Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400)

Use this session to maintain sales order parameters that determine how the sales orders and sales order history operate.

Click Print to print and compare the parameter settings in the Print SLS Parameters (tdsls0400m000) session.


You can only maintain the parameters that are related to sales orders in this session. Use the Initialize Parameters (tcmcs0295m000) session to set the default values of the parameters for the whole package.



A user-defined name that identifies the parameter settings.

Effective Date

The date and time the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid until the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.

Modifying EDI Orders Allowed

If this check box is selected, you can manually modify orders with the origin EDI.


LN cannot create freight orders for sales orders that originate from EDI.

Generate Projects (PCS) from Internal EDI Orders

If this check box is selected, projects received by means of intercompany order exchange are generated in the receiving company. LN only generates the project if this is received in combination with product variant data.

If this check box is cleared, LN does not generate the project code, but prints a list. To generate a project automatically, you must start the Generate (Project PCS) Structure for Sales Orders (tdsls4244m000) session from the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session, or the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.

Confirm Back Orders automatically

If this check box is selected, back orders are automatically confirmed.

Back orders can be automatically confirmed when:

  • Deliveries are reported back from Warehousing and the Shipping Constraint field in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session is None.
  • Deliveries are reported back from Procurement with the Update Sales / Service Order with Delivery Information (tdpur4222m000) session. This applies if the sales order has a linked direct delivery purchase order.
Release Back Orders automatically to Warehousing

If this check box is selected, back orders are released automatically to Warehousing after confirmation.

If this check box is cleared, the order type determines whether the back order is released automatically to Warehousing or must be manually released after confirmation. For more information, refer to Flexible sales order processing.

Convert Purchase Advice automatically to Purchase Order

If this check box is selected, LN automatically converts purchase order advices to purchase orders.

If this check box is cleared, you must manually confirm and transfer purchase order advices to purchase orders in the Confirm Purchase Order Advice (whina3211m000) session and the Transfer Purchase Order Advice (whina3212m000) session.


Purchase order advices are generated in the Generate Purchase Order Advice for Sales Order (tdsls4240m000) session.

Margin Control

If this check box is selected, the margin control functionality is enabled.

LN checks whether the sales price of an item on a sales order line or quotation line differs too much from the target price. You can determine the action to be taken (blocking, signaling, or logging) in the Margin Control Parameters (tdsls0120m000) session. The target price is determined by the Target Price for Margin Control field in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session.


For margin control, the allowed deviation from the target price by upper and lower margins can be defined in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Sales order checks.

Gross Margin Check Headers

If this check box is selected, LN performs gross margin checking on the sales order header.

LN only performs gross margin checking if:

  • The Margin Control check box in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session is selected.
  • The Gross Margin Control check box in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session is selected.

The margin base (target price) is the standard cost of the item, expressed in the reference currency.


For gross margin control on header level, the allowed deviation from the target price by upper and lower margins can be defined in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Sales order checks.

Gross Margin Check Lines

If this check box is selected, LN performs gross margin checking on the sales order line or quotation line.

LN only performs gross margin checking if:

  • The Margin Control check box in the Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400) session is selected.
  • The Gross Margin Control check box in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session is selected.

The margin base (target price) is the standard cost of the item, expressed in the reference currency.


For gross margin control on line level, the allowed deviation from the target price by upper and lower margins can be defined in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Sales order checks.

Check on Actual Sales Quotations

If this check box is selected, and sales quotations for the item and the sold-to business partner exist, LN displays a warning during order input.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts and Sales order checks.

Time-Phased Inventory Check

If this check box is selected, LN performs a time-phased inventory check on the availability of sufficient inventory during the item's order lead time.

LN does not consider the difference between the inventory on hand and the allocations at order entry. Instead, LN considers the difference between the inventory on hand and all planned inventory transactions during the entire order lead-time.


If the CTP Check for Sales check box is selected in the Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session, no time-phased inventory check, but a CTP check is executed for the planned item.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Sales order checks.

Extended Inventory Check

If this check box is selected, an extended check on available inventory for sales order lines and sales order component lines can be performed.

Whether or not this functionality is applicable for a sales order, depends on the setting of the Extended Inventory Check check box in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session. If this check box is selected, a sales order's (component) lines receive an order promising status based on which delivery of the lines can or cannot be promised to the customer.

