Distribution by Date for Ledger Account (tfgld3533m000)

Use this session to display the amounts posted to a ledger account, summed by document date.

You can only use this session for accounts for which you selected the Daily Balance check box in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session.

To display the amounts for another financial period, click Next Group or Previous Group, or click Find a record.

To display the amounts for another ledger account, select that account in the Ledger History (tfgld3501m000) session.

Related topics


Ledger Account

The ledger account for which you display the amounts.

Period Type

The period type for which you display the amounts.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for which you display the amounts.


The financial period for which you display the amounts.

Document Date

The date for which the total amount is displayed.

All Companies

If this check box is selected, LN displays the history for all companies in a multicompany structure.

Period Type

The period type for which you display the data.

Accounting Scheme

The accounting scheme for which you display the data.

Home Currency

The home currency in which LN displays the amounts.

From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Include Nonfinalized Transactions for Totals

Indicates whether the amounts include nonfinalized transactions.

To include only finalized transactions, on the appropriate menu, you can click Finalized Transactions.

Actual Amount

The total amount posted to the ledger account on the displayed date.

The total amount includes all the transactions with the displayed document date.


Finalized Transactions
Non-Finalized Transactions