Open Entry Details (tfacr2525s000)

Use this session to display sales invoice details such as:

  • Invoice amount
  • Tax details
  • Discount amount
  • Balance amount
  • Payment conditions
  • Payment details
  • Invoice batch information
  • Payment batch information
Payment schedules

If a receipt schedule is linked to the invoice, you cannot change the details that are specific for the receipt schedule lines, such as the due date, the receipt method, and the reminder letter.

For details, refer to Payment schedules – overview


Invoice Details

The transaction type, part of the invoice identification.

The document number, part of the invoice identification.

The line number that identifies the invoice transaction.

The transaction type of the sales document.

The document number that identifies the sales transaction.

The line number that identifies the sales transaction.

Business Partner
Bank Reference

If you use bank reference numbers, this is the bank reference number of the invoice.

Sales Type

The sales type of the sales order.

Related topics

Trade Note

The trade note receivable document number.

Total Invoice Amounts

The home currency. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Tax Amount in Payment Currency

The tax amount in the invoice currency.

The tax amount expressed in the home currency.


The total invoice amount expressed in the invoice currency.

Late Payment Surcharge

The late-payment surcharge amount expressed in one of your home currencies. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

First Discount Amount

The discount amount that is given if the invoice is paid before the first discount date.

The discount amount is determined by the discount percentage defined in the terms of payment for this invoice.

First Discount Amount

The first discount amount expressed in one of your home currencies. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Second Discount Amount

The discount amount that is given if the invoice is paid before the second discount date.

The discount amount is determined by the discount percentage defined in the terms of payment for this invoice.

The second discount amount expressed in one of your home currencies. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Third Discount Amount

The discount amount that is given if the invoice is paid before the third discount date.

The discount amount is determined by the discount percentage defined in the terms of payment for this invoice.

The third discount amount expressed in one of your home currencies. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Balance Anticipated

The balance amount, including the anticipated receipts.

The balance amount, including the anticipated receipts, expressed in home currency.

Balance Amount

The balance amount for the invoice that remains to be paid.

The balance amount. This is the open invoice amount expressed in a home currency. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Shifted Tax

The Shifted tax amount.

The Shifted tax amount in the home currency.

Self Billed Invoice
Customer Invoice

In case of self-billed invoicing, the customer invoice number.

Payment Conditions
Payment Conditions
Receipt Method

Select the receipt method to pay invoices.

Bank Account for Business Partner

The business partner's international bank account number.

Payment Terms

The terms of payment.

Default value

The terms of payment code defined for the invoice-to business partner in the Payment Terms field of the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, a payment schedule is linked to the invoice.

Late Payment Surcharge
Document Date

The date on which the invoice is created. This date is used for allowed terms of credit, due dates, and discounts.

Related topics

Due Date

The due date.

Related topics

First Discount Date

The first discount date indicates the last date on which a discount is given over the invoice amount.

The date is determined by the terms of payment for the invoice.

Second Discount Date

The second discount date indicates the last date on which a discount is given over the invoice amount.

The date is determined by the terms of payment for the invoice.

Third Discount Date

The third discount date indicates the last date on which a discount is given over the invoice amount.

The date is determined by the terms of payment for the invoice.

Late Payment Date

The date before which the invoice-to business partner does not need to pay a surcharge.

The date is determined by adding the number of days defined in the late payment surcharges to the invoice date.

Expected Liquidity Date

The due date plus the number of extra days.

Tax Details
Tax Code

The country to which tax on this invoice must be paid.

Level of Tax Calculation

The tax on the invoice can be calculated over the total invoice amount using one tax code, or separately over each transaction line. In that case you can use a different tax code for calculating tax on each line.

Payment Details
Original Pay-by Business Partner

The pay-to business partner of the open entry.

Pay-by Business Partner

The business partner from which you receive payments. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the customer's bank relation, the type of reminders you send to the business partner, and the frequency of sending reminders.

Factor Assigned.

If this check box is selected, factoring applies.

Link to Monthly Billing Invoice

If this check box is selected, LN includes the invoice in a monthly billing invoice.

