Loads (fmlbd4100m000)

Use this session to view and maintain loads. You can create loads with the Freight load building engine, an external planning engine, or manually. A load is a part of a load plan. You can manually create a load and add shipments to it or remove shipments from it. However, the load status determines whether you can delete or make a change to a load, and if changing is allowed, what changes you can make.


Use the Maps section to view the location of the Start Address and the End Address. You must select only one record at a time.

Print options

On the Print submenu of the File menu, the following print options are available:

  • Loads
    Print load details for selected ranges of load plans and loads.
  • Estimated and Actual Freight Costs

    Print estimated and actual freight costs for selected ranges of the following entities:

    • Loads
    • Shipments
    • Freight order clusters
    • Freight orders
  • Planning
    Print planning data for selected ranges of plans, loads, and various other data ranges.
  • Subcontracting instructions
    Print subcontracting instructions for selected ranges of loads or freight order clusters.
  • Available Inventory for Shipments
    Print the available inventory for shipment lines contained in selected loads.
Menu options

You can access the following options on the appropriate menu of the current session:

  • Shipments
    Access the Shipments (fmlbd3100m000) session.
  • Plans
    Access the Plans (fmlbd0110m000) session.
  • Load / Shipment Tracking
    Access the Load/Shipment Tracking (fmlbd4150m000) session, where you can perform a quick check on the whereabouts of a load or a shipment.
  • Approved Invoices
    Access the Display Invoices related to Load (tfacp2552m200) session to view the invoices related to the selected load.
  • Confirm Delivery / Receipt
    Access the Confirm Delivery / Receipt (fmlbd3252m000) session, where you can change the status of the current shipment to shipped or completed.
  • Close Loads / Freight Order Clusters
    Access the Close Loads / Freight Order Clusters (fmlbd4200m000) session to close loads and/or freight order clusters.
  • Trace Load Plan Changes
    Access the Trace Load Plan Changes (fmlbd4560m000) session to view changes made to loads, shipments, or shipment lines.
  • History
    Access the Load History (fmlbd5502m000) session, where you can view the history records kept for each change that is made to a load. Load history is only kept for Actual loads.
  • Calculate Freight Cost
    Calculate the estimated freight costs of selected loads. This option is disabled if the selected load is manually created and has no shipments.
  • Available Means of Transport
    Access the Print Means of Transport Calendar (fmlbd0460m000) session to print reports of available Means of Transport.
  • Means of Transport Calendar
    View the calendar data of Means of Transport that can be scheduled for the selected load.


Start Address

The code of the (first) loading address of the goods that must be transported. A load can have more than one loading and unloading address. This address is replaced if a new shipment is added that has an address with a earlier start date.

End Address

The last unloading address. A load can have more than one unloading address. This address is replaced if a new shipment is added that has an address with a later end date.

Planned Start Date

The start date of load. This is the load date of the first shipment of the load.

Planned End Date

The (last) unload date of the load. A load can have more than one unloading address, and each address has a different load and/or unload date and time.

Number of Shipments

The number of shipments included in the load.

Number of Shipment Lines

The number of shipment lines included in the load.

Number of Cost Lines

The number of additional cost lines included in the load.

Load Text

Additional information about the load. The text editor is started on the toolbar.

Carrier/LSP Invoice

If this check box is selected, the carrier invoices your organization with transportation costs. To invoice the business partner to compensate for the costs incurred from the carrier invoice, the actual costs are taken from the carrier invoice, which is stored in the Accounts Payable module of Financials.

If this check box is cleared, the carrier does not invoice your organization for transportation costs. To invoice the business partner with the transport costs actually incurred, you can make the estimated costs actual when the final changes to the estimated costs are made on the load. To make the estimated costs actual, on the appropriate menu, select Set Actual Cost--> Final.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The business partner that sends invoices to your organization. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, invoicing method and frequency, information about your organization's credit limit, the terms and method of payment, and the related pay-to business partner.

Open Balance

This field displays the balance of all outstanding freight costs of the Invoice-to Business Partner.

Open Balance

The currency in which the open balance is expressed.

Pay-to Business Partner

The business partner to which you pay invoices. This usually represents a supplier's accounts receivable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the supplier's bank relation, the number of days within which you must pay the invoices, and if the business partner uses a factoring company.

