ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000)

Use this session to define the parameters that control data in the Accounts Payable module.

If the Invoice Amount defaulted from Order check box is selected, the order amount is used as the default invoice amount in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session. The condition applies if the Invoice Type field in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is not Cost Invoice.

On the External Invoices tab, you can enter the details required for the automatic creation of purchase invoices based on the information in external messages from an integrated application, for example, E-Procurement. You can enter the default transaction type and series for external purchase invoices and credit notes, and the default batch reference.


Effective Date

The date on which you define new parameter settings.

The date and the previous settings are posted to history enabling the user to view previous settings.

Hold Reason for Registered Invoices

To automatically block received invoices, you can select a hold reason. By default, LN links the hold reason to the purchase invoices that you enter in the Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000) session.

If this field is empty, received purchase invoices will not be blocked automatically.

Default Aging Analysis

Link the aging analysis code you created in the Aging Analysis Data (tfacp0540m000) session.

The analysis code is used as a default value for the following:

  • When you print the aging analysis in the Print Invoice-from Business Partner Aging Analysis (tfacp2420m000) session.
  • In the Calculate Payables Aging Analysis (tfacp3525m000) session.
Last Used Temporary Invoice Number

The last invoice document number assigned to an invoice.

LN uses this value to determine a new invoice number in the Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000) session, in which the invoices received are given a temporary number. When the invoices are processed in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session, the invoices receive a final number.

If a new invoice is entered in the Received Purchase Invoices (tfacp1500m000) session, LN gives the default value which is the existing document number plus one. When this document number is recorded, the value in this field is incremented automatically.

Availability Type

The availability type for your company calendar. You can use the availability type to indicate bank holidays and other periods on which your company is not available for making payments.

Related topics

Invoice Amount defaulted from Order

If this check box is selected, the order amount is used as the default invoice amount in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session. The condition applies if the Invoice Type field in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is not Cost Invoice.


If this check box is selected, subcontracting is enabled in the Accounts Payable module.

Business Partner Relation Mandatory

If this check box is selected, invoices cannot be matched to purchase orders if both buy-from and invoice-from business partners do not share the same parent business partner.

If this check box is cleared, and users match purchase orders to invoices from business partners that do not share the same parent business partner, LN displays a warning.

Duplicate Invoice Checks
Invoice Number Mandatory

If this check box is selected, users must enter an invoice number. Blank invoice numbers are not allowed.

Duplicate Invoice Number Allowed

If this check box is selected, LN allows duplicate invoice numbers per business partner.

If the generated invoice number already exists for the business partner and duplicate invoice numbers are allowed, LN displays a warning.

If this check box is cleared, duplicate invoice numbers per business partner are not allowed.

Check for Duplicate Amount - Invoice Date

If this check box is selected, LN displays a warning for the duplicate purchase date, amount and business partner. This check applies only to the current business partner.

Check for Duplicate Amounts - Order Numbers

If this check box is selected, LN displays a warning for the duplicate invoice order, amount and business partner. This check applies only to the current business partner.

Apply Checks across Companies

If this check box is selected, LN performs the check on duplicate invoice numbers in all the financial companies of the current financial group.

If this check box is cleared, LN performs the check on duplicate invoice numbers only in the current financial company.


If the financial group contains many financial companies, checking for duplicate invoice numbers in all the companies can take some time.

Check Invoice Number against All Business Partners

If this check box is selected, LN performs the number check on invoices for all business partners.

If this check box is cleared, LN performs the number check only on invoices with the same business partner.

Check Invoice Number within Year of Invoice

If this check box is selected, LN performs the number check on invoices within the current year of the invoice.

If this check box is cleared, LN performs the number check on invoices within any year.

Blank Lines at Top of First Page

You must specify the number of lines to be left blank at the top of the first page of the reminder. This space can be used as a letter head.

Blank Lines at Top of Following Pages

You must specify the number of lines to be left blank at the top of the pages that follow the first page.

This space can be used for example, for your company's logo.

Blank Lines at Bottom of Page

You must specify the number of lines to be left blank at the bottom of each reminder page.

Write Off Currency Differences
Currency Profits

If this check box is selected, LN writes off currency profits, that arise in the Write Off Currency Differences (tfacp2240m000) session.

Related topics

Currency Difference Anticipated Payments

If this check box is selected, currency differences of invoices linked to anticipated payments are processed.

For anticipated payments, currency difference is calculated over the original invoice amount minus actual payments.

Usually, currency differences are processed for the total open invoice amount.


Invoice amount USD 800.00

Partial payment USD 100.00

Anticipated payment USD 200.00

Currency difference calculated: USD 700.00

If this check box is cleared, currency differences are not processed for invoices with anticipated payments.