Extended Kit Handling Implemented

If this check box is selected, extended functionality for the inventory handling of components is implemented, which enables you to handle components by means of component lines.

If you handle components by means of component lines, the following is applicable:

  • Overall visibility is provided on the entire structure of the sales order items and their components.
  • Individual components can be shipped. For each component an outbound order line is created.
  • Individual components can be directly delivered. For each component a purchase order line is created.
  • BOM changes can be processed during the order lead time.
  • Invoices are created for completed sales order line items or for surplus.

If this check box is cleared, limited functionality for the inventory handling of components is implemented. You cannot handle components by means of component lines.

Confirm Component Back Orders automatically

If this check box is selected, back orders for component lines are automatically confirmed.

Back orders can be automatically confirmed when:

  • Deliveries are reported back from Warehousing and if the Shipping Constraint field in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session is None.
  • Deliveries are reported back from Procurement with the Update Sales / Service Order with Delivery Information (tdpur4222m000) session. This applies if the sales order has a linked direct delivery purchase order.
Order Line Price for Returns

This parameter is used to determine the process to invoice kits that are returned.

If this check box is selected, returned kits are invoiced with an invoice quantity equal to the ordered quantity. The default price is the sales order line price.

If the ordered components do not match the received components, the Change Prices and Discounts of Sales Invoice Lines (tdsls4132m000) session is activated (if part of the order procedure) by the application. Consequently, automatic invoicing of the line is prevented and you can change the invoice amount for the main item.

The actual cost of goods sold (COGS) of the invoice line includes the aggregated actual COGS of the received components.

If this check box is cleared, returned kits are invoiced (credited) with the invoice quantity and price set to zero, and an invoice amount that includes the aggregated cost of goods sold of the received components.

The invoice amount is defaulted in the Change Prices and Discounts of Sales Invoice Lines (tdsls4132m000) session in which you can confirm or change the amount.

Zero Surplus Invoice

This parameter is used to determine the process to invoice surplus quantity.

If this check box is selected, a surplus invoice line is created with the quantity, price, and amount set to zero. This invoice line is not sent to the customer.

The actual cost of goods sold (COGS) of the invoice line includes the aggregated actual COGS of the delivered components. The invoice is not printed (sent), but released to Invoicing to post the COGS of the invoice line. A specific invoice scenario and transaction type are used for this purpose.

Note: If you specify an invoice amount other than zero in the Change Prices and Discounts of Sales Invoice Lines (tdsls4132m000) session before releasing the line to Invoicing, the line is handled as a normal invoice line.

If this check box is cleared, a surplus invoice line is created with the quantity and price set to zero, and an invoice amount that includes the aggregated cost of goods sold of the components. The invoice line is sent to the customer.

The invoice amount is defaulted in the Change Prices and Discounts of Sales Invoice Lines (tdsls4132m000) session in which you can confirm or change the amount.

Log Component History

If this check box is selected, history data for sales order component lines is logged.

If this check box is selected, history is written to the Sales Order Line Components History (tdsls4553m000) session. If the Log Actual Order Delivery History check box is also selected in this session, history is also written to the Sales Order Line Component Actual Deliveries History (tdsls4557m000) session.

The following is logged for component lines:

  • Creation of lines
  • Manual changes and modifications due to BOM changes
  • Termination and cancellation of lines
  • Finalization of lines

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Reopen Closed Sales Orders Allowed

If this check box is selected, you can reopen sales orders with the Closed status and update these orders.

When you reopen a Closed sales order, its status changes to Modified. As a result, you can add new order lines and/or you can change the sales order header.


If this check box is selected, the Reopen Closed Sales Order command is available on the appropriate menu of the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session.

Number Group Sales Orders / Sales Schedules
Step Size for Sales Order Lines

The interval between successive sales order lines in a sales order.

Calculate Additional Costs

If this check box is selected, the additional costs functionality is enabled.

First Position Number for Additional Costs Sets

The first position number of an order line that is used for order based additional cost sets. This is the first position number for a sales order line with additional costs.

  • This parameter is only applicable for Header Based additional costs. Sales order lines with Line Based additional costs have regular position numbers.
  • In the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, you cannot enter position numbers that are equal to or greater than the value indicated in the First Position Number for Additional Costs Sets field. In the Sales Additional Cost Set Lines (tdsls0528m000) session, you cannot enter position numbers that are lower than the value indicated in the First Position Number for Additional Costs Sets field.
Recalculation of Additional Costs

You can indicate whether or not additional costs must be recalculated after modification of an order or shipment.

