Intercompany Trade Order Transaction Line (tcitr3610m000)

Use this session to view and maintain transaction lines.



The company in which the intercompany trade order is created.

The order number of the intercompany trade order.

The position number of the intercompany trade order.

Parent Transaction Line

The position number of the parent transaction line.

Status (Selling)

The status of the selling part of the transaction line. This is the from-part of the intercompany trade relationship.

Status (Buying)

The status of the buying part of the transaction line. This is the to-part of the intercompany trade relationship.


If this check box is selected, the transaction line displays a correction of the intercompany trade price.


The intercompany trade amount of the transaction line. This amount is determined by the amount of the originating order line and the settings of the applicable intercompany trade agreement.

The currency in which the amount is expressed. The currency used for the intercompany trade order is determined by the setting of the Currency Origin field in the Intercompany Trade Agreements (tcitr1100m000) session.



The revenue minus the cost of goods sold of the transaction line.

The currency in which the margin is expressed.

From Quantity

The item quantity.

To Quantity

The item quantity.


The unit in which the item quantity is expressed.

The unit in which the item quantity is expressed.


The aggregated weight of the items.

The weight unit in which the aggregated weight is expressed.

Additional Rate Quantity

A quantity by unit against which you can define freight rates. You can choose from the units defined in Common. Many freight rates are based on distance and weight. Additional quantities/units enable you to define rates that are based on other units, such as volume, or define rates that are based on combinations of distance, weight, and other units.

Example 1

Freight rate by additional quantity/unit:

Additional Rate Quantity: 1 pallet, Distance: 1000 km

Amount byDistance: 10

Example 2

Freight rates by combinations of units by distance/zone:

Weight: 10 kg

Additional Rate Quantity: 1 m³

Break Type: Minimum

Amount byDistance101520
Amount byWeight5510
Amount byAdditional Rate Unit557


In this example, freight rates are based on distance by weight and volume. Shipment SH0001, from Amsterdam to Rotterdam, includes the following details: Distance: 70 km, Weight: 50 kg, Volume: 7 m³

The freight costs for shipment SH0001 are:

 10 * 70 (distance) + 5 * 50 (weight) + 5 * 7 (volume) = 985 

The unit for which an additional rate is specified.


The company of the project for which the transaction line is created.

Transaction Date

The transaction date of the transaction line.

Creation Date

The actual log date of the transaction line.


The project for which the transaction line is created.


element of the project.


The activity of the project.

Shipment Line

The Warehousing shipment line or receipt line for which the transaction line is created.

The position number of the shipment line.

Shipment Reference

Identifies a group of items that are called off at the same time.

Delivery Note

A transport document that provides information on a consignment contained in one truck (or other vehicle) and refers to an order or a set of orders for one consignee at a delivery address. If the truck load contains shipments for various business partners, the load includes more than one delivery note. The information on a delivery note includes the delivery date and address, the customer's name, the contents of the consignment, and so on. In Italy, a delivery note is a legally required document, where it used to be called BAM (Bolla Accompagnamento Merci). Currently it is called DDT (Documento di Trasporto). In Portugal and Spain delivery notes are also used, but there they do not have the same legal status as in Italy.

Financial Company

The financial company of the selling part business object.

Invoice Transaction Type

The transaction type of the invoice.

Invoice Number

The ID number of the invoice.

The invoice line number.

Invoice Date

The date and time the invoice was created.

Posting Transaction Date

The date and time the invoice was posted to Financials.

Posting Transaction Log Date

The date and time the invoice was sent to Financials.

Financial Company

The financial company of the buying-part business object.

Invoice Transaction Type

The transaction type of the invoice.

Invoice Number

The ID number of the invoice.

Invoice Date

The date and time the invoice was created.

Posting Transaction Date

The date and time the invoice was posted to Financials.

Posting Transaction Log Date

The date and time the invoice was posted to Financials.


The company of the selling-part business object.


The type of business object of the selling-part business object.


The ID number of the selling-part business object.


The business object reference of the selling part business object.


Intercompany Trade Order

Starts the intercompany trade order of the transaction line.

Sales Business Object

Starts the sales business object.

Sales Invoice

Starts the Invoice (cisli3605m000) session showing the details of the internal sales invoice.

Purchase Invoice

Starts the Purchase Invoice Inquiry (tfacp2600m100) session showing the details of the internal purchase invoice.

Release to Invoicing

Releases the transaction line to Invoicing. This command is available if the status is Open.

Print Draft Invoices
Post Transactions

Starts the Release to Invoicing (tcitr3210m000) session in which you can post the transaction line to Invoicing. This command is available if the status is Open.


Starts the Intercompany Trade Order Transaction Lines History (tcitr3560m000) session.