Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000)

Use this session to view how an assembly order is divided into line-station orders (LSOs), together with their line-station variants (LSVs) (where applicable).

In this session you can make LSVs order-specific, which can be necessary for the following reason: You can change the content of a specific line station order. However, the content (operations and materials) of an order is stored in the line station variant (LSV), which may be linked to other assembly orders, so changes to one order can affect many other orders. To avoid this effect, you must make the LSV (for the order that you change) order-specific. When an LSV is made order-specific, the original LSV is copied to a unique LSV (not linked to other orders) that exists only for the line station order that you change. This allows you to change the order content without affecting other orders.


Using the Process Variables option from the Reference menu, you can access the Process Variables by Line Station Order (tiasc2113m000) session that enables you to view the process variables for the assembly order for the specific line station and register the inspection results.


Assembly Order

An order to assemble a product on one or more assembly lines.

Line Station

A work center that is part of an assembly line. A line station is used in the production of FAS (final assembly schedule) items. A line station can have multiple positions, which enables more than one item to be present in one line station.

Next Station

The line station after the station in the previous field; the next line station on the current assembly line.

Line Station Order Status

The status of the line-station order.

The following statuses exist:

  • Planned
  • Frozen
  • Ready to Start
  • Completed
  • Closed

Refer to the Related Topics section for links that provide more information about the status of LSOs.

Planned Start Time

The time when work is planned to start on the assembly order in the current line station.

Planned End Time

The time when work is planned to be completed on the assembly order in the current line station.

Planned Transport End Date

The unit in which the transportation time is measured.

Line Segment Sequenced
Offsetting Required

If this check box is selected, the line station orders (LSOs) of this assembly order must be offset. Offsetting is the calculation of (new) start times and end times. Offsetting is required as soon as a change in the dates or times of an order occurs, or, in other words, as soon as the actual dates and times no longer match the planned dates and times. You can offset LSOs in the Offset Line Station Orders (tiasl4230m000) session. For more information, refer to Transportation time for linked assembly lines.

Line StationVariant

Holds identical operations and materials that are used at a specific line station for multiple assembly orders. In this manner, the identical operations and materials are stored only once, rather than for each assembly order. When line station variants are used, less data storage is required, and the performance is enhanced.


You produce cars with various features, including two types of wheels: broad and narrow. In the wheel line station, in which the wheels are fitted, all cars with broad wheels are one line station variant, and cars with narrow wheels are another line station variant, regardless of any other specifications, because the other specifications are not relevant to the wheel line station.


If this check box is selected, the line station variant (LSV) is order-specific. That is, its operations and components can be altered. When the LSV is order-specific, it is not linked to other orders. This means that you can change the order content without affecting other orders.


The generic item or manufactured item for which the Default Supply Source is Assembly.


The time work starts on the assembly order in the current line station.

This occurs when the work is reported complete from the previous line station, or when the order is taken out of the buffer, in cases where the previous line station is a buffer.


The time when the work was completed on the assembly order in the current line station.

Assembly Parts Allocated

If this check box is selected, the components are allocated to the current line station, for the current assembly order. You can allocate parts with the Build Assembly Part Allocation (tiasc7240m000) session.


This check box is also selected if the current line station order has no assembly parts or if the parts are only floor stock items. Only if there are non-floor stock items that must yet be allocated, the check box is not selected.

Work Instructions Printed

If this check box is selected, the work instructions necessary to carry out the work on the assembly order at this line station are printed.

WIP Transfer Generated

If this check box is selected, a WIP transfer has been generated.

You can generate WIP transfers in the Generate WIP Transfer (tiasc7200m000) session, which you can start from the Line Station - Assembly Orders (tiasl6510m000) session. This process is often run by means of process-triggered workflow.

If you generate a WIP transfer for a line station of the main assembly line, a WIP transfer is generated for the line to which the line station belongs.

  • ERP selects the WIP Transfer Generated check box only in the last line station order in the assembly line, even if you generate the WIP transfer at another line station.
  • The WIP functionality in a multi-site situation differs from that in single-site situation. In a multi-site situation, WIP transfer are handled by intercompany sales and purchase orders and the check boxes WIP Transfer Issued and WIP Transfer Received are not used.
WIP Transfer Issued

If this check box is selected, a WIP transfer has been issued.

You can issue WIP transfers in the Execute WIP Issue (tiasc7201m000) session. This process is often run by means of process-triggered workflow.

If you perform a WIP issue for a line station of the main assembly line, the WIP of the order can be issued from the assembly line to which the line station belongs. The process of issuing is carried out in Warehousing.

If you select Automatic for the WIP Transfer Handling field in the Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000) details session, the WIP Transfer Issued check box is automatically selected as soon as the WIP issue is carried out.

  • ERP selects the WIP Transfer Issued check box in only the last line station order in the assembly line, even if you generate the WIP transfer at another line station.
  • This check box is only used in a single-site situation, that is, when the assembly lines that issue and receive the WIP, belong to the same company. In a multi-site situation, WIP transfers are handled by intercompany sales and purchase orders.
WIP Transfer Position

The sequence number of the WIP transfer. The sequence number is assigned by Warehousing, and is used in this package to perform the WIP transfer process in the correct sequence.

WIP Transfer Received

If this check box is selected, a WIP transfer has been received. The receiving process is carried out at a line station on the supplying line.

You can receive WIP transfers in the Execute WIP Receipt (tiasc7202m000) session. This process is often run by means of process-triggered workflow. The trigger can be set up so the receiving process is activated by the occurrence of an event in the recieving line.

If you perform a WIP receipt for a line station of the main assembly line, the WIP of the order can be received at the next (receiving)assembly line. The process of receiving is carried out in Warehousing.

When you select Automatic for the WIP Transfer Handling field in the Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000) details session, the WIP Transfer Received check box is automatically selected as soon as the WIP receipt is carried out.

When the receiving process is carried out, LN selects the WIP Transfer Recieved check box.

  • ERP will select the WIP Transfer Issued check box in only the last line station order in the assembly line, even if you generate the WIP transfer at another line station.
  • This check box is only used in a single-site situation, that is, when the assembly lines that issue and receive the WIP, belong to the same company. In a multi-site situation, WIP transfers are handled by intercompany sales and purchase orders.
Hours Backflushed

If the hours for the line station order are backflushed, this check box is selected. Backflushing is performed in the Backflush Requirements (tiasc7241m000) session.


The behavior of this check box depends in some cases on the transaction processing scenario that is used.

  • Line Station Based: The check box can be selected, even if the line station order has no line station variant.
Assembly Parts Backflushed

If the materials for the line station order are backflushed, this check box is selected. Backflushing is performed in the Backflush Requirements (tiasc7241m000) session.


The behavior of this check box does not quite match that of the Assembly Parts Allocated check box, as you might perhaps expect. The check box is only selected if there were assembly parts that are backflushed. The check box is not selected if there were no assembly parts to backflush or if the parts were only floor stock items.


Assembly Parts
Features and Options
Line Station Variants

Click to start the Line Station Variants (tiasc2520m000) session.

Make Order Specific

Click to make the selected LSV order specific, which enables you to change the content, without affecting other orders that use this LSV.


Click to start the Line Station Variant - Operations (tiasc2122m000) session for a LSV-Assembly Part.

Purchase Orders
Generate Number for Assembly Part...