Commingling purchase orders

You can commingle purchase orders that have the Created status.

To commingle purchase orders, on the appropriate menu of the Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000) or Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) sessions, click Commingle Purchase Orders. Consequently, the Commingle Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m000) session starts in which you can enter your selection range.

Commingling process
Step 1. Header level commingling

When you click Commingle in the Commingle Purchase Orders (tdpur4210m000) session, the purchase order header fields of each purchase order are compared. If the header fields match, LN writes the corresponding lines into one new header. This process is repeated for the next header. If the header fields match, LN copies this header to the previously created header. If the fields do not match, LN creates a new header. This process is repeated for each successive header.

Step 2. Line level commingling

After comparing the order headers, lines are sorted according to purchase order line fields. Lines with, for example, the same Item, Payment, and Payment Terms, are commingled into one line and the original lines are stored as line details. Lines that differ only by their details fields are commingled into the same position, but with a different sequence number, because the linked line data differs for the various lines.

If purchase order lines are project pegged, commingling of purchase order lines is subject to project combination checks. Commingling rules regarding project pegging, which you can specify in Project Pegging under Common, determine if lines with different pegs can be commingled into one purchase order line.

Prices that you specify on the purchase order are overwritten during the commingling process. If a valid price/discount structure is linked to the order line, for the total quantity of the order line's line details, LN derives the price from Pricing. If you have not defined a valid price/discount structure for the order line, LN derives the price from Item Purchase Data.

If you commingle purchase order lines that are linked to a purchase contract, the lines that are linked to the same contract are commingled. LN derives the price for the commingled order line from the contract's active purchase contract price revision. If you have not defined a valid contract price revision, LN derives the price from Item Purchase Data.

Step 3. Approval

After both line and header level commingling is carried out, you must approve the commingled order. Next, LN deletes the original order and the related LN modules are updated with the new order number. Therefore, the status in the linked order line data of those modules is changed to Approved.