  • No
    The additional costs are not recalculated. You can manually maintain additional costs.
  • Interactive
    LN asks you whether the additional costs must be recalculated. You can still manually maintain the additional costs, but if you let LN recalculate the additional costs, the manual changes can be lost.
  • Automatic
    You cannot maintain the additional costs. The additional cost are automatically recalculated.
  • Order based additional costs
    Additional costs can be recalculated in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session when you approve the order.
  • Shipment based additional costs
    Additional costs can be recalculated in the Shipment (whinh4630m000) session when you freeze or confirm the shipment.

You must define additional costs in a cost set. To define additional cost sets, use the Sales Additional Cost Sets (tdsls0124m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Recalculate additional costs.

Release Additional Cost Lines automatically to Invoicing upon

Specify how additional cost lines are released to Invoicing.


If Line Based additional costs are applicable, the sales additional cost lines always follow the original sales order line. Therefore, if this field is specified as Never, LN still uses the First Delivery method for these sales additional cost lines.

Automatic Approve Shipment based Cost Orders

If this check box is selected, sales shipment cost orders are automatically approved.

If this check box is cleared, sales shipment cost orders must be manually approved.

Target Price for Margin Control

You can determine which price will be used as a target price in margin control.

This field does not apply to gross margin control. For gross margin control, the target price always is the item's standard cost, as recorded in the Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) session, or if an effectivity unit is involved, as recorded in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session.

  • You can only define this field if you have selected the Margin Control check box.
  • If the item is an effectivity unit, upgrade prices are included in the sales price, the suggested retail price, and the selling price. You can view the upgrade prices for a specific effectivity unit in the Effectivity Unit (tcuef0102m000) session.
First Position Number for Promotion Premium

You can define a position number that will be used on sales orders for premiums.

Related topics

Retro-Billing Implemented

If this check box is selected, the retrobilling functionality is available.


If you select this check box, you must save the parameter settings before you can define the Order Type Retrobilling field.

Retro-Billing Cost/Service

If this check box is selected, the price of cost items and service items is influenced during the retrobilling process.

Related topics

Order Type Retrobilling

The default sales order type that is used for new sales orders that are created during the retrobilling process.

Related topics

Number Group Retro-Billing

The default number group for sales orders that are created during the retrobilling process.

Number Group Update
Date for Generating Retrobilled Advice

Specify which date is used for the selection range in the Generate Retrobilled Price Change Advice (tdsls3270d000) session.

To calculate the price change, these dates of the original order or schedule can be used:


The default value is Transaction Date.

Related topics

Block if Credit Limit is Exceeded

If this check box is selected, and the Credit Limit that is specified in the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session is exceeded, the sales order procedure is blocked.

Signal if Credit Limit is Exceeded

If this check box is selected, and the Credit Limit that is specified in the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session is exceeded, a warning message is displayed during the sales order procedure.

Block if Invoice is Overdue

If this check box is selected, and the invoice-to business partner has overdue invoices, the sales order is blocked during the activity that is specified in the Block As of Activity field of the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session.


If this step is not defined in the order type used on the sales order, the order is not blocked.

Signal if Invoice Is Overdue

If this check box is selected, and the invoice-to business partner has overdue invoices, LN displays a warning message during the activity that is specified in the Block As of Activity field of the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session.


If this step is not defined in the order type used on the sales order, the order is not blocked.

Block if Customer is Doubtful

If this check box is selected, the sales order is blocked for an invoice-to business partner that is characterized as Doubtful.

  • You can indicate that a business partner is Doubtful in the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session.
  • The order is blocked during the activity that is specified in the Block As of Activity field of the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session.
Signal if Customer is Doubtful

If this check box is selected, and you create a sales order for an invoice-to business partner that is characterized as Doubtful, LN displays a warning message.


You can indicate that a business partner is Doubtful in the Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000) session.

Block if Inexperienced Operator

If this check box is selected, the sales order is blocked if the user is characterized as an inexperienced operator in the Sales User Profiles (tdsls0139m000) session.

Block if Credit Review Is Overdue

If this check box is selected, the sales order is blocked if the invoice-to business partner's credit review period is overdue.

Related topics

Signal if Credit Review Is Overdue

If this check box is selected, and the invoice-to business partner's credit review period is overdue, LN displays a warning message.

