Request for Quotation Parameters (tdpur0100m100)

Use this session to:

  • View historical parameter settings, by double-clicking one of the historical parameter sets.
  • Modify current parameter settings, by double-clicking the set without an effective date that appears at the top of the list.

If you make the required changes and save the new parameter set, ERP performs the following actions:

  • Adds the new set to the history list.
  • Updates the current set (at the top of the list).

By default, the Description field contains the date and time when the previous parameter set was saved.


Effective Date

The date and time the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.

Log RFQ History

If this check box is selected, the request for quotation (RFQ) history is automatically logged.

RFQ History Archiving Implemented

If this check box is selected, RFQ history can be archived to an archive company.

You can archive RFQ history in the Archive and Delete Request for Quotation History (tdpur1204m000) session.

Default Term for Returning RFQ's

The default number of days between the request for quotation date and the return date of the RFQ.

With this number of days, LN calculates the default response date, which you can change in the Requests for Quotation Overview (tdpur1501m000) session.

Number of Extra RFQ Copies

The number of copies to be printed in addition to the original request for quotation (RFQ). The RFQs are printed in the Print Requests for Quotation (tdpur1401m000) session.

Number of Extra Reminder Copies

The number of copies to be printed, in addition to the original request for quotation (RFQ) reminder. The RFQ reminders are printed in the Print RFQ Reminders (tdpur1402m000) session.

Number Group for RFQs

The default number group for all requests for quotation (RFQs).

You can link a series to this number group in the following sessions:

  • Purchase Order Types (tdpur0194m000)
  • Purchase Offices (tdpur0112m000)
  • Purchase User Profiles (tdpur0143m000)
Step Size for RFQs

The interval between successive request for quotation (RFQ) lines in an RFQ.

For example, when you specify 10 in this field, the numbers assigned to successive RFQ lines are 10, 20, 30 and so on.

Check on Actual Purchase Orders

If this check box is selected, LN displays a warning when you enter a request for quotation (RFQ) and a valid purchase order already exists for the item/buy-from business partner combination.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Request for quotation checks.

Check on Actual RFQs

If this check box is selected, LN displays a warning when you enter a request for quotation (RFQ) and a valid RFQ already exists for the item/buy-from business partner combination.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Request for quotation checks.

Check on Actual Contracts

If this check box is selected, LN displays a warning when you enter a request for quotation (RFQ) and a valid purchase contract already exists for the item/buy-from business partner combination.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Request for quotation checks.

Check on Actual Schedules

If this check box is selected, LN displays a warning when you enter a request for quotation (RFQ) and a valid purchase schedule already exists for the item/buy-from business partner combination.

Performance aspects

The setting of this field could affect system performance and database growth. For more information, refer to Request for quotation checks.

Send RFQ to Not approved Buy-from BP

If this check box is selected, you can send RFQs to business partners for which the item-business partner combination is not approved in the Items - Purchase Business Partner (tdipu0110m000) session.

This field is defaulted to the Send RFQ field in the RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000) session.