Check Horizons (cprpd1200m000)

Use this session to update (full) cumulative order lead times, and to compute the minimum length of order horizons and planning horizons in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session for a range of plan items.

The calculations are based on:

  • Cumulative order lead times
  • Synchronization between order horizons at various BOM levels

In the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session, select the Automate Update Horizons check box for the items whose order horizon and planning horizon must be updated.

In the Update Method field, you can choose these update methods:

  • COLT
    Creates a report on the order horizons and planning horizons that are too small, but does not actually update these horizons.
  • COLT + Horizons When Too Small
    Updates the order horizons and planning horizons that are too small
  • COLT + All Horizons
    Updates all order horizons and planning horizons, resetting them to their minimum levels

Regardless of the method you choose, in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session, these COLT values are always updated:

  • COLT
  • Non-Critical COLT
  • Full Cumulative Order Lead Time
  • Full Non-Critical COLT

The COLT calculation also takes into account the values that you specify in the following fields:

  • Additional Lead Time
  • Order Lead-Time Multiplier


From Plan Item

An item with the order system Planned.

The production, distribution, or purchase of these items is planned in Enterprise Planning based on the forecast or the actual demand.

You can plan these items by means of the following:

  • Master-based planning, which is similar to master production scheduling techniques.
  • Order-based planning, which is similar to material-requirements planning techniques.
  • A combination of master-based planning and order-based planning.

Plan items can be one of the following:

  • An actual manufactured or purchased item.
  • A product family.
  • A basic model, that is, a defined product variant of a generic item.

A group of similar plan items or families is called a product family. The items are aggregated to give a more general plan than the one devised for individual items. A code displayed by the item code's cluster segment shows that the plan item is a clustered item that is used for distribution planning.


The employee or department responsible for planning the production, purchase and distribution of items. The planner takes into account the inventory levels, availability of materials, and capacities of resources, and reacts on signals such as rescheduling messages that LN generates.

Additional Lead Time

The extra lead time that is added to the minimum order horizon and minimum planning horizon to determine the actual order horizon and actual planning horizon. Adjustment of the actual horizons depends on the selected Update Method.

Order Lead-Time Multiplier

The multiplier that is applied to the minimum order horizon and minimum planning horizon to determine the actual order horizon and actual planning horizon. Adjustment of the actual horizons depends on the selected Update Method.

Include Parent Items

If this check box is selected, the item selection is extended with the parent items of the items in the selection range (multi-level).


The following restrictions apply:

  • The plan level of the items involved must fall within the selected range of plan levels.
  • LN simulates only parent items with an anonymous order policy. Items with an anonymous order policy have item codes with an empty project segment.
Include Child Items

If this check box is selected, the item selection is extended with the components of the items in the selection range (multi-level).


The following restrictions apply:

  • The plan level of the items involved must fall within the selected range of plan levels.
  • LN simulates only child items with an anonymous order policy. Items with an anonymous order policy have item codes with an empty project segment.
Print Warnings

If this check box is selected, besides the standard error report, a warning report is generated.

The warning report contains warnings for parent items included in the selected range of plan items for which LN was unable to check the horizons, because their phase number is lower than that of the child item.

Update Method

Select one of the update methods from the pull-down menu.

Regardless of the method you choose, in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session, these COLT values are always updated:

  • COLT
  • Non-Critical COLT
  • Full Cumulative Order Lead Time
  • Full Non-Critical COLT

In the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session, you must select the Automate Update Horizons check box for the items for which you want LN to update the order horizon and the planning horizon.

The difference between the three update methods is:

  • COLT
    Creates a report on the order horizons and planning horizons that are too small, but does not actually update these horizons.
  • COLT + Horizons When Too Small
    Updates the order horizons and planning horizons that are too small.
  • COLT + All Horizons
    Updates all order horizons and planning horizons, resetting them to their minimum levels.

Allowed values

Possible values