Related topics

Block if ZIP Code Cannot be Found

If this check box is selected, and LN cannot recognize the ship-to business partner 's ZIP code, the sales order is blocked.

Signal if ZIP Code Cannot be Found

If this check box is selected, and a ZIP code cannot be found, LN displays a warning message.

Block if ZIP Code Is Flagged as Doubtful

If this check box is selected, and the ZIP code is characterized as doubtful, the sales order is blocked.

You can indicate that a ZIP code is doubtful in the ZIP Codes/Postal Codes (tccom4136s000) session.

Signal if ZIP Code Is Flagged as Doubtful

If this check box is selected, and the ZIP code is characterized as doubtful in the ZIP Codes/Postal Codes (tccom4136s000) session, LN displays a warning signal.

Pre-Defined Credit Rating Code

The predefined credit rating if the invoice-to business partner has overdue invoices.


You can define and modify credit ratings in the Credit Ratings (tcmcs0164s000) session. You can link credit ratings to an invoice-to business partner in the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session.

Change Customer's Credit Rating

If the invoice-to business partner has overdue invoices, you can indicate whether credit ratings must be changed into a predefined credit rating, as defined in the Pre-Defined Credit Rating Code field.

Related topics

Refuse Blocked Direct Deliveries

If this check box is selected, and the sales order is blocked, LN cannot generate a purchase order for a direct delivery. You must first unblock the sales order.

Allow Inventory Commitment

If this check box is selected, inventory commitment can occur when a sales order line is blocked.


You can only commit an order if blocking is not allowed during the commitment step, which you can define in the Sales Order Types (tdsls0594m000) session.

Acknowledge Blocked Order Lines on Ship Complete Order

When producing a sales order acknowledgment, you can indicate the printing procedure for order lines that are blocked as a result of a ship complete order.

Maximum Holding Days

The maximum number of days that an order can be on hold. This field is used to determine the expected release date for a blocked order (line).

Expected release date = blocking date + Maximum Holding Days. 
Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Doubtful Customer

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because an invoice-to business partner is characterized as Doubtful.


You can use the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session to indicate that a business partner is Doubtful.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Credit Limit

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because an invoice-to business partner exceeded the credit limit.

  • The hold reason category must be Credit Check. You can specify hold reasons in the Hold Reasons (tdsls0190m000) session.
  • You can specify a credit limit for an invoice-to business partner in the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session.
Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Margin Control

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because a sales order line fails a margin control check.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Overdue Invoices

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because an invoice-to business partner has overdue invoices.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Inexperienced Operator

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because the user is characterized as an inexperienced operator in the Sales User Profiles (tdsls0139m000) session.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Overdue Credit Review

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because an invoice-to business partner's credit review is overdue.

Related topics

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Can't Find Zip Code

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because LN cannot recognize a ZIP code.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Doubtful Zip code

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because the Doubtful ZIP Code Indicator check box is selected for the ZIP code in the ZIP Codes/Postal Codes (tccom4136s000) session.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Gross Margin Check

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because the sales order fails the gross margin check on the sales order header or the sales order line.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Item Signal Code

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because it has a linked signal code that indicates block order, or order line.

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - EDI Originating Order

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because they originate from electronic data interchange (EDI).

Pre-Defined Hold Reason - Export Compliance Check

The predefined hold reason for sales orders that are blocked because the sales order fails the export compliance check.

  • This field is available only if the Export Compliance check box is selected in the Global Trade Compliance Parameters (tcgtc0100m000) session.
  • The hold reason category must be Compliance Check.
Pre-Defined Cancellation Reason for Ship/Cancels

The predefined cancellation reason if the Shipping Constraint is Ship Line & Cancel. Note that this reason code determines how the canceled quantity is recorded in LN.

Installments Implemented

If this check box is selected, you can use the installment procedure.

If this check box is cleared, installment-related functionality is not available or displayed in LN.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Disable unused concepts.

Related topics

Goods Acceptance Date Mandatory for Guarantee Installments

If this check box is selected, before guarantee installments can be released to Invoicing, the Goods Acceptance Date must be specified on the sales order header. If this date is specified, a user is given the green light to send the guarantee invoice.

If this check box is cleared, the Goods Acceptance Date can be left empty on the sales order header and is used for information purposes only.

