Overview of vendor rating

If multiple purchase business partners are available from whom you can purchase raw materials and supplies, you must determine which business partner to use. To make an informed decision, you can use the vendor rating procedure to measure the performance of vendors based on a vendor rating.

Objective criteria and subjective criteria can be used to calculate vendor ratings. The objective criteria are ratings generated by LN and only depend on current data and a weighting factor. The subjective criteria ratings are based on data that you specify. The overall vendor rating is calculated by LN.


Before you can calculate and view vendor ratings, purchase orders must be available and processed.

Setting up vendor ratings

Before you can use the vendor rating procedure, you must specify the following:

  • Vendor rating parameters
  • Objective scoring schemes
  • Subjective criteria
  • Subjective values
  • A classification scheme
Calculating vendor ratings

After orders are processed and questionnaires are compiled, you can run the Update Vendor Rating (tdpur8850m000) session to calculate the vendor ratings.

In the Update Vendor Rating (tdpur8850m000) session, you can do a full update or a net update of the vendor rating.

Deleting vendor ratings

To remove vendor rating data, use the Delete Historical Ratings (tdpur8851m000). LN deletes all vendor rating data for the specified year or the period combination. The result is that all vendor rating data goes back to the same year or the same period combination.