Generate Purchase Orders (tdsls4241m000)

Use this session to generate purchase orders from sales orders.

With this session, you can generate the following:

  • Direct delivery orders
    You can generate purchase orders for direct delivery sales order lines.
  • Cross-docking orders
    You can generate cross-docking orders. The generated purchase orders have a fixed link with the sales order lines from which they are generated.
  • Hard pegged supply orders
    You can generate hard pegged supply orders for sales orders requesting allocated inventory. As a result, the purchase order line receives the same allocation and hard pegging data as the sales order.
  • Supply orders
    You can generate supply orders for sales orders requesting unallocated inventory. The generated purchase orders have no fixed link with the sales orders from which they are generated. As a result, the use of the received inventory is not limited to specific sales orders. You can, for example, generate these type of purchase orders if you do not use Enterprise Planning, but you perform your own supply planning.

You can start this session from the following sessions:

  • Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000)
  • Sales Order (tdsls4100m900)
  • Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000)
  • Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100)
  • Sales Order Line Status (tdsls4534s000), if Generate Purchase Orders (tdsls4241m000) is the current activity to be carried out.

To generate purchase orders, the Allow Purchase Orders check box must be selected for the sales order type in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session.


Direct Delivery

If this check box is selected, purchase orders are generated for sales order lines with the Delivery Type field set to Direct Delivery in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100), or Sales Order Line Components (tdsls4163m000) session.

If this check box is selected, you must also fill the fields in the Direct Delivery group box.


This option generates purchase orders for directly delivery sales orders.


If this check box is selected, purchase orders are generated for sales order lines with the Delivery Type field set to Cross-docking in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100), or Sales Order Line Components (tdsls4163m000) session.


This option generates cross-docking orders.

Related topics


If this check box is selected, purchase orders are generated for sales order lines with the Delivery Type field set to Purchase in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100), or Sales Order Line Components (tdsls4163m000) session.

  • If the sales order requests allocated inventory, hard pegged supply purchase orders are generated.
  • If the sales order requests unallocated inventory, supply purchase orders are generated that are not linked to the sales orders from which they are generated.

If this check box is selected, purchase orders are generated for sales order lines with the Delivery Type field set to Warehouse in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100), or Sales Order Line Components (tdsls4163m000) session.


After (hard pegged) supply purchase orders are generated, LN automatically changes the Delivery Type to Purchase in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100), or Sales Order Line Components (tdsls4163m000) session.

Consider Allocated to Inventory

If this check box is selected, the allocated inventory is taken into account when determining the ordered quantity for a generated purchase order line.

Consider Demand Pegged to Supply Orders

If this check box is selected, the hard pegged supply orders are taken into account when determining the ordered quantity for a generated purchase order line.

Print Generated Orders

If this check box is selected, a list of all generated purchase orders is printed.

Print Error Report

If this check box is selected, an error report is printed if errors occur during the generation process.

Print to predefined Device

If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.

Number Group

The number group for the purchase orders to be generated.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Number Group for Purchase Orders / Purchase Schedules field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.

Purchase Order Series

The series for the purchase orders to be generated.

Purchase Order Type

The purchase order type to be assigned to the generated purchase orders.

Purchase Order Series

The series for the purchase orders to be generated for direct delivery sales orders.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Order Series for Direct Delivery field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.

Purchase Order Type

The purchase order type to be assigned to the generated purchase orders for direct delivery sales orders.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Order Type for Direct Delivery field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.

Return Order Type

The purchase order type to be assigned to the generated purchase return orders for direct delivery sales return orders. With this purchase order type, you indicate that the sold-to business partner returns the goods directly to your buy-from business partner instead of to you.

  • The order type that you select must have the Direct Delivery check box selected and the Return Order list set to Return Inventory in the Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000) session.
  • Before you can use this order type, the Allow Purchase Orders check box must be selected for the return order in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session.

Default value

This field is defaulted from the Return Order Type for Direct Deliveries field in the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.