Payment Terms

The payment terms that apply to the current load or freight order. The default value in this field is taken from the Payment Terms of the originating order.

Payment Method

The way in which the payment (purchase invoice) or the direct debit (sales invoice) takes place. The payment method defines details such as, the maximum amount, the type of due date, if foreign currencies are allowed, and which details must be printed on the report.

These details are default values that you can change on the order or invoice as necessary.

Payment Agreement

A schedule for the generation of monthly billing invoices. For example, you can define a closing method to generate two monthly billing invoices during a month: one on the 15th day and one at the end of the month

Purchase Type

A purchase order property that enables you to identify the kind of purchase made and in this way, the kind of payable. This property is used to post the purchase to the correct Accounts Payable account when the invoice is created. To post a purchase invoice, LN retrieves the control account from the purchase type linked to the purchase order line.

Related topics


The currency used to express the freight costs. This is the currency defined for the buy-from business partner of the carrier that transports the current load.

Exchange Rate Type

A way to group currency exchange rates. You can assign different currency exchange rates to different invoice-to business partners and/or to different types of transactions (purchase, sales, and so on).

Rate Determiner

The exchange rate agreed upon by contract with your bank or business partner (in order to avoid a currency loss).

Currency Rate

The factor by which an amount in a different currency is multiplied to calculate the amount in the currency base.

Rate Factor

The rate factor related to the home currency of the company.

Planned Freight Value

The value of the goods that are transported. The value in this field is filled from the aggregated freight value of the shipments of the current load. Shipment freight values are derived from the originating orders of the shipment lines.

Planned Freight Value

The value of the goods that are planned to be transported. The value in this field is filled from the aggregated freight value of the shipments of the current load. Shipment freight values are derived from the originating orders of the shipment lines.

Shipped Freight Value

The value of the goods that are shipped. The value in this field is filled from the aggregated freight value of the shipments of the current load. Shipment freight values are derived from the originating orders of the shipment lines.

Estimated Freight Cost

The estimated freight costs are derived from the carrier agreements maintained in the LN Pricing module, or they can be entered manually. If entered manually, the difference between the manually entered freight costs and the calculated freight costs are displayed in the Manually Added Cost field of the Freight Costs Inquiry (fmfrc0540m000) session.

Actual Freight Cost

The estimated freight costs set to Actual Cost Final for a load or a freight order cluster by the user, or the actual amount invoiced by a carrier to the shipping office to carry out the transportation of particular goods.

Recalculate for Invoice Amount

If this check box is selected, the freight cost amount must be recalculated manually due to partial deliveries or over-deliveries.

Actual Cost Final

If invoicing is based on a carrier invoice, this check box is selected automatically when the invoice from the carrier is matched and approved in Financials for all shipments of the load.

If invoicing is not based on a carrier invoice, this check box is selected if you make the estimated costs actual and final. To make the estimated costs actual and final, on the appropriate menu, select Set Actual Cost--> Final.

Invoicing is based on a carrier invoice if the Carrier/LSP Invoice check box is selected.

Related topics

Planned Weight

The aggregated weight of the goods included in the current load.


The weight unit used to express the aggregated weight of the goods in the current load.

Planned Volume

The aggregated volume of the goods included in the current load.


The unit used to express the aggregated volume.

Planned Floor Space

The aggregated floor space of the goods included in the current load.

Floor Space

The unit used to express the aggregated floor space.

Remaining Weight Capacity

The remaining weight capacity of the transport means group. This is the available capacity - used capacity.

Remaining Volume Capacity

The remaining volume capacity of the transport means group. This is the available capacity - used capacity.

Remaining Floor Space Capacity

The remaining area capacity of the transport means group. This is the available capacity - used capacity.

Weight [%]

The weight capacity percentage that a vehicle of the selected transport means group utilizes to carry the load.

Volume [%]

The volume capacity percentage that a vehicle of the selected transport means group utilizes to carry the load.

Floor Space [%]

The floor space capacity percentage that a vehicle of the selected transport means group utilizes to carry the load.

Shipped Weight

The aggregated weight of the goods included in the current load after the goods are shipped.

Shipped Volume

The aggregated volume of the goods included in the current load after the goods are shipped.

