Print Sourcing Strategy (cprpd7410m000)

Use this session to print a report of the sourcing strategy data for the plan item that correspond to the specified range and the selection criteria that you define for them in this session.



The identification of an overall planning solution.

Each scenario represents one overall planning solution, and involves particular settings for the planning of items and resources. You can use scenarios to analyze and compare various planning options and to find the best planning solution. For example, you can vary demand forecasts or sourcing strategies.

One of the scenarios is the actual scenario, which corresponds with the actual planning situation. You can only transfer planned orders and production plans from the actual scenario to the execution level of LN.


The identification of an overall planning solution.

Each scenario represents one overall planning solution, and involves particular settings for the planning of items and resources. You can use scenarios to analyze and compare various planning options and to find the best planning solution. For example, you can vary demand forecasts or sourcing strategies.

One of the scenarios is the actual scenario, which corresponds with the actual planning situation. You can only transfer planned orders and production plans from the actual scenario to the execution level of LN.

Plan Level

The level within a hierarchical planning structure.

When you plan on a higher plan level, plans are general and less detailed.


Plan level 1 is the highest plan level; the higher the number, the lower the plan level.

Plan Level

The level within a hierarchical planning structure.

When you plan on a higher plan level, plans are general and less detailed.


Plan level 1 is the highest plan level; the higher the number, the lower the plan level.


A group of entities that are not necessarily related to one financial company or logistic company.

In Enterprise Planning, clusters are used for groups of warehouses, connected by supplying relationships.


A group of entities that are not necessarily related to one financial company or logistic company.

In Enterprise Planning, clusters are used for groups of warehouses, connected by supplying relationships.

Item Group

Group of items with similar characteristics. Each item belongs to a particular item group. The item group is used in combination with the item type to set up item defaults.

Item Group

Group of items with similar characteristics. Each item belongs to a particular item group. The item group is used in combination with the item type to set up item defaults.

From Plan Item

An item with the order system Planned.

The production, distribution, or purchase of these items is planned in Enterprise Planning based on the forecast or the actual demand.

You can plan these items by means of the following:

  • Master-based planning, which is similar to master production scheduling techniques.
  • Order-based planning, which is similar to material-requirements planning techniques.
  • A combination of master-based planning and order-based planning.

Plan items can be one of the following:

  • An actual manufactured or purchased item.
  • A product family.
  • A basic model, that is, a defined product variant of a generic item.

A group of similar plan items or families is called a product family. The items are aggregated to give a more general plan than the one devised for individual items. A code displayed by the item code's cluster segment shows that the plan item is a clustered item that is used for distribution planning.

To Plan Item

An item with the order system Planned.

The production, distribution, or purchase of these items is planned in Enterprise Planning based on the forecast or the actual demand.

You can plan these items by means of the following:

  • Master-based planning, which is similar to master production scheduling techniques.
  • Order-based planning, which is similar to material-requirements planning techniques.
  • A combination of master-based planning and order-based planning.

Plan items can be one of the following:

  • An actual manufactured or purchased item.
  • A product family.
  • A basic model, that is, a defined product variant of a generic item.

A group of similar plan items or families is called a product family. The items are aggregated to give a more general plan than the one devised for individual items. A code displayed by the item code's cluster segment shows that the plan item is a clustered item that is used for distribution planning.


Select one of the three possible settings from the pull-down menu to specify the type of report that you want to print for the sourcing strategies.


  • All, to print data of all the sourcing strategies. That is, the sourcing strategies data if LN uses the standard configuration, as well as the data for plan items for which you specified exceptions.
  • Standard, to print a report of the sourcing strategy data if LN uses the standard configuration, that is, you did no specify exceptions.
  • Specific, to print a report of the sourcing strategy data for plan items for which you specified exceptions. In this case, you must specify a range of exceptions in the From Unit and To Unit field.
From Unit

Select an effectivity unit to specify as the first in the range of effectivity units, if you selected Specific in the Configuration field.

To Unit

Select an effectivity unit to specify as the last in the range of effectivity units, if you selected Specific in the Configuration field.



Starts printing.