Shipment building in Freight

The following shipment building criteria are present in Freight:

  • Unique Shipment Reference per Shipment
  • Single Shipment Reference per Shipment
  • Single Delivery Point per Shipment
  • Single Order per Load
  • Single Ship-To Code per Load
  • Delivery Point
  • Single Customer Order per Shipment

When the Ship-from Type is not a Warehouse, the delivery point and shipment reference are not available as shipment building criteria.

To create freight orders

When LN creates freight order, the shipment/load building parameters are retrieved from the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session. The freight orders determine the load/shipment building criteria. The shipment/load building parameters are retrieved from the freight order line and used for selecting or creating shipments for the freight order line.

When freight orders originate from modules or packages other than Sales Control or Service, the warehousing order contains the link to the freight order. Therefore, a warehousing order is always present. When the freight order originated from Sales Control or Service, the freight order may have been planned before a warehousing order is created. In this case, LN determines the warehousing order type, and the freight order takes the shipment building criteria from this warehousing order type.

The impact on the load building process

LN plans the loads based on shipment building parameters specified in the Warehousing Order Types (whinh0110m000) session, and the same are passed to the freight order line. The shipment and load building parameters are retrieved from the freight order line and used for selecting or creating shipments for the freight order line. The first step is to find an existing shipment that can be used to ship the goods. When an existing shipment is not found, new shipments or loads are created.