Additional information fields - Procurement

This table provides an overview of the tables in Procurement to which you can link additional information fields. The table also lists the corresponding sessions in which the additional information fields are displayed:

tdpur200Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000)

Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000)

Prepare Conversion Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m100)

tdpur203Purchase Requisition History (tdpur2504m000)
tdpur204Purchase Requisition Line History (tdpur2514m000)
tdpur100Requests for Quotation Overview (tdpur1501m000)
tdpur101 Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000)

RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)

RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m100)

tdpur150RFQ History (tdpur1550m000)
tdpur151RFQ Line History (tdpur1551m000)
tdpur156RFQ Response History (tdpur1556m000)

Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000)

Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900)


Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000)

Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200)

Purchase Order Line (tdpur4601m000)


Purchase Schedule History (tdpur3560m000)

Purchase Order History (tdpur4550m000)


Purchase Schedule Line History (tdpur3561m000)

Purchase Order Line History (tdpur4551m000)


Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000)

Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m100)


Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000)

Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m200)


Purchase Release (tdpur3121m000)

Purchase Release Lines (tdpur3121m100)


Purchase Release Line - Details (tdpur3522m000)

Purchase Release Line - Details by Schedule (tdpur3522m100)


Transferring additional information

Additional information can be transferred from one table to another table.

In Procurement, additional information is supported for these purchase documents and related flows:

  • Purchase requisition
  • Request for quotation (RFQ)
  • Purchase order
  • Purchase schedule

The additional information from the purchase document is transferred to the inbound and receipt documents in Warehousing.

Additional information definition levels

The additional information fields can be retrieved for these additional information definition levels:

  • General
  • Buy-from Business Partner

Before transferring additional information from one document to another, the additional information definitions for the source document table and target document table are compared. Data is transferred only if additional fields with identical field formats and field names are defined for both tables in the Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000) session. If a Buy-from Business Partner definition is available for the applicable buy-from business partner, this definition is used. Else, the General definition is used. See Additional information definition levels.

Purchase requisition

The additional information is transferred as follows:

  • Header flow
    Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000)-> Requests for Quotation Overview (tdpur1501m000)-> Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000)-> Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000).
  • Line flow
    Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000)-> Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000)-> RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)-> Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000)-> Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000).

The generation of an RFQ from a requisition is not mandatory. You can directly convert the requisition to a purchase order.

Request for quotation (RFQ)

The additional information is transferred as follows:

  • Header flow
    Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000)/ Transfer Planned PRP Purchase Orders (tppss6230m000)/ Contracts (tpctm1100m000)-> Requests for Quotation Overview (tdpur1501m000)-> Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000)-> Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000).
  • Line flow
    Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000)/ Transfer Planned PRP Purchase Orders (tppss6230m000)/ Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000)-> Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000)-> RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)-> Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000)-> Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000).
  • An RFQ with additional information can be generated either from a purchase requisition, planned PRP order, or a project contract line.
  • You can also manually create RFQs and RFQ lines and specify the additional information.
Purchase order

The additional information is transferred as follows:

  • Header flow
    Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000)/ Requests for Quotation Overview (tdpur1501m000)/ Transfer Planned PRP Purchase Orders (tppss6230m000)/ Contracts (tpctm1100m000)-> Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000)-> Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000).
  • Line flow
    Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000)/ Request for Quotation Lines (tdpur1502m000)-> RFQ Responses (tdpur1506m000)/ Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000)-> Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000)-> Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000).
  • A purchase order with additional information can be generated either from a purchase requisition, RFQ, planned PRP order, or a project contract line.
  • You can also manually create purchase orders and purchase order lines and specify the additional information.
Purchase (push) schedule

The additional information is transferred as follows:

  • Header flow
    Transfer Planned PRP Purchase Orders (tppss6230m000)-> Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000)-> Purchase Release (tdpur3121m000)-> Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) ( blanket warehousing order).
  • Line flow
    Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000)-> Purchase Release Line - Details (tdpur3522m000).
  • If a purchase document is project pegged, the additional information from the project contract is transferred to the purchase document line. See Additional information for project pegged purchase documents.
  • When a requisition is converted to an RFQ, the additional information for the RFQ response is copied from the requisition line instead of from the RFQ line. This method is used to retrieve additional information fields based on the Buy-from Business Partner definition level instead of the General definition level, which is applicable for RFQ lines. If, after conversion, new bidders or RFQ lines (responses) are added, the additional information is copied from the RFQ line. Consequently, copying additional information from the requisition line is applicable only during conversion of the requisition.
  • To print the differences between the additional information fields of an RFQ response and related RFQ line, a buyer can use the Print Purchase RFQ Response Additional Information Differences (tdpur1426m000) session. If additional information is missing or redundant, a buyer can manually modify the information.