Received Personnel Data (tcbod2110m000)

Use this session to approve or reject received personnel data from an imported SyncPersonnel BOD for further transfer to the Employees (bpmdm0601m000) session. User can compare the details of the newly received personnel data with the existing application employee data.



The employee ID.

Personnel ID

The ID that is generated in the Employees (tccom0501m000) session.

Accounting Entity

The ID is generated in the Employees (tccom0501m000) session.


The employee ID.


This ID is generated in the Employees (tccom0501m000) session.

Personnel Status

The status of the Personnel.

Allowed values

Personnel Status

Row Status

The status of the Personnel row.

Allowed values

Row Status

Previous Processing Status

The previous processing status of the personnel data.

Processing Status

The processing status of the personnel data.

Reject Reason

The reason for rejecting the processing of the personnel data .


The received name of the employee.


This value is defaulted from the Employees (tccom0501m000) session.

Existing Employee Name

The existing name of the employee.

Given Name

The received first name of the employee.

Existing Given Name

The existing first name of the employee.

Middle Name

The received middle name of the employee.

Existing Middle Name

The existing middle name of the employee.

Last Name

The received last name of the employee.

Existing Last Name

The existing last name of the employee.


The received language of the employee.

Existing Language

The existing language of the employee.

Date of Birth

The received date of birth of the employee.

Existing Date of Birth

The existing date of birth of the employee.


The received gender of the employee.

Existing Gender

The existing gender of the employee.

Civil Status

The received marital status of the employee.

Existing Civil Status

The existing marital status of the employee.

Job Title

The received job title of the employee.

Existing Job Title

The existing job title of the employee.

Salary Paid through Payroll

The employee is paid salary through payroll.


If the field is set to Yes, the Employee Type field is set to Internal.

Expenses Paid through Payroll

The expenses of the employee is reimbursed through payroll.


If this field is set to Yes, the Employee Type field is set to Internal.

Employee Type

The received type of the employee.

Allowed values

Employee Type

Existing Employee Type

The existing type of the employee.

Allowed values

Employee Type

First Date of Employment

The received date when the employee started working for the organization.

Existing First Date of Employment

The existing date when the employee started working for the organization.

Last Date of Employment

The received date when the employee finished working for the organization.

Existing Last Date of Employment

The existing date when the employee finished working for the organization.


The received work address code of the employee.

Existing Address

The existing work address code of the employee.

Attention-of Name

The received name of the work address code.

Existing Attention-of Name

The existing name of the work address code.

Address Line 1

The received first part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 1 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Existing Address Line 1

The existing first part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 1 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 2

The received second part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 2 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Existing Address Line 2

The existing second part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 2 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 3

The received third part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 3 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Existing Address Line 3

The existing third part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 3 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 4

The received fourth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 4 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Existing Address Line 4

The existing fourth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 4 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 5

The received fifth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 5 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Existing Address Line 5

The existing fifth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 5 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Address Line 6

The received sixth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 6 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

Existing Address Line 6

The existing sixth part of the address, as defaulted from the Address Line 6 field in the Addresses (tccom4130s000) session.

City Name

The received name of the city.

Existing City Name

The existing name of the city.


The received code of the state or the province.

Existing State/Province

The existing code of the state or the province.


The received country code.

Existing Country

The existing country code.

ZIP Code/Postal Code

The received ZIP/postal code.

If you have already defined an address with the same ZIP/postal code, LN displays a warning message, showing the other address' ZIP/postal code.

If you defined a ZIP code or postal code mask in the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session, LN checks the ZIP code against the mask.

In addition, the ZIP code length must at least be equal to the ZIP Code Base defined for the country in the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session. For example, if the ZIP code base is 3, the ZIP code that you enter must be three or more characters.

Existing ZIP Code/Postal Code

The existing ZIP/postal code.

If you have already defined an address with the same ZIP/postal code, LN displays a warning message, showing the other address' ZIP/postal code.

If you defined a ZIP code or postal code mask in the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session, LN checks the ZIP code against the mask.

In addition, the ZIP code length must at least be equal to the ZIP Code Base defined for the country in the Countries (tcmcs0110s000) session. For example, if the ZIP code base is 3, the ZIP code that you enter must be three or more characters.

Office Phone

The received phone number of the employee at the business address.

Existing Office Phone

The existing phone number of the employee at the business address.

Home Phone

The received phone number of the employee at the home address.

Existing Home Phone

The existing phone number of the employee at the home address.

Mobile Phone

The received mobile number of the employee.

Existing Mobile Phone

The existing mobile number of the employee.


The received international access-number of the country for the fax.

Existing Fax

The existing international access-number of the country for the fax.


The received e-mail address of the employee.

Existing E-mail

The existing e-mail address of the employee.

Messenger Type

The received type of messenger the employee uses.

Electronic Messenger Address

The received messenger ID of the employee for the selected messenger type.

Existing Electronic Messenger Address

The existing messenger ID of the employee for the selected messenger type.

Last BOD Received

The date on which the data is last received through the personnel BOD.

Last Processed

The date on which the data is last processed.


The user who last processed the data.

Last Manual Modification

The date on which the data is last modified manually.


The user who last modified the data manually.


Approve New

Approves personnel data with Processing Status set to Received and for the new personnel records.

Approve Earlier Approved

Approves all received personnel updates of records for which previous updates were Approved.

Reject Earlier Rejected

Rejects all received personnel updates of records for which previous updates were Rejected.

Process Approved

Approves processing of Approved rows.

Remove Not Used

Deletes rows with Processing Status set to Not Applicable.


Approves the Processing Status of the personnel received data.


Rejects the Processing Status of the personnel received data.


Sets the Processing Status of the personnel received data to Processed.


Prints the processed personnel data.