Shipped Floor Space

The aggregated surface area of the goods included in the current load after the goods are shipped.

Remaining Weight Capacity - Shipped

The remaining weight capacity of the transport means group after the goods are shipped. This is the available capacity - used capacity.

Remaining Volume Capacity - Shipped

The remaining volume capacity of the transport means group after the goods are shipped. This is the available capacity - used capacity.

Remaining Surface Area Capacity - Shipped

The remaining surface area capacity of the transport means group after the goods are shipped. This is the available capacity - used capacity.

Utilized Weight Capacity - Shipped

The weight capacity percentage that a vehicle of the selected transport means group utilizes to carry the load after the goods are shipped.

Utilized Volume Capacity - Shipped

The volume capacity percentage that a vehicle of the selected transport means group utilizes to carry the load after the goods are shipped.

Utilized Surface Area Capacity - Shipped

The surface area capacity percentage that a vehicle of the selected transport means group utilizes to carry the load after the goods are shipped.

Delivered Weight

The aggregated weight of the goods included in the current load after the goods are delivered.

Delivered Volume

The aggregated volume of the goods included in the current load after the goods are delivered.

Delivered Floor Space

The aggregated surface area of the goods included in the current load after the goods are delivered.

Available Weight Capacity

The available weight capacity of a vehicle of the selected transport means group.

Available Volume Capacity

The available volume capacity of a vehicle of the selected transport means group.

Available Floor Space Capacity

The available area capacity of a vehicle of the selected transport means group.


The carrier that is to transport the goods included in the current load.


If you manually create a load, the Default Carrier/LSP from the Carriers/LSP by Shipping Office and Planning Group (fmfrc0160m000) session is taken as the default value for this field.

Freight All Kinds

Freight All Kinds is a special freight cost rating agreement with the carrier. If the carrier and the transport requestor agree on rating according to Freight all kinds, the official freight classes of the items will be substituted by the Freight All Kinds agreement. In LN, Freight all kinds is defined as special freight class.

Carrier Tracking Number

The number given by the carrier to identify the load or shipment. The carrier uses this number for tracking purposes.

Carrier Tracking Number Type

The type of the tracking number specific to the carrier used to identify the load or shipment.


This field is enabled only if the Carrier Tracking Number is specified.

Default value is Undefined if the Carrier Tracking Number is specified, otherwise Not Applicable.

You cannot modify this value if the load status is Closed or Ignored, or if a carrier invoice related to the load is matched in the Accounts Payable module of the Financials package.

Tracking Number

The number provided by the transportation providers for the load or shipment. For example, a Master Airway Bill Number. This number is generated by the scanning devices or can be specified manually.


You cannot modify this value if the load status is Closed or Ignored or if a carrier invoice is related to the load is matched in the Accounts Payable module of the Financials package.

Tracking Number Type

The type of the tracking number assigned to the load or shipment by the transport providers, for tracking purpose.


This field is enabled only if the Tracking Number is specified.

Default value is Undefined if the Tracking Number is specified, otherwise Not Applicable.

You cannot modify this value if the load status is Closed or Ignored or if a carrier invoice is related to the load is matched in the Accounts Payable module of the Financials package.

Tracking Number 1

Additional number assigned to the load or shipment by the transportation providers. For example, Master Airway Bill Number. This number is generated by the scanning devices or can be specified manually.

You cannot change the value in this field if the load is Closed, Ignored, or matched to an invoice.

Tracking Number Type 1

The type of tracking number for Tracking Number 1.

You cannot change the value in this field if the load is Closed, Ignored, or matched to an invoice.

Tracking Number 2

Additional number assigned to the load or shipment by the transportation providers. For example, General Cargo Number. This number is generated by the scanning devices or can be specified manually.

You cannot change the value in this field if the load is Closed, Ignored, or matched to an invoice.

Tracking Number Type 2

The type of tracking number for Tracking Number 2.

You cannot change the value in this field if the load is Closed, Ignored, or matched to an invoice.

Authorize Excess Transportation Costs

If this check box is selected, specifying a customer authorization number is allowed if the transportation costs exceed the agreed terms.

After adding the customer authorization number, the Reason and Responsibility fields become available.

Excess Transportation Reason

The reason why the transportation costs exceed the agreed terms.

