Retrieval of terms and conditions

Terms and conditions regarding the sale, purchase, or transfer of specific goods can be defaulted to an order or schedule from an Active contract or enterprise unit relationship.

Therefore, you must link the defined terms and conditions agreements in the following sessions:

  • Purchase terms and conditions agreements must be linked to a normal purchase contract in the Purchase Contract (tdpur3600m000) or Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000) session.
  • Sales terms and conditions agreements must be linked to a normal sales contract in the Sales Contract (tdsls3600m000) or Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000) session.
  • Internal terms and conditions agreements must be linked to an enterprise unit relationship in the Internal Terms and Conditions Relationships (tcitr2140m000) session.

The terms and conditions agreements can be linked as follows in the previous sessions:

You can link the following to a contract:

  • A terms and conditions agreement and contract lines
  • Only a terms and conditions agreement and no contract lines
  • Only contract lines and no terms and conditions agreement

Therefore, terms and conditions and contract lines are retrieved separately and as follows:

  • Terms and conditions are retrieved based on business partner and search date.
  • Contract lines are retrieved based on search date and/or a number of fields, such as business partner, item, contract office.

The search date is determined as follows:

Terms and conditionsContract lines
Purchase orders/schedulesSales orders/schedulesPurchase ordersSales ordersPurchase schedulesSales schedules
Search Date for Terms and Conditions in Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400)Search Date for Terms and Conditions in Sales Order Parameters (tdsls0100s400)Purchase Price Date Type in Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000)Sales Price Date Type in Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000)Current dateCurrent date


Simulating the retrieval of terms and conditions

Before or after terms and conditions are defaulted to an order or schedule, you can simulate their retrieval and view which terms and conditions are effective in a specific situation.

Initiate the search simulation process from the following sessions:

  • Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000), by clicking Terms and Conditions on the appropriate menu. The terms and conditions are shown based on the order line data.
  • The Terms and Conditions - Searches (tctrm2150m000) session, in which you must enter your own search attributes and Search Date.

The terms and conditions search results are displayed in these sessions:

  • Terms and Conditions - Search Results (tctrm2151m000) for Sales and Purchase agreements.
  • Terms and Conditions - Search Results (tctrm2151m300) for Internal agreements.

You can view the steps carried out by LN to obtain the terms and conditions search results in the Terms and Conditions - Search Results Log (tctrm2151m200) session.

Retrieving sales and purchase terms and conditions

LN completes the following steps:

  1. Determines the sales or purchase contract Active for the corresponding business partner based on the Terms and Conditions Type, sold-to business partner or buy-from business partner, and Search Date.
  2. Reads the Terms and Conditions ID from the found sales or purchase contract.
  3. Determines, for the terms and conditions agreement, the detailed terms and conditions applicable for the business partner based on the search attributes and Search Date.

To retrieve terms and conditions from an Active contract for an order line, the contract need not be linked to the order line. The contract number is only filled on the order line if an active contract line is linked to the order line.

Enterprise Planning can require terms and conditions for a range of data. LN then returns the effective terms and conditions for that period, which can be retrieved from different contracts.

Retrieving internal terms and conditions

LN completes the following steps:

  1. Determines the applicable enterprise unit relationship for the internal business partners based on the From Enterprise Unit, To Enterprise Unit, and Search Date.
  2. Reads the Internal Terms and Conditions ID from the found enterprise unit relationship.
  3. Determines, for the terms and conditions agreement, the detailed terms and conditions applicable for the internal business partners based on the search attributes and Search Date.

If internal terms and conditions are searched for, a from and a to item are used. Therefore, two terms and conditions records can be applicable. The Search Sequence for Item Transfer field in the Terms and Conditions Parameters (tctrm0100m000) session determines which item has the highest priority.

Example: Retrieving terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions are linked to purchase contract AVK000026 for buy-from business partner GWABC.

Terms and Conditions TypePurchase
Terms and Conditions IDPUR000028
Buy-from Business PartnerGWABC


The detailed terms and conditions defined in the various terms and conditions groups for agreement PUR000028 are all effective at the purchase order's search date.

In the Terms and Conditions (tctrm1600m000) session, the following terms and conditions search levels are defined for agreement PUR000028.

Search LevelPriorityAttribute 1Attribute 2OrderPlanningLogisticsInvoicingPegging
110ItemNot ApplicableNoNoNoNoYes
201075.000 S033
201080.000 S034
330Item GroupWarehouseNoYesYesNoNo
GWS S033
001 S050
440Invoice-from BPNot ApplicableNoNoNoYesNo
550Not ApplicableNot ApplicableYesNoNoYesNo


For each search level, the attribute values shown in italics in the table are entered in the Terms and Conditions Search Level (tctrm1610m000) session. Yes and No in the table indicates whether detailed terms and conditions are present for the relevant terms and conditions group.


For purchase terms and conditions, the warehouse is the receiving warehouse. For sales terms and conditions, the warehouse is the delivering warehouse.

In the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session, the following purchase order lines are present:

Purchase Order LineInvoice-from BPItemItem GroupWarehouse


The following terms and conditions are retrieved for the purchase order lines:

Terms and Conditions Retrieved
Purchase order lineOrderPlanningLogisticsInvoicingDemand Pegging
10Search level 5Search level 3Search level 4Search level 1
20Search level 2Search level 3Search level 3Search level 4
30Search level 2Search level 4
40Search level 5Search level 4


To retrieve terms and conditions for an order line, in the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session, select a line and on the appropriate menu, click Terms and Conditions.

  • Order line 10

    Order terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 5. Because no search attributes are defined for search level 5, these terms apply to all search attribute combinations. Order terms and conditions are also defined for search level 2. However, these terms and conditions do not apply to line 10 because item 201060.000 in order line 10 does not match search attribute item 201075.000 or item 201080.000 in level 2.

    Logistics terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 3; this is, because search attribute item group GWS and search attribute warehouse S033 of this level match the item group and the warehouse in order line 10.

    Invoicing terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 4 because search attribute invoice-from business partner GWABC matches the order line's invoice-from business partner.

    Demand pegging terms and conditions are retrieved from level 1 because the item in line 10 matches search level attribute item 201060.000.

  • Order line 20

    Order terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 2 because search attributes item 201075.000 and warehouse S033 match the item and the warehouse in order line 20.

    Planning and Logistics terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 3 because search attribute item group GWS and search attribute warehouse S033 of this level match the item group and warehouse in order line 10.

    Invoicing terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 4 because search attribute invoice-from business partner GWABC matches the order line's invoice-from business partner.

  • Order line 30

    Order terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 2 because search attributes item 201080.000 and warehouse S034 match the item and warehouse in order line 20.

    Invoicing terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 4 because search attribute invoice-from business partner GWABC matches the order line's invoice-from business partner.

  • Order line 40

    Invoicing terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 4 because search attribute invoice-from business partner GWABC matches the order line's invoice-from business partner.

    Order terms and conditions are retrieved from search level 5. Because no search attributes are defined for search level 5, these terms apply to all combinations of search attributes. Order terms and conditions are also defined for search level 2. However, these terms and conditions do not apply to line 40 because the search attributes in level 2 do not match the item and warehouse in line 40.