Attributes by Business Partner (tdsmi1101m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain attributes by business partner.


You can add attributes one by one or by attribute set.

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Business Partner

A party with whom you carry out business transactions, for example, a customer or a supplier. You can also define departments within your organization that act as customers or suppliers to your own department as business partners.

The business partner definition includes:

  • The organization's name and main address.
  • The language and currency used.
  • Taxation and legal identification data.

You address the business partner in the person of the business partner's contact. The business partner's status determines if you can carry out transactions. The transactions type (sales orders, invoices, payments, shipments) is defined by the business partner's role.


Indicates the relationship between your organization and the business partner. The role defines the types of transactions you can carry out with the business partner. The business partners with different roles are linked by a common parent business-partner.

Examples of business-partner roles:

  • Sold-to business partner
  • Pay-by business partner

Used to record distinctive information on (potential) business partners, contacts, opportunities, or activities and to segment data when specifying a batch selection for generating activities, mail merge (letters), or flexible reports.

sfIs the person a soccer fan?OptionOptions are Yes and No; default is No
fcFavorite soccer clubAlphanumericDefault is <blank>
convHow did you value this conversation?AlphanumericNo defaults
ccbCan I call you back next week?OptionOptions are Yes and No; default is No
lunchShould bring own lunchOptionOptions are Yes and No; default is No
dresscWhat is the dress code?OptionOptions are formal and casual (default)
compMain competitorAlphanumericNo defaults
terrTerritoryOptionOptions are East and West


Attribute setDescriptionAttributes
CONDefault attribute set for contactssf, fc
BPDefault attribute set for business partnerssf, fc
CALLDefault attribute set for callsconv, ccb
APPDefault attribute set for appointmentslunch, dressc
OPPDefault attribute set for opportunitiescomp, terr



The description of the attribute. Make the attribute short and clear as it is displayed and printed in many places.


The attribute's value. For example, if the attribute is Salary level 1, the value can be the salary amount.


You can enter a sort of help text with the text editor, which you can use for extra information on the attribute in question.