Delete Not-Used Planned Delivery Moments (tdipu0226m000)

Use this session to delete for shipment based schedules and/or receipt based schedules, planned delivery moments that are no longer used.

If you want to delete delivery moments for shipment based purchase schedules, select the Delete Shipment-based Delivery Moments check box. As a result, LN deletes shipment based delivery moments from the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) session.

If you want to delete delivery moments for receipt based purchase schedules, select the Delete Delivery-based Delivery Moments check box. As a result, LN deletes receipt based delivery moments from the Planned Delivery Moments (Receipt Based) (tdipu0126m000) session.

f you click Delete, the following occurs within the selection you made:

  • All planned delivery moments (shipment based and/or receipt based) that fall before the current date are deleted.
  • All planned delivery moments (shipment based and/or receipt based) that are no longer linked to a combination as stored in the Delivery Patterns by Warehouse / BP / Item (tdipu0124m000) session, are deleted.

Because, for lead-time offsetting, Enterprise Planning does not use old delivery moments, it is advisable to run this session regularly.


Delete Shipment-based Delivery Moments

If this check box is selected, planned delivery moments for shipment based purchase schedules are deleted from the Planned Delivery Moments (Shipment Based) (tdipu0125m000) session.

Delete Delivery-based Delivery Moments

If this check box is selected, planned delivery moments for receipt based purchase schedules are deleted from the Planned Delivery Moments (Receipt Based) (tdipu0126m000) session.