This field is made blank if the tracking number type is changed from Customer Authorization Number into another tracking number type.

Excess Transportation Responsibility

The party responsible for the excess transportation costs.

This field is set to Not Applicable if the tracking number type is changed from Customer Authorization Number into another tracking number type.

Transport Means Combination

Transport means combination.

If a transport means group is selected in the Transport Means Group field, you cannot select a transport means combination. If a carrier is inserted for the current freight order line, the transport means combination must be attached to this carrier. In the Transport Means Combinations by Carrier/LSP (fmfmd0144m000) session, you can attach transport means combinations to carriers.

You cannot change the transport means combination if the load has any of the following statuses:

  • Ignored
  • Completed
  • Closed

If delivery terms and a transport means combination is filled for the load, and the delivery terms stipulate that transport is to be by ship, the transport category of the transport means combination must be one of the following:

  • Transport by Sea
  • Transport by Inland Waterway
  • Not Applicable
Transport Means Group

The transport means group of the means of transport that is to transport the current load. For the transport means group selected in this field, the Independent Use Allowed check box must be selected. Note that if you select a transport means group, you cannot select a transport means combination. If a transport means combination is selected, you cannot select a transport means group.

Means of Transport

The means of transport that is to transport the load. You can select a Means of Transport that belongs to the transport means group defined for the current load. If no transport means group is selected for the load or if no means of transport is defined for the selected transport means group, this field is disabled.

Transport Type

The transport type of the transport means group. The value in this field is taken from the transport means group or the transport means combination of the current load.

Combination Code

The combination code of the transport means group. The value in this field is taken from the transport means group or the transport means combination of the current load.

Piece Unit

The piece unit for the items contained in the load. If a piece unit is filled for the transport means group or the transport means combination of the current load, the value in this field is taken from the transport means group or the transport means combination.

Planned Distance

The total planned distance covered by the load to travel from the first load address to the last unload address.

Planned Distance

The distance unit used to express the planned distance.

Actual Distance

The total planned distance covered by the load to travel from the first load address to the last unload address. You can enter the actual distance when the carrier has provided you with this information.

Planned Pieces

The aggregated quantity expressed in piece units for the items contained in the load.


The remaining capacity expressed in piece units for the transport means group. This is the available capacity - the used capacity.

Pieces [%]

The piece unit capacity percentage that a vehicle of the selected transport means group utilizes to carry the load.

Shipped Pieces

The aggregated quantity expressed in piece units for the items contained in the load after the goods are shipped.


The remaining capacity expressed in piece units for the transport means group after the goods are shipped. This is the available capacity - the used capacity.


The piece unit capacity percentage that a vehicle of the selected transport means group utilizes to carry the load after shipment has taken place.

Delivered Pieces

The aggregated quantity expressed in piece units for the items contained in the load after the goods have been delivered.


The available piece unit capacity of a vehicle of the selected transport means group.

Planned Travel Time

The planned time required for the load to travel from the ship-from address of the first shipment of the load to the ship-to address of the last shipment of the load. The planned travel time is calculated by adding up the travel times of the shipments of the load. A load can have more than one shipment.

Planned Waiting Time

The total planned waiting time spent at all addresses visited by the load. LN calculates the total planned waiting by adding the waiting times of the addresses of the shipments of the load. The waiting times of the addresses of the shipments are taken from the waiting times defined in the Addresses - Freight Management (fmfmd0110m000) session for the shipment addresses, or from the waiting times defined in the Freight Order Control Parameters (fmfoc0100m000) session.

Planned Visiting Time

The total planned visiting time at all addresses visited by the load. The visiting time is the time spent waiting, loading, and/or unloading at an address. LN calculates the planned visiting time by adding up the visiting times of the addresses of the shipments of the loads. The visiting times of the addresses of the shipments are taken from the waiting times and the loading and/or unloading times defined in the Addresses - Freight Management (fmfmd0110m000) session for the shipment addresses, or from the waiting and loading and/or unloading times defined in the Freight Order Control Parameters (fmfoc0100m000) session.

Actual Start Date

The date and time the load is actually loaded. This information is filled by the user after the actual date and time is known. You can use this information to compare the planned and the actual dates and times.