Related topics

Include Additional Costs in Installments

If this check box is selected, installments can include additional costs.

Header Based Installments
Method of Releasing Installment Lines

You can indicate how installment lines are released to Invoicing.

Related topics

Link Installments to Projects

If this check box is selected, installment turnover is displayed by project. All order lines of the same installment are linked to the same project.

If this check box is selected, and a sales order is invoiced through installments, the project on all sales order lines must be the same.


If project pegging is required, a peg must be specified on the sales order lines. If this check box is selected, and a peg must be specified, the project on all sales order lines must be the same, but the element and activity can differ. As a result, invoices for the installments are booked only on project level. When settling the goods invoices with the installments, the turnover on the sales order line includes the project, element, and activity.

If this check box is cleared, you cannot link installments to a project.

Apply Tax to Installments

If this check box is selected, tax is charged on installments. The tax amount charged on installments is deducted from the tax charged on the goods during invoicing.

Use Advance Payment as
Item for Advance Payment Installments

The fictitious item to which all indirect and not closed installments are posted of the Advance Invoice Installment Type. This item must be a cost item, which you can define in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

A fictitious item is required for two reasons:

  • The sales history and sales statistics are entirely item-based. As a result, invoice installments must be linked to an item code in order to be included in the sales history and sales statistics. This enables sales statistics to give insight in the invoiced installment turnover.
  • If the interface between Sales and Invoicing is implemented, the invoiced installment turnover will be posted to the latter. This interface, too, is item-based.

Advance payment installments must be invoiced and paid for by the business partner before goods can be delivered.

Related topics

Item for Normal Installments

The fictitious item to which all indirect and not closed installments are posted of the Normal Installment Type. This item must be a cost item, which you can define in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

A fictitious item is required for two reasons:

  • The sales history and sales statistics are entirely item-based. As a result, invoice installments must be linked to an item code in order to be included in the sales history and sales statistics. This enables sales statistics to give insight in the invoiced installment turnover.
  • If the interface between Sales and Invoicing is implemented, the invoiced installment turnover will be posted to the latter. This interface, too, is item-based.

Normal installments are invoiced before or at the delivery of goods.

Related topics

Item for Guarantee Installments

The fictitious item to which all indirect and not closed installments are posted of the Guarantee Installment Type. This item must be a cost item, which you can define in the Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000) session.

A fictitious item is required for two reasons:

  • The sales history and sales statistics are entirely item-based. As a result, invoice installments must be linked to an item code in order to be included in the sales history and sales statistics. This enables sales statistics to give insight in the invoiced installment turnover.
  • If the interface between Sales and Invoicing is implemented, the invoiced installment turnover will be posted to the latter. This interface, too, is item-based.

Guarantee installments can only be invoiced after all the nonguarantee installments are invoiced and all the goods are delivered.

Related topics

Prompt for Change Codes

If this check box is selected, LN prompts you to enter change code information when you cancel or modify a sales order header in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session, to a sales order line in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session, or to a delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

Change Codes Mandatory

If this check box is selected, it is mandatory to enter change code information on the order line when you add, change, or cancel a sales order line.

This applies to lines that are linked to a sales order with the In Process status.

Automatic Assignment of Change Order Sequence Numbers

If this check box is selected, a change order sequence number is automatically generated when a new sales order is printed or generated by means of EDI, or when a changed sales order is reprinted or regenerated by means of EDI. The sales order header is automatically updated with the latest change order sequence number.

If this check box is cleared, you must manually enter change order sequence numbers, which can be selected on a changed sales order (line).


The change order sequence numbers are available in the Sales Order - Change Order Sequence Numbers (tdsls0153m000) session.

Default Change Reason Code for Add Order Line

The change reason that is defaulted to the sales order (delivery) line when you add a sales order (delivery) line to the sales order.

When you split a delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session, LN defaults this change reason to the Change Reason Lines field of the new delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.


You can overwrite this code in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session and the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

Related topics

Default Change Type for Add Order Line

The change type that is defaulted to the sales order (delivery) line when you add a(n) (delivery) order line to the sales order.

When you split a delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session, LN defaults this change type to the Change Type Lines field of the new delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.


You can overwrite this code in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session and the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

Related topics

Default Change Reason Code for Change Order Line

The change reason that is defaulted to the sales order (delivery) line when you change a sales order (delivery) line, or when a back order is created in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

When you split a delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session, LN defaults this change reason to the Change Reason Lines field of the split delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.


