Generation of material content

Up-to-date item material content listings are required to perform accurate material pricing calculations. Item material content can be generated or manually specified.

  • Generating item material content using the Generate Item Material Content (tcmpr0220m000) session

    After item structures are generated, for example, for a bill of material (BOM) or a product variant, you can generate the item material content using the Generate Item Material Content (tcmpr0220m000) session. Generation is based on the existing quantities of the standard parts or engineering modules used in the item structure.

    For assembly items, the product variant structure specified in the Product Variants (Assembly) (tiapl3500m000) session is used as the BOM. For job shop items, the Bill of Material (tibom1110m000) session is used for the same purpose.

  • Manually specifying item material content in the Item Material Content (tcmpr0120m000) session

    For items without an item structure, you cannot generate item material content. You must manually specify the material content in the Item Material Content (tcmpr0120m000) session.


You must regularly generate item material quantities for standard items and engineering modules. Quantities must be available for these items before item material content can be generated for other items, such as customized items. In addition, if material content is not generated regularly for standard items and engineering modules, material price calculations are affected.

The material content is calculated based on the lowest level of the item structure after which a material is indexed for the specified item or item range based on levels. The lowest levels of the BOM can include manually specified material quantities. The material quantities at the higher levels are usually generated by LN.

The following formula is used to calculate the material content:

material content = (material quantity of all components * net quantity) / BOM quantity 

Based on the item for which the material content is generated, the material content calculation is determined by:

  • The manually specified item material content of the configurable purchased items, defined for the option list ID or the product variant. Note: If both are defined, the product variant is used.
  • The item material content of the engineering modules.
  • The item material content of the lower level generic items or configurable manufactured items.
Date effective material

A material is date effective for a specific item structure. The results generated depend on the period in which a material is effective, in combination with the date specified in the Effective Date field, (the date for which results are generated). If the material for which results are generated is not active for an item on this specific date, the material is not considered.

Example: Example: Standard items with effectivity units

Item material content generated for list components

If the item material content of a kit item must be determined, the content is based on the items that are linked to the list group and list - kit item combination in the List Components (tcibd3100m000) session.

When generating item material content, LN verifies if the components are effective on the Effective Date specified in the Generate Item Material Content (tcmpr0220m000) session. If all components are effective, the same procedure is applicable as for a bill of material (BOM) item. The lowest level is retrieved and the structure is rolled up to the main item.


A prerequisite for the generation of item material content for assembly planning is that the item material content must already be generated for the standard items that make up the assembly items.

Example: Manually specified material quantities in the item structure

When calculating item material content, manually specified material quantities in the item structure are used differently from the quantities that are aggregated from the lower BOM levels. The quantities generated by aggregating material quantities from the lower levels, are overwritten by the manually specified quantities.

Generation process:


In the bill of material (BOM) structure, all the quantities are 1 (one).

The material quantity for item C is calculated by LN.

The manually specified material quantity for item B is 4 grams. Because the quantity is manually specified, the material content of item B overrules the quantity calculated for item C. Therefore, the material quantity for main item A is 4 grams of material instead of 2 grams, if the manually specified quantity is not present.


The generated item material content data can be viewed and updated in the Item Material Content (tcmpr0120m000) session. For updated or manually specified item material content, the Manual check box is selected. Consequently, the item material content is not overwritten during regeneration. The material content that is manually specified can only be overwritten if the Overwrite Manual and Modified Item Material Content check box is selected in the Generate Item Material Content (tcmpr0220m000) session.

Example: Resolution of inconsistencies

In some scenarios, LN must resolve inconsistencies that are encountered during the indexing.

In this example, manually specified item material content exists at different levels of a bill of material (BOM), for the same main item.


When determining the item material content, LN first determines the lowest level of the BOM or the product variant. The material content is usually manually specified at this level. Manually specified material content can exist at different levels in the BOM.

In this example, manually specified quantities are found for item D and B. Therefore, both items are a starting point for the calculation and are designated as level zero (0).



Items A and C are added as level 1 items because the items are the parents of the items at level zero (0).



When the parents of the level 1 items are resolved, LN identifies an inconsistency if the parent of the level 1 item C is B. LN changes the level of item B from 0 to 2 to resolve this inconsistency. A, being the main item, does not have a parent.



The same inconsistency as on the previous level occurs with the level 2 item. The parent of the level 2 item B is A. To resolve this, LN designates A as a level 3 item.



A does not have parents and therefore the algorithm is complete. All the BOM items are included at the correct level and the material content can be accurately calculated.

Example: Standard items with effectivity units

A standard item with an effectivity unit is different from a customized item. An effectivity unit requires a complete bill of material (BOM) explosion starting with the main item to the lowest levels of the standard items. This is due to the exceptions that can be defined at any level of the BOM, which can lead to a different material count at each level.

In the example, item E is only valid for a specific effectivity unit. In the standard configuration (effectivity unit = 0) item E does not exist. Item material content records are created for items B and A, if an effectivity unit is active that adds item E to the item structure.

If an effectivity unit is not specified, the item material content for the main item is 3 grams in item D. If effectivity unit 23 is active, the item material content becomes 5 due to the addition of the 2 grams that are part of item E, which is only valid for this effectivity unit.

WhiteStandard BOM
GreyException valid for effectivity unit 23