Actual End Date

The date and time the load is actually unloaded. This information is filled by the user after the actual date and time is known. You can use this information to compare the planned and the actual dates and times.

Actual Travel Time

The actual time required for the load to travel from the ship-from address of the first shipment of the load to the ship-to address of the last shipment of the load. A load can have more than one shipment. You can enter the actual travel time when the carrier has provided you with this information.

Actual Waiting Time

The actual time required for the load to travel from the ship-from address of the first shipment of the load to the ship-to address of the last shipment of the load. A load can have more than one shipment. You can enter the actual travel time when the carrier has provided you with this information.

Actual Visiting Time

The total actual visiting time at all addresses visited by the load. The visiting time is the time spent waiting, loading and/or unloading at an address. You can enter the actual visiting time when the carrier has provided you with this information.


The load plan to which the load belongs.

Reference Load

The reference load is the identification code of the corresponding load in Warehousing. Number groups for loads in Warehousing are different from those used in Freight.


If this check box is selected, the subcontracting instructions are printed for the load. You can print the subcontracting instructions for the load by selecting Subcontracting Instructions on the Print submenu of the File menu.

Ship-to Company

The company for which the ship-to data is defined. For more information, refer to Shipment building in Freight.


Only applicable if the shipments linked to the load all have the same ship-to code and the order type of the orders in the shipment is Single Ship-to Code per Load.

Ship-to Type

ship-to type. For more information, refer to Shipment building in Freight.


Only applicable if the shipments linked to the load all have the same ship-to code and the order type of the orders in the shipment is Single Ship-to Code per Load.

Ship-to Code

ship-to code. For more information, refer to Shipment building in Freight.


Only applicable if the shipments linked to the load all have the same ship-to code and the order type of the orders in the shipment is Single Ship-to Code per Load.

Ship-to Code

The description or name of the code.


If this check box is selected, additional information about the current load is available.

Shipping Office

The shipping office that handles the load.

Planning Group

An entity that is used to group freight order lines into shipments and loads or freight order clusters.

Each freight order line is allocated to a planning group. Freight order lines with different planning groups cannot be in the same shipment, load, or freight order cluster. For example, all goods destined for Belgium are subdivided into planning group Belgium.

From a hierarchical perspective, the planning group is one level below the shipping office. A shipping office has one or more planning groups. Freight orders are grouped into shipping offices, the underlying freight order lines are grouped into the planning groups of the shipping office.

Single Order per Load

If this check box is selected, a load can only contain shipment lines generated for (all warehouse order sets within) one and the same warehouse order. If kit handling is used, the load contains subkits that belong to the same topkit.


LN retrieves the value from the Freight Orders (fmfoc2100m000) session.

Single Ship-To Code per Load

If this check box is selected, LN creates loads that have shipments for only one ship-to code. By default, the check box is clear. For more information, refer to Shipment building in Freight.


LN retrieves the value from the Freight Order Lines (fmfoc2101m000) session.

Single Shipment per Load

If this check box is selected, LN creates loads that have only one shipment. This is to accomplish that one advance shipment notice can be created for each bill of lading. By default, this check box is cleared.

The value of this check box is taken from the Single Shipment per Load check box of the freight order from which the current load is built.

Route Plan

The route plan along which the load travels.

Standard Route

The standard route along which the load travels.


The status of the load.


The first free number of the load. This serves as the load identification.


Log Calculate Freight Cost

Generates a report of the steps that are completed in the freight cost calculation process. The report shows the setup information used to retrieve a rate. The report is displayed at the end of the carrier/LSP selection and costing process. The report shows, for example, why a specific rate is used or why no rate is retrieved at all, why a certain carrier/LSP is selected, and so on.


Use this command to make the estimated freight costs of the load actual and final to indicate that no further changes to the freight cost are expected. If changes occur nevertheless, to undo this setting, on the appropriate menu, select Set Actual Cost--> Not Final. These options are available if the status of the load is Completed and invoicing is not based on a carrier invoice, that is, if the Carrier/LSP Invoice check box for the current load is cleared. For more information, refer to Invoicing methods and The invoicing process.

Not Final

Use this command to undo the Set Actual Cost--> Final setting.

Print Loads

Starts the Print Loads (fmlbd4400m000) session. By default, LN starts this session to print the report.