You can overwrite this code in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session and the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

Related topics

Default Change Type for Change Order Line

The change type that is defaulted to the sales order (delivery) line when you change a sales order (delivery) line, or when a back order is created in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

When you split a delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session, LN defaults this change type to the Change Type Lines field of the split delivery line in the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.


You can overwrite this code in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session and the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

Related topics

Default Change Reason Code for Cancel Order Line

The change reason that is defaulted to the sales order (delivery) line when you cancel a sales order (delivery) line.


You can overwrite this code in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session and the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

Default Change Type for Cancel Order Line

The change type that is defaulted to the sales order (delivery) line when you cancel a sales order (delivery) line.


You can overwrite this code in the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session and the Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100) session.

Method of Printing Discount on Order Acknowl.

You can determine how amounts and discounts are printed on order acknowledgments.


The order discount for a sales order is 10%



Gross goods amount           = 300.00 
Order line discount (amount) = 5 + 20 = 25.0 
Order discount (amount)      = 10% of 275.0 = 27.5 
Total discount (amount)      = 52.5 
Net goods amount             = 247.5 
Commitment Lead Time Factor

The commitment date is calculated during inventory commitment. Part of this calculation is the item's commitment lead time. This lead time can be a factor times the item's normal lead time plus a constant. In this field you define the value of the factor in the following formula:

Commitment lead time = factor * order lead time + constant 
Commitment Lead Time Constant (Hours)

The commitment date is calculated during inventory commitment. Part of this calculation is the item's commitment lead time. This lead time can be a factor times the item's normal lead time plus a constant. In this field, you define the value of the constant in the following formula:

Commitment lead time = factor * order lead time + constant
Order Priority Method

You can select the method that is used to determine the order priority.

You have the following options:

  • Simulation
    The priority is calculated based on the values of the fields defined in the simulation code.
  • Delivery Date
    The priority is calculated based on the delivery date.

You can define simulation codes in the Priority Simulations (tdsls4524m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Sales order priority method.

Constant 1 for Back Order Priority

LN uses this parameter to assign a higher priority to back orders. When back orders are confirmed, the priority is changed according to the following formula:

New priority = (old priority / (number of back orders * constant 1))  - constant 2

If constant 1 is zero, the formula is as follows:

New priority = old priority - constant 2 
Constant 2 for Back Order Priority

Use this parameter to assign a higher priority to back orders. When back orders are confirmed, the priority is changed according to the following formula:

New priority = (old priority / (number of back orders * constant 1))  - constant 2

If constant 1 is zero, the formula is as follows:

New priority = old priority - constant 2 
Base Price for Gross Profit Calculation

Specify how the profit percentage is calculated.

Method of Deleting Order Data

The way in which order/schedule data is removed.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Delete order data.

Sales Order Archiving Implemented

If this check box is selected, sales orders can be archived to an archive company.

You can archive sales orders in the Archive and Delete Sales Orders (tdsls4224m000) session, and sales order history in the Archive and Delete Sales Order/Schedule History (tdsls5201m000) session.

Method of Deleting Order History Data

The way in which order/schedule history data is removed.


You can delete order/schedule history data in the Archive and Delete Sales Order/Schedule History (tdsls5201m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Delete history data.

Log Order History

If this check box is selected, history must be logged for sales orders and sales order installments.

Only if this check box is selected, history can be logged in various sales order-related history sessions, such as:

  • Sales Order History (tdsls4550m000)
  • Sales Order Line History (tdsls4551m000)
  • Sales Order Installments History (tdsls4552m000)
  • Sales Order Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls4556m000)
  • In the Sales Order Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls4556m000) session, LN always logs turnover history for processed delivery lines. If the Log Actual Order Delivery History check box is also selected in the current session, history for unprocessed delivery lines is also logged in the Sales Order Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls4556m000) session.
  • Order history is not only used for future analysis, but also for reconciliation, retrobilling, commissions and rebates, and statistics. These processes require both (un)processed sales order actual delivery line history from the Sales Order Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls4556m000) session and sales order line history from the Sales Order Line History (tdsls4551m000) session.
  • To always use the same parameter history setting for a specific sales order, the current parameter setting is defaulted to the Log Order History field in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session at the moment the sales order is created. During the life cycle of the sales order, this field cannot be changed.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Log EDI Order History

If this check box is selected, history must be logged for sales orders and sales order installments that are generated through electronic data interchange (EDI).

