RFQs - additional processes

A number of processes do not always occur in the RFQ procedure, but can be used depending on specific situations.

These are the following processes:

  • Copying RFQs
  • Landed costs on RFQs
  • Material prices on RFQs
  • Printing RFQ reminders
  • Printing letters for unsuccessful bidders
  • Project pegging
  • Specifying supplier stage payments
  • Subcontracted items on RFQs
  • Viewing, printing, and deleting RFQ history
Copying RFQs

You can copy an existing RFQ to a new one in the Copy Request for Quotation (tdpur1201s000) session.

Landed costs on RFQs

To have a proper insight in all procurement costs, not only the purchase price, but also landed costs can be linked to an RFQ. These landed costs can be taken into account when comparing the RFQ responses.

Material prices on RFQs

If the Material Pricing in Procurement check box is selected in the Material Price Parameters (tcmpr0100m000) session, after setting up the material pricing master data, LN can retrieve material price information and calculate material prices for a response line.

Linked material price information can be viewed in the Material Price Information (tcmpr1600m000) session.

Printing RFQ reminders

If no response is received from a bidder before the response date, you can send the bidder a reminder, which you can print in the Print RFQ Reminders (tdpur1402m000) session.

Note that to print a reminder in the Print RFQ Reminders (tdpur1402m000) session, the Reminder Status must be Remind in the RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session.

Printing letters for unsuccessful bidders

You can use the Print Letter for Unsuccessful Bidders (tdpur1410m000) session to communicate to bidders that their RFQ response is not accepted.


You can print letters for bidders only if the Thank You for Bidding Letter check box is selected in the RFQ Bidders (tdpur1505m000) session.

Project pegging

Project pegging in Procurement includes the pegging of project costs for purchase requisitions, requests for quotation, and purchase orders. If the item on the requisition, request for quotation or purchase order requires a peg, a peg distribution must be linked to these purchase objects. In a peg distribution, the required quantity of the parent business object is distributed across distribution lines for combinations of project/budget, project element and/or project activity. For example, if a distribution is used to peg the ordered quantity on a purchase order line, the goods are purchased for and the costs are booked to these projects, elements, and activities.

Specifying supplier stage payments

Supplier stage payments enable customers to pay suppliers before or after the ordered goods are actually received for a purchase order. The payments are spread over a period of time and the amounts must be paid to the supplier on specific dates. The purchase order item's invoice flow is separated from its goods flow.

Supplier stage payments can be useful for items with characteristics such as long lead, high value, much engineering, and a fixed price. The stage payments can include the dates and events for which the supplier must complete specific tasks before receipt of any goods, such as providing design documents or test results. On the RFQ response, you can specify the stage payment lines in the Supplier Stage Payments (tdpur5120m000) session, which can be copied to the purchase order line during conversion.

Subcontracted items on RFQs

In case of operation subcontracting, requests for quotation (RFQs) can include subcontracted service items, or Purchased or Manufactured items with linked material supply information. These RFQs can be generated from a purchase requisition with a linked routing operation or production order. Subcontracted services can also be manually specified on an RFQ.

In case of service subcontracting, RFQs can include Cost or Service items, or Purchased or Manufactured items with linked material supply information. These RFQs can be generated from a purchase requisition with a linked work order or service order.

Viewing, printing, and deleting RFQ history

If the Log RFQ History check box is selected in the Request for Quotation Parameters (tdpur0100m100) session, you can review RFQ history information in sessions such as:

  • RFQ History (tdpur1550m000)
  • RFQ Line History (tdpur1551m000)
  • RFQ Bidder History (tdpur1555m000)
  • RFQ Response History (tdpur1556m000)

You can print RFQ history in the Print RFQ History (tdpur1450m000) session.

If historical information is no longer required, you can use the Archive and Delete Request for Quotation History (tdpur1204m000) session to delete the historical data.