Related topics

Transaction Type for Currency Differences

The transaction type used to post the currency differences caused by a fluctuation in the exchange rate.

Allowed values

Select a transaction type with the transaction category Purchase Corrections.

Write Off Payment Differences
Transaction Type for Payment Differences

The transaction type used to post payment differences.

Allowed values

Select a transaction type with the transaction category Purchase Corrections.

EDI Parameters for Purchase Invoice
Transaction Type

The transaction type assigned to the purchase invoices of the Electronic Data Interchange module.

Batch Reference

The reference of the batches that is to be linked to the purchase invoice batch of the Electronic Data Interchange module.

Use Document Date for Transaction Entry Date

If this check box is selected, the document date is used instead of the transaction entry date.

Document Type for Dimension Accounting

The integration document type that you can use to map commission transactions to the correct dimensions for dimension accounting in the integration mapping scheme.

Transaction Type

The transaction type for commissions.

LN uses this transaction type to generate document numbers for the commission transactions by means of self billing.


The series for commissions.

LN uses this series to generate document numbers for the commission invoices. The commission invoices are generated in the Commissions and Rebates module of Sales.

Batch Reference

The batch reference for commission transactions.


The generated batch number of the most recent batch for commissions.


The date when the most recent batch for commissions was generated.

Transaction Type

The transaction type for canceled documents. The transaction category must be Purchase Credit Notes.


This functionality is specific for Bulgaria.

Payment Approval
Approve Cost Invoice for Payment

If this check box is selected, payment approval is required for cost invoices and invoices generated for procurement card statements.

Approve Order Related Invoice for Payment

If this check box is selected, payment approval is required for order related purchase invoices.

If after registration, matching, and approval of the invoices, you do not want to perform an extra activity to approve the payment of the invoices, you can clear this check box.

Approve Self-Billed Invoice for Payment

If this check box is selected, payment approval is required for self-billed purchase invoices.

Approve Internal Invoice for Payment

If this check box is selected, payment approval is required for internal purchase invoices.

Default Approval Period (Days)

By default, the invoice must be approved within this number of days after the invoice date.

Store Business Partner Payment - Order Information
Store Business Partner Payment - Order Information

If this check box is selected, LN stores business partners' payment order - information when payments are made on purchase invoices related to orders.


You must only select this check box if in your organization purchase order line, invoice, and payment-related business processes are primarily based on one-to-one relationships. Otherwise, enabling the functionality may result in explosive data growth and an impaired accessibility of order, invoice, and payment data.

Aging Analysis
Aging Analysis Number Group


Aging Analysis Series


Purchase Invoice Matching
Purchase Invoice Matching
Automatic Matching
Automatic Matching

If this check box is selected, you can select the method that LN must use for automatic matching of purchase invoices.

If this check box is cleared, you must manually match the invoices.

Automatic Match Procedure
Invoice amount lower than matched amount

The default percentage by which the invoice amount is allowed to be lower than the matched amount of the purchase order or receipt.

During automatic matching of invoices, the difference between the invoice amount and matched amount is compared to the tolerated differences you define here.

You can define the tolerated differences globally in this session (the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session), or by business partner in the Automatic Matching Tolerances by Invoice-from BP (tfacp0107m000) session.

A price difference between an invoice amount/percentage and a matched amount/percentage is tolerated if the difference falls within the defined tolerances.

If the difference falls within these tolerances, LN regards the difference as a price difference, and matches the invoice. If the difference falls outside one or more of the defined tolerances, matching does not take place.


The default amount by which the invoice amount is allowed to be lower than the matched amount of the purchase order or receipt.

During automatic matching of invoices, the difference between the invoice amount and matched amount is compared to the tolerated differences you define here.

You can define the tolerated differences globally in this session (the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session), or by business partner in the Automatic Matching Tolerances by Invoice-from BP (tfacp0107m000) session.

A price difference between an invoice amount and a matched amount is tolerated if it falls within the defined tolerances.

If the difference falls within this tolerances, LN regards it as a price difference, and matches the invoice. If the difference falls outside one or more of the defined tolerances, matching does not take place.

Invoice amount higher than matched amount

The default percentage by which the invoice percentage can be greater than the matched amount of the purchase order or receipt.

During automatic matching of invoices, the difference between the invoice amount and matched amount is compared to the tolerated differences you define here.

You can define the tolerated differences globally in this session (the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session), or by business partner in the Automatic Matching Tolerances by Invoice-from BP (tfacp0107m000) session.

A price difference between an invoice amount/percentage and a matched amount/percentage is tolerated if the difference falls within the defined tolerances.

If the difference falls within these tolerances, LN regards the difference as a price difference, and matches the invoice. If the difference falls outside one or more of the defined tolerances, matching does not take place.


The default percentage by which the invoice amount can be greater than the matched amount of the purchase order or receipt.

