Forecast to Supplier (cpvmi0102m000)

Use this session to prepare the forecast data that you intend to send to your supplier (or buy-from business partner).



The identification of an overall planning solution.

Each scenario represents one overall planning solution, and involves particular settings for the planning of items and resources. You can use scenarios to analyze and compare various planning options and to find the best planning solution. For example, you can vary demand forecasts or sourcing strategies.

One of the scenarios is the actual scenario, which corresponds with the actual planning situation. You can only transfer planned orders and production plans from the actual scenario to the execution level of LN.

Plan Item

An item with the order system Planned.

The production, distribution, or purchase of these items is planned in Enterprise Planning based on the forecast or the actual demand.

You can plan these items by means of the following:

  • Master-based planning, which is similar to master production scheduling techniques.
  • Order-based planning, which is similar to material-requirements planning techniques.
  • A combination of master-based planning and order-based planning.

Plan items can be one of the following:

  • An actual manufactured or purchased item.
  • A product family.
  • A basic model, that is, a defined product variant of a generic item.

A group of similar plan items or families is called a product family. The items are aggregated to give a more general plan than the one devised for individual items. A code displayed by the item code's cluster segment shows that the plan item is a clustered item that is used for distribution planning.

Buy-from BP

The buy-from business partner for which you prepare the forecast data.


The unit of measure in which the inventory of an item is recorded, such as piece, kilogram, box of 12, or meter.

The inventory unit is also used as the base unit in measure conversions, especially for conversions that concern the order unit and the price unit on a purchase order or a sales order. These conversions always use the inventory unit as the base unit. An inventory unit therefore applies to all item types, also to item types that cannot be kept in stock.

To Send

If this check box is selected, this revision has been approved. Before a revision has been approved you cannot send it to the supplier.

You can only approve a revision if the revision's scenario is the actual scenario.

If you repeat the order planning before you approved a revision, LN overwrites the forecast values.

Changes in the terms and conditions agreement do not affect revisions already approved.

Start Date

The start date of the aggregation period.

The end date and time of the aggregation period is defined as one second before the start date and time of the next aggregation period.

Total Forecast

The total of confirmed forecast and unconfirmed forecast in this period, as communicated to the supplier.

Confirmed Forecast

The confirmed forecast, as communicated to the supplier.

Unconfirmed Forecast

The unconfirmed forecast, as communicated to the supplier

Minimum Inventory

The minimum inventory, as agreed in the applicable terms and definitions.

Maximum Inventory

The maximum inventory, as agreed in the applicable terms and definitions.

Planning Total Forecast

The total of confirmed forecast and unconfirmed forecast in this period, as calculated in the most recent planning run.

Planning Confirmed Forecast

The confirmed forecast in this period, as calculated in the most recent planning run.

Planning Unconfirmed Forecast

The unconfirmed forecast in this period, as calculated in the most recent planning run.


If this check box is selected, a specification is present.

To display the specification, in the appropriate menu, click Specification.


The supply that fills this demand must have been allocated or demand pegged to the reference code displayed in this field.

LN uses this characteristic to find a matching supply for this demand.

LN uses the Reference field to record an internal reference.

If related parts follow different routings, such as if some of the parts are transported to a subcontractor to be returned later, you can use a reference code to keep the parts linked together.


Print Forecast to Supplier

Starts the Print Forecast to Supplier (cpvmi0402m000) session.

Set Approved for Sending

Approves the forecast for transfer to the supplier.

Reset Approved

Cancels the approval to transfer the forecast to the supplier.


Sends the forecast to the supplier.


Displays the selected record's specification.