Finalized Transactions (tfgld3509m000)

Use this session to display the finalized transactions for a specific ledger account.

Related topics


Ledger Account
Business Partner

If you start this session from the Distribution by Business Partner (tfgld3530m000) session, this field displays the business partner for which the amounts were posted.

Dimension Type

If you start this session from the Dimension History (tfgld3520m000) session, this field displays the dimension type to which the amounts were posted.

For Period

The period or range of periods for which you display the amounts.

For Date

The document date for which you display the transactions.

If you start this session from the Distribution by Date for Ledger Account (tfgld3533m000) session, this field displays the selected document date.

All Companies

If this check box is selected, LN displays the history for all companies in a multicompany structure.

Period Type

The period type for which you display the data.

Accounting Scheme

The accounting scheme for which you display the data.

Home Currency

The home currency in which LN displays the amounts.

From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Transaction Type

The transaction type part of the document number.


The document number.


The document line number.

Protocol Reference

A string that displays the protocol elements used to defined the protocol reference number.


The date/time when the document is created.

For example, the invoice date or the transaction's entry date.

Transaction Reference

The line reference can be used to describe the transaction.

Amount in Home Currency

The transaction amount in the home currency.

From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies. You must first select a transaction.

Debit / Credit

Indicates whether the amount is a debit amount or a credit amount.


The transaction currency.


The transaction amount in the transaction currency.

Quantity 1

The quantity of the transaction, expressed in Unit 1.

If you specified Unit 1 for the ledger account in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session, this field has a value.

Quantity 2

The quantity of the transaction, expressed in Unit 2.

If you specified Unit 2 for the ledger account in the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session, this field has a value.

Business Partner

The related business partner.


The dimension to which the transaction is posted.

If the dimension is used for the ledger account, this field has a value.


The batch that contains the transactions.

For Period

The financial year and period in which the batch was processed.

Finalized by

The user who last modified the transaction.

Finalization Date

The date on which the transaction was last modified.

Finalization Run Number

The run number in which the batch was finalized.

Original Document

If a correction transaction was created, this field displays the transaction type part of the correction document number.

Correction Document Number

If a correction transaction was created, this field displays the correction document number.

Source Company

The financial company in which the transaction was created.


The transaction type of the original transaction.

Original Document Number

The document number of the original transaction.

Target Company

For intercompany transactions, the target company is the financial company to which the transactions are posted.

Target Document

The transaction type of the financial transaction generated in the target company.

Document Number To

The document number of the financial transaction generated in the target company.


Finalized Transaction Lines
Finalized Transaction Details (Intercompany)

Starts the Finalized Transaction Details (tfgld1503s000) session to display the finalized transaction details of the related transaction in another company.

If the selected transaction is an intercompany transaction, you can use this command.

Integration Transactions
Reconciliation Transactions