During automatic matching of invoices, the difference between the invoice amount and matched amount is compared to the tolerated differences you define here. You can define the tolerated differences globally in this session (the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session), or by business partner in the Automatic Matching Tolerances by Invoice-from BP (tfacp0107m000) session.

A price difference between an invoice amount and a matched amount is tolerated if the amount falls within all the defined tolerances, both the percentages and the amounts.

If the difference falls within these tolerances, LN regards the difference as a price difference, and matches the invoice. If the difference falls outside one or more of the defined tolerances, matching does not take place.

Approval batch access mode
Approval batch access mode

The way in which LN creates batches for invoice approvals.

You can select:

  • One batch for each user per day: If possible, LN creates one approval batch for each user per day. If a user finalizes a batch before the end of the day, LN creates a new approval batch for any subsequent approvals by that user. The approval batch has the Individual Users access mode, regardless of the default batch access mode selected in the Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session.
  • One batch for all users per day: If possible, LN creates one approval batch per day to be used by all the users. If the batch is finalized before the end of the day, LN creates a new approval batch for any subsequent approvals. The approval batch has the All Users access mode, regardless of the default batch access mode selected in the Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session.

The approval batch access mode is used for the following approval processes:

  • Manual approval in the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000) session.
  • Self billing and generation of internal invoices in the Generate Self-Billing Purchase Invoices (tfacp2290m000) session.
  • Generation of internal freight invoices in the Generate Internal Freight Invoices (tfacp2246m000) session.
Approval of Purchase Invoices
Transaction Type

The transaction type to approve the open entries that concern purchase invoices not approved during the registration.

Allowed values

Select a transaction type with the transaction category Purchase Corrections.


The series for purchase invoices.

LN uses this series to generate document numbers for the purchase invoices.

Batch Reference

Enter a reference for the invoice approval batch.

If you approve invoices in the Match/Approve Purchase Invoices (tfacp2107m000) session, LN creates a batch using:

  • The transaction type you selected in the Transaction Type field
  • The batch reference you enter in this field.
Post Costs in Approval Period

If this check box is selected, costs will be posted in the same period as the period of the approval document.

If this check box is cleared, LN displays a warning if a user tries to approve an invoice for which a cost line exists in a previous open period.

Tax Consistency Check
Tax Consistency Check

If this check box is selected, you can specify an action in case of inconsistencies.

Action on Net Amount Inconsistency (Process)

Specify Block or No.

Action on Net Amount Inconsistency (Manual)

Specify Warn, Block, or No.

Self Billing / Internal Purchase Invoices
Document Type for Dimension Accounting

The integration document type that you use to define the mapping of self-billed invoices and external invoices to the control accounts and dimensions.

When you define the financial integration mapping scheme, you must also map the document type for self-billed invoices to ledger accounts and dimensions.

LN searches for the dimensions to which the self-billed invoices and external invoices are posted in the following order:

  1. If dimensions are linked to the control account, and if all the integration elements are the same for all the order lines, LN determines the dimensions from the mapping of the Self Billing document type in the integration mapping scheme.
  2. If not all the integration elements are the same, LN uses the dimensions specified for the invoice-from business partner in the Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000) session.
  3. If no dimensions are specified for the invoice-from business partner, LN uses the dimensions specified for the business partner's financial supplier group in the Ledger Accounts by Business Partner Group (tfacp0111m000) session.
Transaction Type

The transaction type used for the self billing procedure.

Allowed values

Select a transaction type:

  • With the transaction category Purchase Invoices
  • With the Documents in Fixed Sequence check box selected in the Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000) session.

The series for self-billed invoices.

LN uses this series to generate document numbers for the self-billed invoices.

Transaction Types for VAT Book

The transaction type for these transactions if you use the VAT book.

Batch Reference

Enter reference for the self billing batch.

Related topics

Self Billing / Internal Credit notes
Transaction Type

The transaction type for debit memos.


The series for debit memos.

LN uses this series to generate document numbers for debit memos.

Batch Reference

Enter a batch reference for debit memos.

Internal Freight Invoices
Integration Document Type for Dimension Accounting

The integration document type that you can use to map freight invoices to the correct dimensions for dimension accounting in the integration mapping scheme.

Transaction Type

The transaction type used for internal freight invoices.


The series for freight invoices.

LN uses this series to generate document numbers for the freight invoices.

Batch Reference

The batch reference for internal freight invoices.

Procurement Card
Procurement Cards

If this check box is selected, you can enter data related to procurement cards.

Document Types
Procurement Card - Receipt

The integration document type that you can use to map procurement card purchases to the correct ledger accounts and dimensions in the integration mapping scheme.