Only if this check box is selected, history can be logged in various sales order-related history sessions, such as:

  • Sales Order History (tdsls4550m000)
  • Sales Order Line History (tdsls4551m000)
  • Sales Order Installments History (tdsls4552m000)
  • Sales Order Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls4556m000)

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Start Logging History at

Indicate when you want the order history to be logged.


To always use the same parameter history setting for a specific sales order, the current parameter setting is defaulted to the Start Logging History at field in the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session at the moment the sales order is created. During the life cycle of the sales order, this field cannot be changed.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Level of Intake Logging

Indicate which order history must be logged for intake transactions.


If this parameter is set to Last and you want to:

  • Cumulatively update the commissions and rebates, you need information to counterpost the previous values. Therefore, after a relation is set to Processed in the Sales Order - Relations (tdcms0140m000) or Sales Order Line - Relations (tdcms0141m000) session, all intake transactions will be logged as history records.
  • Update the statistics, you need information to counterpost the previous statistics. Therefore, after the Processed in Statistics check box is selected in the Sales Order Line History (tdsls4551m000) session, all intake transactions will be logged as history records.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Log Actual Order Delivery History

If this check box is selected, in addition to the order turnover history, history for unprocessed delivery lines is also logged in the Sales Order Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls4556m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, only (turnover) history for processed delivery lines is logged in the Sales Order Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls4556m000) session.


Order history is not only used for future analysis, but also for reconciliation, retrobilling, commissions and rebates, and statistics. These processes require both (un)processed sales order actual delivery line history from the Sales Order Actual Delivery Line History (tdsls4556m000) session and sales order line history from the Sales Order Line History (tdsls4551m000) session.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Log history data.

Rush Delivery Terms

Use this field to define the default delivery terms for a rush order.

Related topics

Rush Payment Terms

Use this field to define the default payment terms for a rush order.

Related topics

Availability Type

An indication of the type of activity for which a resource is available. With availability types, you can define multiple sets of working times for a single calendar.

For example, if a work center is available for production on Monday through Friday and available for service activities on Saturdays, you can define two availability types, one for production and one for service activities and link these availability types to the calendar for that work center.


The availability type influences the lead time of a sales (rush) order.

Return Rejection Order Type

The default return order type that is used when you reject delivered goods in the Sales Order Invoice Lines (tdsls4106m100) session and a return order must be generated for the rejected goods.

  • This field is only available if the Customer Approval check box is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0500m000) details session.
  • You can only select return orders of the Return Rejects type.

Related topics

Consignment Invoicing Order Type

The default order type that is used to invoice consigned inventory that is consumed.

Shipment Cost Order Series

The series for sales orders with shipment based additional costs.

Shipment Cost Order Type

The default order type for sales orders with shipment based additional costs.

Search Date for Terms and Conditions

When a sales order or sales schedule is entered, this date is used to search for valid terms and conditions that can be defaulted to the order or schedule.

Allowed values

Search Date Type

Copy Templates
Prompt for Copy Templates

If this check box is selected, copy templates are used in the copy sales order (line) process.


You can copy sales orders and sales order lines in the Copy Sales Order (tdsls4201s000) session.

Related topics

Copy Template for Sales Orders

The default copy template for sales orders that are copied in the Copy Sales Order (tdsls4201s000) session.

Related topics

Copy Template for Sales Return Orders

The default copy template for sales return orders that are copied in the Copy Sales Order (tdsls4201s000) session.

Header value leading for defaulting carrier on order line

If this check box is selected, the carrier on the sales order line is retrieved from the carrier specified on the sales order header.

If this check box is cleared, the carrier on the sales order line is retrieved from these sessions, in order of priority:

  1. Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000)
  2. Items - Sales Business Partner (tdisa0510m000)
  3. Ship-to Business Partner (tccom4111s000)
  4. Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000)

Carrier retrieval occurs when a sales order line is added or updated.

Header value leading for defaulting route on order line

If this check box is selected, the route on the sales order line is retrieved from the route specified on the sales order header.

If this check box is cleared, the route on the sales order line is retrieved from these sessions, in order of priority:

  1. Addresses (tccom4130s000), for the address that is linked to the ship-to business partner
  2. Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000)

Route retrieval occurs when a sales order line is added or updated.