Price Rule

  • Price on Date

    The material actual price is retrieved based on one of these dates: Document Date, Actual Transaction Date, Invoice Date, or Specific Date.

    For more information, refer to Price On Date.

  • Price on Related Date

    The material actual price is retrieved based on a date that is derived from another date. This derived-from date is determined as follows: the date outcome of the specified number of time units or periods before or after the Document Date, Actual Transaction Date, or Invoice Date.

    For example: two days after the document date, or one week before the invoice date.

    For more information, refer to Price On Date.

  • Average Price by Period

    The material actual price is retrieved based on an average material actual price for a specific period. This period is determined as follows: the specified number of time units or periods before or after the Document Date, Actual Transaction Date, Invoice Date, or Specific Date.

    For example: two weeks before the actual transaction date.

    To determine the average actual price, all retrieved material actual prices for the period are added together and divided by the number of material actual prices.

    For more information, refer to Price On Date.

  • Average Price by Date Range

    The material actual price is retrieved based on an average material actual price for a period, indicated by a date range.

    To determine the average actual price, all retrieved material actual prices for the date range are added together and divided by the number of material actual prices.

  • Fixed Price

    The material actual price is equal to the material base price. No material price surcharge is calculated, except if you manually change the actual price.