Generating the intracommunity listing

To generate the intracommunity listing:

Step 1. 

From the appropriate menu in the Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000) session in Financials, start the Sales Listing Data (tfacr1113s000) session to transfer the open invoice data to the sales listing.

Step 2. 

Optionally, use the Sales Listing (tccom7570m000) session to:

  • Display the reported amounts by invoice, date, business partner, and transaction type.
  • Specify or correct invoices that must be included in the sales listing but are not recorded, or are recorded incorrectly, in Invoicing.
  • Select the Subcontracting check box, where this is required.
Step 3. 

Use the Process Intracommunity Listing (tccom7270m000) session to generate the sales listing. You can optionally generate a partial sales listing. You can create:

  • An XML file for automatic transfer
  • A sequential comma-separated file
  • A printed report
Subcontracting indicator

LN cannot set the subcontracting indicator that is required for the sales listing, on the invoices. You must do this yourself in the Sales Listing (tccom7170s000) session.

Generating the next intracommunity listing

You can generate the next intracommunity listing in two ways:

  • In the Process Intracommunity Listing (tccom7270m000) session, clear the Including Processed Lines check box. LN includes only the invoices that have not yet been processed in the sales listing.
  • Specify the declaration period in the Process Intracommunity Listing (tccom7270m000) session to generate the sales listing of a specific period.

    If you specify a period for which you already generated the sales listing, LN automatically generates correction entries for that period. You can only generate corrections for the most recent period for which you generate the sales listing. LN does not retain the sales listing details of older periods.

Updating the sales listing

If applicable, use the Update Deductions in Sales Listing (tctax7200m000) session to update discount, late payment surcharge, or payment differences (subtracted on payment of an invoice) in the sales listing.