Print Disputed Remittances (tfcmg2452m000)

Use this session to print the disputed remittances in the specified range.

In case of evaluated receipt settlement (ERS), this session allows you to view the exceptions after remittance advice lines were imported and applied to corresponding invoice lines in Accounts Receivable.

Exceptions in this case refers to remittance advice lines for which one of the following applies:

  • The remittance advice amount exceeds the invoice amount. (Remittance line status: Overapplied)
  • The remittance advice amount is less than the invoice amount. (Remittance line status: Underapplied)
  • No corresponding invoices could be retrieved from Accounts Receivable with the shipment reference communicated in the remittance advice. (Remittance line status: Unapplied)


Selection Range

The code used to identify the remittance advice.

Pay-by Business Partner

The business partner from which you receive payments. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the customer's bank relation, the type of reminders you send to the business partner, and the frequency of sending reminders.

Credit Analyst

One of your employees in charge of controlling and monitoring the credit that you give to an invoice-to business partner.

Remittance Status

The status of the remittance advice:

  • Draft
  • Applied
  • Posted

A user-defined description that is based on a transaction and its type. Reason codes assist in selecting data for inquiry and for reporting.

Sort By

Select how the disputed remittances must be printed.

Include Settled Invoices

If this check box is selected, settled invoices will also be printed in the specified range of disputed remittances.