Additional information fields - Sales

This table provides an overview of the tables in Sales to which you can link additional information fields. The table also contains the corresponding sessions in which the additional information fields are displayed:

tdsls400Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000)
  • Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000)
  • Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100)
tdsls308Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000)
tdsls315Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000)
  • Sales Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Schedule (tdsls3116m000)
  • Sales Release Line Details - Pick-up Sheet (tdsls3116m100)
tdsls311Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000)
tdsls307Sales Schedule Lines (tdsls3107m000)
tdsls320Sales Schedule Planned Warehouse Orders (tdsls3520m000)
  • Sales Order History (tdsls4550m000)
  • Sales Schedule History (tdsls3560m000)
  • Sales Order Line History (tdsls4551m000)
  • Sales Order Line History Overview (tdsls4551m200)
  • Sales Schedule Line History (tdsls3561m000)


  • As long as it is allowed to update a sales order, sales release, or sales schedule, you can edit the additional information fields on the order, release, or schedule.
  • Additional information can be available in the Sales Schedule Planned Warehouse Orders (tdsls320) table only if the Use Contracts for Schedules check box is selected in the Sales Schedule Parameters (tdsls0100s500) session.
Transferring additional information

Additional information can be transferred from one table to another table.

The following flows of additional information are supported in Sales:

  • Sales order
  • Material release / Shipping schedule
  • Sequence shipping schedule
  • Pick-up sheets

The additional information from the sales document is transferred to the outbound and shipment documents in Warehousing.

Additional information definition levels

The additional information fields can be retrieved for these additional information definition levels:

  • General
  • Sold-to Business Partner

Before transferring additional information from one document to another, the additional information definitions for the source document table and target document table are verified. Transfer only takes place if additional fields with identical field formats and field names are defined for both tables in the Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000) session. If a Sold-to Business Partner definition is available for the applicable sold-to business partner, this definition is used. Else, the General definition is used. See Additional information definition levels.

Sales order

The additional information is transferred as follows:

  • Header flow
    Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000)-> Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000).
  • Line flow
    Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000)-> ( Sales Order Planned Delivery Lines (tdsls4101m100)) -> Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000).
Material release/ Shipping schedule

The additional information is transferred as follows:

  • Header flow
    Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000)-> Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000)-> Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000).
  • Line flow
    Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000)-> Sales Schedule Lines (tdsls3107m000)-> Sales Schedule Planned Warehouse Orders (tdsls3520m000)-> Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000).
Sequence shipping schedule

The additional information is transferred as follows:

  • Header flow
    Sales Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Schedule (tdsls3116m000)-> Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000)-> Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000).
  • Line flow
    Sales Release Lines - Sequence Shipping Schedule (tdsls3116m000)-> Sales Schedule Lines (tdsls3107m000)-> Sales Schedule Planned Warehouse Orders (tdsls3520m000)-> Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000).
Pick-up sheet

The additional information is transferred as follows:

  • Header flow
    Sales Release Line Details - Pick-up Sheet (tdsls3116m100)-> Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000)-> Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000).
  • Line flow
    Sales Release Line Details - Pick-up Sheet (tdsls3116m100)-> Sales Schedule Lines (tdsls3107m000)-> Sales Schedule Planned Warehouse Orders (tdsls3520m000)-> Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000).