Procurement Card - Price Variance

The integration document type that you can use to map procurement card purchase price variances to the correct ledger accounts and dimensions in the integration mapping scheme.

Purchase Invoices
Transaction Type

The procurement card invoice transaction type.

The transaction type must be of the Purchase Invoices category.


The series that LN uses to generate document numbers for the purchase documents.

Transaction Type

The transaction type used to post Past Adjustments. This type is used to close the previously invoiced procurement card statement.

The transaction type must be of the Cash category.


The series that LN uses to generate document numbers for Past Adjustments transactions.

Purchase Requisition
Number Group

The number group for purchase requisitions.


The series that LN uses to generate document numbers for the purchase requisitions.

Tax Code

The default tax code used in purchase requisitions and statement lines

Statement Line Type

The line type code. It is defaulted when procurement card statement lines are entered.

Modify External Requisitions

If this check box is selected, imported requisitions that are not matched can be modified.

Tax details
Level of Tax Calculation

The tax amount to be paid over an invoice can be calculated on two levels.

The value entered here is the default value for the tax calculation over all invoices registered in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.

Related topics

North American Purchase Expense Tax
North American Purchase Expense Tax

If this check box is selected, expensed purchase tax is handled according to the rules for North America.

Purchase invoices with a tax code for which you selected the Expense Purchase Tax check box in the Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000) session are handled as follows:

  • During approval of the purchase invoice, the tax amount of the invoice is reversed and posted in the approval document.
  • Next, the tax of each matched order line is handled and posted in the approval document.
  • Finally, any difference between the total tax amount on the invoice, which was reversed, and the sum of the tax amounts on the matched order lines is posted to the selected Tax Variance Account and dimensions.

Related topics

Tax Variance Account

If you select the North American Purchase Expense Tax check box, this is the ledger account to which differences between indebted tax amounts and paid tax amounts on purchase invoices are posted. The indebted tax amount is the sum of the tax amounts on the matched purchase order lines. The tax amount paid is the invoice tax amount.

If you approve invoices that have a single tax code of the Expense Purchase Tax type, the tax differences are posted to the tax variance account.

Related topics


The dimensions to which the tax differences must be posted.

External Invoices
Document Type for Dimension Accounting

The integration document type LN uses to map external invoices to dimensions.

Financial User

The logon code of the user who creates the batch.

If the external message does not include a financial user for external invoices, LN creates the batch for this financial user.

Purchase Invoices
Transaction Type

The default transaction type for external invoices.

If the external message does not include a transaction type for external invoices, LN uses this transaction type.

The transaction type category must be Purchase Invoices and the Documents in Fixed Sequence check box must be selected.


The default series for external invoices.

If the external message does not include a series for external invoices, LN uses this series.

Credit Notes
Transaction Type

The default transaction type for external credit notes.

If the external message does not include a transaction type for external credit notes, LN uses this transaction type.

The transaction type category must be Purchase Credit Notes or Purchase Invoices for which negative amounts are allowed

If the transaction type for external invoices allows negative amounts, LN displays the default transaction type for external invoices.


The default series for external credit notes.

If the external message does not include a series for external credit notes, LN uses this series.

If the transaction type for external invoices allows negative amounts, LN displays the default series for external invoices.

Invoice Batch Information
Batch Reference

The default batch reference for external invoices.

If the external message does not include a batch reference, LN uses this batch reference.

If possible, LN creates a single batch per user per calendar day.

The access mode of the batch is Individual Users, independent of the default value selected in the Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session.


The year in which the most recent batch was created by the current financial user.


The batch number of the most recent batch created by the current financial user.

If possible, LN creates a single batch per user per calendar day.

The access mode of the batch is Individual Users, independent of the default value selected in the Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000) session.

Batch Date

The creation date of the most recent batch created by the current financial user.

Purchase Invoice Adjustments Allowed

If this check box is selected, users can create adjustments.

Transaction Type for Adjustments

The default transaction type for correction documents.


The transaction category of the transaction type must be Purchase Corrections.

Transaction Type Series for Adjustments

The default series for correction documents.

Batch Reference for Adjustments

The default batch reference for correction documents.

Bad Debt
Bad Debt Relief Account

The ledger account to which the Bad Debt Relief transactions are posted.

Bad Debt Recovery Account

The ledger account to which the Bad Debt Recovery transactions are posted.

Transaction Type for Bad Debt Relief

The default transaction type for Bad Debt Relief transaction.

Related topics


The description of the transaction type.

Series for Bad Debt Relief Documents

The series for Bad Debt Relief documents. LN uses this series to generate document number for bad debt relief transactions.


The description of the series.


Purchase Offices

Starts the Purchase Offices by Matching Company (tfacp0101m000) session.

You can use this session to display:

  • The purchase offices linked to a financial company
  • The financial companies linked to a purchase office