Generate Supply Orders for Subcontracting (tdpur4216m000)

Use this session to generate supply orders or supply schedules, based on which material is shipped from:

For each subcontracting purchase order, you can view the materials and subassemblies that must be supplied to the subcontractor, in the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session.

The materials can be supplied through a sales transfer order, sales transfer schedule, warehouse transfer, purchase supply order, or purchase supply schedule, which you specify in the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session.

  • Transfer supply order/schedule
    If the Supply Type is Warehouse, you can define the type of transfer supply order to be generated in the Transfer Type field.
  • Purchase supply order/schedule
    If the Supply Type is Supplier, the Purchase Schedule in Use check box in the Items (tcibd0501m000) session determines whether a purchase supply order, or a purchase supply schedule must be generated to order the material from the Buy-from Business Partner who next delivers it to the subcontractor.
  • In the Supply Order Number field of the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session, you can view the number of the supply order or schedule that is generated to supply the materials.
  • You must only use this session in the purchase order procedure if the following two conditions are applicable:

    • The Responsible for Supply Planning check box is selected in the Purchase Order Material Supply Lines (tdpur4116m000) session. If the Responsible for Supply Planning check box is cleared, the subcontractor is responsible for obtaining the required materials.
    • The supply system is Order Controlled/Single, which you can define in the Item Data by Warehouse (whwmd2510m000) session.


Print Generated Orders

If this check box is selected, a report is printed listing all the generated orders.

Print Errors

If this check box is selected, and errors occur during the generation process, an error report is printed.

Print to predefined Device

If this check box is selected, the report is printed on your default printer.

If this check box is cleared, the report is printed on an alternative, to be specified printer.