Freight Costs Inquiry (fmfrc0540m000)

This session provides an overview of the Estimated Freight Cost of a Shipment, Load, or Freight Order Cluster. This depends on whether you accessed this session from the Loads (fmlbd4100m000) session, the Shipments (fmlbd3100m000) session, or the Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3100m000) session.

The estimated freight costs can consist of the following elements, which are displayed in this session:

  • Freight rates from freight rate books defined in Pricing.
  • Additional costs
  • Manual changes

If you access this session from the Freight Order Clusters (fmfoc3100m000) session, the freight cost details of the freight order cluster are shown. If you access this session from the Loads (fmlbd4100m000) session or the Shipments (fmlbd3100m000) session, the freight costs that are displayed are determined by the Rating Level of the shipment or load whose freight costs you are viewing.

Rating level: Load

If the Rating Level is Load and you accessed this session from a Load, the freight costs of the current Load are displayed. If the Rating Level is Load and you accessed this session from a Shipment, the freight costs of the Load to which the current Shipment belongs are displayed.


If the rating level is Shipment and you accessed this session from a Load, a list of the shipments of the Load is displayed. Select a Shipment and click Open Read Only to view the freight costs of the selected Shipment. If the rating level is Shipment and you accessed this session from a Shipment, the freight costs of the Shipment are displayed.


The currency used to express the freight costs in the current session is the currency defined for the buy-from business partner of the carrier selected for the current load, shipment, or freight order cluster.



If the current Rating Level is Load, this field displays the Load for which the current freight cost information is displayed. If the current Rating Level is Shipment, this field displays the Load to which the Shipment belongs for which the current freight cost information is displayed.


The Shipment whose freight cost information is displayed. This field is filled when the Rating Level is Shipment.

Fixed Amount

The Fixed Amount defined in the freight rate book that is used to calculate the current estimated freight costs. The Freight Rate Book Code of the freight rate book that was used to calculate the current estimated freight costs is displayed in the Freight Rate Book Code field in the General tab of this session.

For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book in Pricing can be used to calculate the freight costs. The value in this field is 0.00 if one of the following applies:

  • No freight rate was used.
  • More than one freight rate was used.
  • No fixed amount was defined for the freight rate used to calculate the freight costs.

This does not apply to freight order clusters, because pricing criteria are included in the freight order clustering process. As a result, only one freight rate book can be related to a freight order cluster.

Amount by Distance

The Amount byDistance of the freight rate book used to calculate the current estimated freight costs. The Freight Rate Book Code of the freight rate book that was used to calculate the current estimated freight costs is displayed in the Freight Rate Book Code field in the General tab of this session.

For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book in Pricing can be used to calculate the freight costs. The value in this field is 0.00 if one of the following applies:

  • No freight rate was used.
  • More than one freight rate was used.
  • No fixed amount was defined for the freight rate used to calculate the freight costs.

This does not apply to freight order clusters, because pricing criteria are included in the freight order clustering process. As a result, only one freight rate book can be related to a freight order cluster.

Amount by Weight

The Amount byWeight of the freight rate book used to calculate the current estimated freight costs. The Freight Rate Book Code of the freight rate book that was used to calculate the current estimated freight costs is displayed in the Freight Rate Book Code field in the General tab of this session.

For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book in Pricing can be used to calculate the freight costs. The value in this field is 0.00 if one of the following applies:

  • No freight rate was used.
  • More than one freight rate was used.
  • No amount by weight was defined for the freight rate used to calculate the freight costs.

The aggregated distance on which the current freight cost calculation is based. The aggregated distance is calculated by adding up the distances between the ship-from and ship-to addresses, and, if applicable, any standard route or route plan addresses. These distances are defined in the Distance Table by City (tccom4537m000) session and/or the Distance Table by ZIP Code/Postal Code (tccom4538m000) session.


In the Free Distance field of the Freight Rate Books (tdpcg0116m000) session, you can view the distance for which there is no charge in the Freight Rate Book Code.


The distance unit used to express the distance for which the estimated freight costs are calculated.

Rate Basis Number

The rate basis number used to retrieve the freight rate book that was used to calculate the current freight costs.

Zone Type

The Zone Type on which the freight rate used to calculate the current freight costs is based.

Allowed values

Zone Type


The zone used to calculate the estimated freight costs of the current Shipment, Load or Freight Order Cluster.

Freight Cost

The freight costs based on the freight rate or freight rates retrieved from the relevant freight rate book of the Pricing module. The Freight Rate Book Code of the applicable freight rate book is displayed in the Freight Rate Book Code field in the General tab of this session.

For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book in Pricing can be used to calculate the freight costs. If no freight rate was used, or if more than one freight rate was used, the value in this field is 0.00.

Rating Level

The level for which freight rates are used to calculate freight costs. The rating levels are shipment, load, or freight order cluster. If the rating level is load, the costs are proportionately allocated to shipments. If the rating level is shipment, the costs are aggregated to the load, and if the rating level is freight order cluster, the freight costs are calculated for clusters; no allocation to other entities takes place.

