Assigning permissions

You can assign permissions to an employee or an employee group in the Employee Authorization (tcsec1600m000) session.

In the Employee Authorizations (tcsec1500m000) session, select the user to whom the permissions must be assigned. Create a new record to access the Employee Authorization (tcsec1600m000) session

In the Employee Authorization (tcsec1600m000) session:

  • You can assign authorization to an employee or an employee group
  • Specify the ID of the Employee or Employee Group.
  • Specify the Version name.
  • On the Employee Permissions tab, specify the required data.
  • From the Specific menu, select Assign New Rule (tcsec0260m000) to assign the permissions.
Copy employee permissions

You can also assign permissions to an employee or employee groups using the Copy Employee Permissions (tcsec1200m000).

From the Specific menu of the Employee Authorization (tcsec1600m000) session, click Copy Authorizations. The Copy Employee Permissions (tcsec1200m000) session is started.

  • On the Permissions tab:
    • Select the Employee or Employee Group from which permissions must be copied.
    • Set the Effective Period and Version Status Note: You can set the Version Status to Active.
    • Select the Apply the Permissions check box ensure the copied permissions are immediately applied.
    • Select the type of permissions that must be copied such as Project, Procurement, and Requisitions.
    • Select the required options in the Options group box.
  • You can copy the permissions to a range, or select individual employees or employee groups.
    • For a Ranges On the Permissions tab, select the Copy Permissions to option and specify the applicable range.
    • For Individual Employees: On the Employees tab, select the Copy to Individual Employees option and specify the applicable employees.
    • For Individual Employee Groups: On the Employees tab, select the Copy to Individual Groups option and specify the applicable employee groups.
    • If the Apply the Permission check box is not selected when you copy the permissions, you can use the Apply Permissions option in the Employee Authorization (tcsec1600m000) session, to apply the latest permissions later.