantity.


The phantom stock is always ignored during planning.

Related topics

Print on Order Document

If this check box is selected, the BOM component is printed on the order document.

Users can specify whether or not they want to print a BOM material on the order document. For example, a user can choose not to print the floor stock in the material list.

Link with EDM

If this check box is selected, the engineering bill of material line was copied to the production bill of material.

Exploded by Infor Planning

If this check box is selected, the bill of material (BOM)