Fixed Amount Level

  • Order Header

    The fixed amount is apportioned to the order lines. This means that the fixed amount is applicable for the entire order, but the amount is distributed across the linked lines.

    The Apportioning Type determines how the fixed header amount is apportioned to the order lines.

  • Order Line

    The whole fixed amount is applied to each line of the order.

  • Shipment Notice

    The fixed amount is apportioned to the shipment notice lines. This means that the fixed amount is applicable for the entire shipment notice, but the amount is distributed across the linked lines.

    The Apportioning Type determines how the fixed shipment notice header amount is apportioned to the shipment notice lines.

  • Receipt Header

    The fixed amount is apportioned to the receipt lines. This means that the fixed amount is applicable for the entire receipt, but the amount is distributed across the linked lines.

    The Apportioning Type determines how the fixed header amount is apportioned to the receipt lines.

  • Receipt Line

    The whole fixed amount is applied to each line of the receipt.