Rate Simulator (tcppl0292m100)

Use this session to retrieve cost and sales rates for a user-specified combination of input options.


In addition to the cost and sales rate data, the associated search paths are displayed.


Find Labor Rate by
Get Labor Rate of

Select the labor rate source.

Allowed values

  • Trade Group
  • Employee
  • Labor Rate Code
Trade Group

The trade group, selected from the Trade Groups (tppdm0530m000) session.


The employee code, selected from the Employees - General (tccom0101m000) session.

Labor Rate Code

The code that identifies the labor rate.


The contract number, selected from the Contracts (tpctm1100m000) session.

Contract Line

The contract line.

Business Partner

The code of the business partner, selected from the Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4510m000) session.


The project code, selected from the Projects (tppdm6100m000) session.

Effective Date

The date and time from which the cost rate and the sales rate are valid.

The cost rate and the sales rate of each labor rate are valid from the effective date and time until the expiry date and time.

If you use Data Management, LN enters the data in this field when you approve the change orders in the Change Management module.


The cost rate currency.

Time Unit

The unit of labor in which the cost or sales rate is expressed.

Search Path
Labor Rate Code

The labor rate code for cost or sales.


The contract to which the cost or sales rate applies.

Contract Line

The contract line to which the cost or sales rate applies.

Business Partner

The business partner to which the cost or sales rate applies.


The project to which the cost or sales rate applies.

Effective Date

The date and time from which the cost or sales rate is valid.

Expiry Date

The date and time until which the cost or sales rate is valid.

Labor Cost Rate

The cost rate currency.

Labor Rate

The cost of one unit of labor.


The unit of labor.

The sales rate currency.

The sales price of one unit of labor.