Freight Rates Warehouse Shipments (fmfrc0535m000)

Use this session to view the retrieved freight rates for a warehouse load and shipment.


LN retrieves the estimated freight costs from the following entities:

  • The Estimated Freight Costs field in the Loads (whinh4140m000) session.

  • The Estimated Freight Costs field in the Shipments (whinh4130m000) session.



The carrier whose rates are used to calculate the estimated freight costs of the current Shipment Load


The description or name of the code.

Transport Means Group

The transport means group of the vehicle type.

The properties of the transport means group, such as the following, apply to the vehicle type:

  • Average speed
  • Loading capacity
Transport Means Group

The description or name of the code.

Transport Means Combination

A combined means of transport that consists of various vehicle types and/or means of transport which jointly transport a load. If a transport means combination includes more than one means of transport, Freight can perform load building for more than one means of transport per load. Transport means combinations are also used in freight order clustering. A transport means combination shows the combined means of transport that is to transport the goods listed on a freight order cluster.

Transport Means Combination

The description or name of the code.


The calculated transportation costs for the goods listed on the current order or order line.