Cancel Sales Orders (tdsls4201s300)

Use this session to cancel a sales order, sales order line, sales order component line, or sales order delivery line.

You can start this session by clicking Cancel Order, Cancel Line, or Cancel Component in the following sessions:

  • Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000)
  • Sales Order (tdsls4100m900)
  • Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000)
  • Sales Order Line Quantities and Dates (tdsls4101m300)
  • Maintain and Confirm Backorders (tdsls4125m000)
  • Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100)
  • Sales Order Line Components (tdsls4163m000)

The cancel process cannot be reversed and gives the following results:

  • The sales order receives the Canceled status in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) and Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) sessions. When an order is canceled from these sessions, all linked order lines are also canceled.
  • The Canceled check box is selected in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session and the Sales Order Line Components (tdsls4163m000) or Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) sessions. When an order line is canceled from the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order Line Quantities and Dates (tdsls4101m300), or Maintain and Confirm Backorders (tdsls4125m000) sessions, LN also cancels the linked component lines or delivery lines.
  • If a sales order line with component lines cannot be canceled because of existing surplus, you can try to terminate the sales order line and linked component lines in the Terminate Sales Order Line (tdsls4201s400) session.
  • In the current session, you can enter change codes and acknowledgement codes for orders or order lines. They enable you to communicate with your business partner on order changes and the acceptance of order changes by means of codes. However, it is not mandatory to enter these codes.

You cannot cancel a sales order (line) if:

  • The order line is shipped/delivered.
  • Surplus exists for linked sales order component line(s).
  • The order line is invoiced.
  • The order originates from EDI and the Modifying EDI Orders Allowed check box is cleared in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session.
  • The order is created by means of inter company EDI.
  • The order has an inactive sold-to business partner.
  • Linked installments are already invoiced.
  • The Project field is filled and the status of the project is Archived or Closed.
  • The sales order line is created from a schedule line and the schedule line has a status other than Processed or Cancel in Process.
  • You can no longer modify the linked warehousing order.
  • The order line is linked to a line assembly control order and this order is a WIP transfer order. As a result, the sales order is used to supply a line.
Related transactions

When you cancel an order, or an order line, the linked orders or other data must be updated or deleted. As a result, LN performs the following actions:

  • If a freight order is linked, LN deletes the freight order. The freight order number is stored in the Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200) session.
  • Reverses the planned inventory transactions in Warehousing.
  • If a contract is linked to the sales order, LN updates the contract's called quantity.
  • If the functionality of update demand sales/ update lost sales is activated in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session, LN updates the demand sales and lost sales.
  • Writes order history of the type Cancellation to the history files.
  • Updates inventory commitments.
  • If a purchase order advice is generated, LN deletes the purchase order advice. The purchase order advice number is stored in the Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200) session.
  • If purchase orders are linked as a result of direct delivery, LN cancels the linked purchase order lines. If purchase orders are linked as a result of cross-docking, the setting of the Cancel Cross Docking Line(s) check box determines the action LN takes.

    LN can perform one of the following:

    • Only break the link between the purchase order and the sales order line.
    • Cancel the linked purchase order.
  • Rewrites the business partner balance.
  • Deletes the linked outbound-order line. If the outbound order line cannot be deleted because of its status, the line is canceled.
  • Removes the linked transfer order, if needed.
  • Removes the relations by sales order line.
  • If the Product Variant field is filled in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, LN removes the reference from the product variant to the sales order line.
  • Deletes the order line's shipping constraints related set.
  • Deletes order blocking, if needed.



A unique control number assigned to each new customer order, usually during order entry. A sales order number is often used by order promising, master scheduling, cost accounting, invoicing, and so on. For some make-to-order products, a sales order number can also take the place of an end item part number by becoming the control number that is scheduled through the finishing operations.


The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.


The number used to identify in detail the position number of a sales order (delivery) line or a purchase order line (detail).

Cancel Cross-docking Lines(s)

Use this field to define the action LN must take when a purchase order is linked to the sales order line because of cross-docking.

If this check box is selected, LN also cancels the linked purchase order.

If this check box is cleared, LN only breaks the link with the purchase order line, but does not cancel the purchase order.

Cancel Direct Delivery Line(s)

If this check box is selected, and a purchase order is linked to the sales order line because of a direct delivery, LN also cancels the linked purchase order.

Sales Acknowledgment

The sales acknowledgment code for the sales order header.

Change Order Sequence

The change order sequence number for the sales order header.

Change Reason

The change reason code for the sales order header.

Change Type

The change type for the sales order header.


The change must be of the type Cancel Order.

Sales Acknowledgment

The sales acknowledgment code for the sales order line.

Change Order Sequence

The change order sequence number for the sales order line.

Change Reason

The change reason code for the sales order line.

Change Type

The change type for the sales order line.


The change must be of the type Cancel Order Line.


The number of the linked purchase order.


The number used to identify the position of the order line on the sales or purchase order.


The number used to identify in detail the position number of a sales order (delivery) line or a purchase order line (detail).

Purchase Acknowledgment

The purchase order acknowledgment for the purchase order header.

Change Order Sequence

The change order sequence number for the purchase order header.

Change Reason

The change reason code for the purchase order header.

Change Type

The change type for the purchase order header.


The change must be of the type Cancel Order.

Purchase Acknowledgment

The purchase order acknowledgment for the purchase order line.

Change Order Sequence

The change order sequence number for the purchase order line.

Change Reason

The change reason code for the purchase order line.

Change Type

The change type for the purchase order line.


The change must be of the type Cancel Order Line.