If the Send MBI check box in the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session is selected, this check box is selected by default.

Monthly Billing Invoices

The number of the monthly billing invoice to which the invoice is linked.

If the monthly billing invoice is already generated, this field has a value.

Total Payment Amount

The payment amount.

The payment amount in the home currency.

Tax Amount in Payment Currency

The total tax amount to be paid over the invoice.

The total tax amount expressed in one of your home currencies. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Late Payment Surcharge Amount

The late-payment surcharge amount expressed in one of your home currencies. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Payment Difference



Discount Amount



Factoring Commission Amount

The factor's commission amount in the invoice currency.

The factoring commission amount expressed in the home currency.

Balance Amount

The balance amount for the invoice that remains to be paid.

The balance amount. This is the open invoice amount expressed in a home currency. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Posting Details
Invoice Batch Information
Invoice Batch No.

The batch to process the invoices.

Finalization Run

The run number used for finalization.

Date of Finalization

The date when the finalization of the transaction took place.

Fiscal Period

The year of the financial period in which the invoice is posted to the General Ledger.

The separator between the year and the period.

The financial period in which the invoice is posted to the General Ledger.

Tax Period

The year of the tax period in which the tax on the invoice is posted.

The tax period in which the tax on the invoice is posted.

Payment Batch Information
Receipt Batch No.

The batch number associated with the receipt.

Finalization Run

The run number in which the batch was finalized.

Dimension Types

One of up to twelve available analysis account bases for ledger accounts.


Analysis account for ledger accounts to get a vertical view on ledger accounts. Dimensions are used to specify ledger account information.

Rate Determination

The way in which the currency exchange rate for calculating the amounts in the invoice currency and the home currencies is determined.

Related topics

Rate Type

A way to group currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).

The currency exchange rate that is used to convert amounts from the invoice currency to the displayed home currency.

Rate Factor

The factor by which the amount in the transaction currency or the invoice currency is divided before LN converts it to a home currency. A rate factor is often used for currencies that have a relatively low price, for example, Korean Won.


The number of the sales order related to this invoice.

Original Invoice

If it concerns a credit note, this field shows the transaction type of the original invoice for which the credit note was created.

Original Invoice

If it concerns a credit note, this field shows the number of the invoice for which the credit note was created.

This enables you to keep the original invoice and the corresponding credit note together.

Related topics

Sales Representative

The employee responsible for the sales invoice.

The total invoice amount expressed in home currency. From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

The name of the business partner.

Postal Address

The address to which the invoice must be sent.


The invoice reference.

Letter Number

The reminder letter number.

Last Letter Date

The date when the reminder letter was last sent.

Last Interest Calculation Date

The date the interest was last calculated.

Calculate Interest

If this check box is selected, the interest is calculated.


If this check box is selected, text is present.

Advance Invoice/Payment Request

Indicates whether the sales invoice is an advance invoice or an advance installment invoice and whether a separate control account is used for advance invoices.

Related topics

Debit Note

If this check box is selected, a debit note applies.


If this check box is selected, the invoice is marked as a doubtful invoice.

Cash Flow Reason

The cash flow reason of the transaction.

Related topics

Problem Details

The problem code assigned to the invoice.

Problem Reference

The problem reference is the person or department responsible for handling the problem.

Problem Date

This date indicates when an invoice was recorded as a problem code invoice.


GL Transactions
One-Time Business Partner Address
Receipt Schedules
Invoicing Batch

Starts the Invoices (cisli3105m000) session.

Receipt-related Documents by Open Entry

Starts the Receipt-related Documents by Open Entry (tfacr2523m000) session, which you can use to view the receipts of the business partner's sales invoice.

Sales Listing

Starts the Sales Listing (tccom7570m000) session.

Send Documents to Factor
Corrections by Invoice
Factored Documents
Payment Terms

Starts the Payment Terms (tfacr1112s000) session.

Sales Invoicing

Starts the Invoice (cisli3605m000) session.

Integration Transactions
Reconciliation Transactions