Rebate Agreements (tdcms1130m000)

Use this session to view, enter, and maintain rebate agreement grades.


Sold-to Business Partner

Usually a customer's purchase department, the business partner who orders goods or services from your organization, that owns the configurations you maintain, or for whom you perform a project.

The agreement with the sold-to business partner can include the following:

  • Default price and discount agreements
  • Sales order defaults
  • Delivery terms
  • The related ship-to and invoice-to business partner

A shortened term for trade relation. Relation is a collective term for an employee or buy-from business partner that is entitled to a commission, and a sold-to business partner entitled to a rebate. Relations can be grouped in a relation team for the purpose of assigning the same agreement structure.

Child Agreement

If this check box is selected, the agreement is a child agreement. You can only access this field if the Relation field is filled and if the Parent Rebate for Child check box is selected in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000) session.

Agreement Group

A group of relations to which the same commission/rebate agreements are linked.


An endeavour with a special objective to be met within the prescribed time and money limitations and that has been assigned for definition or execution.


The raw materials, subassemblies, finished products, and tools that can be purchased, stored, manufactured, and sold.

An item can also represent a set of items handled as one kit, or which exist in multiple product variants.

You can also define nonphysical items, which are not retained in inventory but can be used to post costs or to invoice services to customers. The examples of nonphysical items:

  • Cost items (for example, electricity)
  • Service items
  • Subcontracting services
  • List items (menus/options)

Related topics

Rebate Group

A set of items that is grouped and then linked to an agreement.

Effective Date

The first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The effective date often includes the effective time.

Expiry Date

The date from which a record or a setting is no longer valid. The expiry date often includes the expiry time.

Grade by Quantity/Amount

This field determines the basis for the grades.


The currency in which the rebate amounts are expressed.

Grade Unit

The unit that determines the grade. A grade unit only applies to agreements defined for items.

Upto Quantity/Amount

This field is used to calculate rebates. If this field is 10 and the next field is 20, the sales person who sells between 11 and 20 items receives the rebate indicated for the Upto Quantity/Amount field 20.

Gross Profit Percentage

The earnings after direct costs of the goods sold are deducted from the sales revenue for a specific period.

By setting a (gross) profit margin to a grade, you can link the rebate of a relation to the profits. When calculating the real profit margin of an order line LN uses the sales price and cost amount of sold goods from the Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000) session.


You can only fill this field if the Linking of Relations On field is Sales Order Line in the Commissions/Rebates Parameters (tdcms0100s000) session.

Rebate Percentage

The percentage applicable for the calculation of rebates for this grade.

Growing Percentage

The percentage that is used to calculate rebates in addition to the normal rebate amount for this grade.

Fixed Amount

A fixed rebate amount for this grade.

A fixed amount can only be specified if no rebate percentage or growing rebate percentage was entered

Maximum Limit

The maximum rebate amount that can be given for an amount or a quantity in this grade.


You can enter an additional text, that can be printed in the Print Commission/Rebate Agreements (tdcms0430m000) session.

Click Text Editor to create, copy, select, or view the text.


Agreement Parameters

Starts the Rebate Agreements (tdcms0135m100) session, in which you can display or modify the parameters associated with the agreement.