Rating levels are defined in the Shipments (fmlbd3100m000) session. In the Shipments (fmlbd3100m000) session, you can set the rating level for a carrier that is associated to a particular shipping office and planning group. Loads and shipments that are related to this shipping office/planning group combination and carrier, receive the rating level defined for the carrier. When calculating freight costs for a cluster, LN notices that load building has not been carried out, so no loads or shipments are created and therefore LN sets the rating level to Freight Order Cluster.

Estimated Freight Cost

The currency by which the estimated freight costs of the current Shipment or Load are expressed.

For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book in Pricing can be used to calculate the freight costs. If no freight rate was used, or if more than one freight rate was used, and these freight rates have different currencies, this field is empty. This does not apply to freight order clusters, because pricing criteria are included in the freight order clustering process. As a result, only one freight rate book can be related to a freight order cluster.

Freight Rate Source

When a rate is used to calculate the freight costs of a Load, Shipment, or Freight Order Cluster, the freight rate book where the rate is stored is displayed. Freight rate books are maintained in Pricing. If the freight costs were entered manually, the value in this field is Manual.

For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book in Pricing can be used to calculate the freight costs. If no freight rate was used, or if more than one freight rate was used, this field is empty. This does not apply to freight order clusters, because pricing criteria are included in the freight order clustering process. As a result, only one freight rate book can be related to a freight order cluster.

Plan Matrix Definition

When a freight rate is used to calculate the freight costs for a Load, a Shipment or a Freight Order Cluster, the Plan Matrix Definition used to determine the freight rate is displayed. Matrix definitions are stored in Pricing.

For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book of Pricing can be used to calculate the freight costs. If no freight rate was used, or if more than one freight rate was used, this field is empty. This does not apply to freight order clusters, because pricing criteria are included in the freight order clustering process. As a result, only one freight rate book can be related to a freight order cluster.

Freight Rate Book Code

The Freight Rate Book Code of the freight rate book that is used to calculate the current estimated freight costs.

For loads and shipments, freight rates from more than one freight rate book in Pricing can be used to calculate the freight costs. If no freight rate was used, or if more than one freight rate was used, this field is empty. This does not apply to freight order clusters, because pricing criteria are included in the freight order clustering process. As a result, only one freight rate book can be related to a freight order cluster.


The Carrier/LSP whose rates are used to calculate the estimated freight costs of the current Shipment, Load, or Freight Order Cluster.

Estimated Freight Cost

The estimated freight costs of the current Shipment, Load, or Freight Order Cluster.

Additional Costs

The additional costs calculated for the current Load, Shipment, or Freight Order Cluster.

Manually Added Cost

The manually added freight costs of the current Shipment, Load, or Freight Order Cluster. Calculated freight costs can be overwritten by manually entered freight costs.

If the manually entered amount is higher than the calculated freight cost amount, the amount by which the calculated amount is incereased is shown.


Calculated freight cost amount100
Manually entered freight cost amount120
Value displayed in this field20


If the manually entered amount is lower than the calculated freight cost amount, the amount by which the calculated amount is decereased is shown as a negative figure.


Calculated freight cost amount100
Manually entered freight cost amount80
Value displayed in this field-20



The aggregated weight on which the current estimated freight cost calculation is based.


The unit used to express the aggregated weight on which the current freight cost calculation is based.

Amount by Additional Rate Unit

The Amount byAdditional Rate Unit of the freight rate book used to calculate the current estimated freight costs. The Freight Rate Book Code of the freight rate book that was used to calculate the current estimated freight costs is displayed in the Freight Rate Book Code field in the General tab of this session.

To calculate the freight costs for a particular load or shipment, more than one freight rate book can be used to retrieve the amounts from Pricing.

The value in this field is 0.00 if one of the following applies:

  • No freight rate was used.
  • More than one freight rate was used.
  • No amount by additional rate unit was defined for the freight rate used to calculate the freight costs.

Also, more than one additional rate unit can be used to calculate the freight costs. If the additional rate units have the same physical quantity volume, area or length, the additional rate quantity is converted to one unit. In other cases the additional rate quantity is made 0.0 and the additional rate unit is not filled. This does not apply to freight order clusters, because pricing criteria are included in the freight order clustering process. As a result, only one freight rate book can be related to a freight order cluster.

Additional Rate Quantity/Unit

The aggregated additional rate quantity by unit of the current Load, Shipment, or Freight Order Cluster for which the current freight cost calculation is performed.

To calculate the freight costs for a particular load or shipment, more than one additional rate unit can be used to retrieve the amounts from Pricing. If the additional rate units have the same physical quantity volume, area, or length, the additional rate quantity is converted to one unit. In other cases the additional rate quantity is made 0.0 and the additional rate unit is not filled.