Item Master Plan (cprmp2101m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the plan item's item master plan.

You have the following options to do this:

  • Edit: select this option to have a more detailed overview of the item master plan and to manually change several values.
  • Overview: select this option to have a concise summary of demand, supply, and projected inventory.
  • Demand: select this option to see how demand for the plan item is built up.
  • Supply: select this option to review the supply data for the plan item.
  • ATP: select this option to review the ATP-related data.

Use the commands on the appropriate menu to zoom to various sessions. Use these sessions to further analyze aspects of the master plan data, or to recompute (update) the master plan.

Click Change Company on the appropriate menu to zoom to the Change Company (cpcom1200s000) session where you can directly switch to a different logistical company.


The Update command on the appropriate menu performs a standard master plan update for the current item, and updates the goods flow data. For a more configurable simulation you can use the Generate Master Planning (cprmp1202m000) session.

If you specify a Scenario Finish Date for your scenario that does not match the end of the last plan period, the length of this last plan period is not equal to the plan period length you defined in the Scenario - Periods (cprpd4120m000) session. This leads to disproportionate planning values when you roll the scenario in the Initialize, Roll, and Update Scenario (cprpd4200m000) session.

Set the Refresh Rate field in the Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000) session to zero if you do not want LN to refresh the master plan screen automatically. If LN must refresh the screen, set the refresh rate to a high value (60 seconds or more) to prevent the window from appearing every 10 seconds, which slows down performance considerably.



The scenario for which LN displays the item master plan for the specified plan item.

If the scenario's plan status is Closed, you can no longer modify the data that is related to this scenario.

Plan Item

The plan item for which LN displays the item master plan.

Time Fence

The date to which the time fence extends.

You can specify the item's time fence in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Forecast Time Fence

The date to which the forecast time fence extends.

You can define the item's forecast time fence in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

CTP Horizon

The date to which the ATP/CTP horizon extends.

You can define the item's CTP horizon in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Inventory on Hand

The quantity of the plan item that is available as inventory on hand.

On Hand

The inventory unit in which LN measures the inventory on hand.

Order Horizon

The date to which the order horizon extends.

You can define the item's order horizon in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Use the Check Horizons (cprpd1200m000) session to let LN compute the minimum length of the order horizon.

Planning Horizon

The date to which the planning horizon extends.

You can define the planning horizon for each plan item in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

Use the Check Horizons (cprpd1200m000) session to let LN compute the minimum length of the planning horizon.


The ID of the planner responsible for the item.

You can define the planner for each plan item in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.


The number of the plan period.


The date on which the period ends.

The date definition depends on the period definition that you select in the Period Type field in the Scenario - Periods (cprpd4120m000) session.

Demand Forecast

The demand forecast for the specified plan item.

This field can be filled in four ways:

  • You can manually enter a forecast quantity or modify the generated forecast data.
  • LN calculates the demand forecast based on historical demand data if you use the Generate Demand and Inventory Plan (cpdsp1210m000) session.
  • You can copy the demand forecast from the sales budgets that you define in Sales with the Copy Sales Budget to Demand Forecast (cpdsp1280m000) session.
  • You can fill the demand forecast field from an external forecast application, such as a spreadsheet.
Extra Demand

The extra demand for the specified plan item.

This field can be filled in the following ways:

  • You can manually enter a quantity or modify the quantity that LN creates.
  • When you create the demand plan with the Generate Demand and Inventory Plan (cpdsp1210m000) session, and you select the Generate Demand Plan check box and the Generate to Extra Demand check box.

After a you generated the item master plan, you can delete the extra demand, copy it to Extra Demand field, or add it to the Demand Forecast field.

Special Demand

The special demand for the specified plan item.

You can manually create special demand in the Special Demand by Item (cpdsp2100m000) session.

This field also contains the forecast for assembly parts.

Nonconsumed Forecast

The nonconsumed demand forecast of the specified plan item.

To compute the nonconsumed demand forecast, LN takes into account the demand plan of the item, which consists of the following fields:

  • Demand Forecast.
  • Extra Demand.
  • Special Demand.

The total quantity of the demand plan gradually decreases as it is deduced by the consumed demand forecast, which consists of the following fields in the item master plan:

  • Customer Orders.
  • Customer Deliveries.
  • Dependent Scheduled Dem. (*).
  • Dependent Distribution Demand (*).
  • Dependent Material Demand (*).
  • Internal Deliveries.
  • Distribution Deliveries.

(*): The dependent demand only consumes the quantity of the demand plan, if you selected the Dependent Demand Forecast check box in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session.

The formula to calculate the nonconsumed demand forecast is:

 Demand Forecast +
			 Extra Demand + Special Demand - Consumed Demand Forecast 
Independent Demand

The demand that is not related to the demand for other plan items.

An example of independent demand is the demand for finished goods.

Dependent Demand

The part of the item's demand that is dependent demand.

LN generates dependent demand during a planning run (the Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000) session or the Generate Master Planning (cprmp1202m000) session). The requirements for dependent demand are then exploded via the bill of material of the main item, and, for each component, end up as dependent demand in the item master plan of the component.

The dependent demand is equal to the sum of the following fields:

  • Dependent Material Demand
  • Dependent Scheduled Demand
  • Dependent Distribution Demand

In the current LN version, you must specify a warehouse on the BCM line in the Bill of Critical Materials (cprpd3120m000) session, to guarantee that dependent demand explosions for a plan item are allocated to the correct warehouse and plan item.

Customer Orders

The customer orders for the specified plan item.

The value of this field is based on sales-order data and sales-schedule data from Sales (provided through Warehousing). It consists of:

Production Plan

The quantity of the production plan for the specified plan item.

When you run a master-plan simulation, LN generates a production plan if the following conditions are met:

  • According to the sourcing settings, a certain item volume must be supplied through production.
  • The Production Plan field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session reads Generate or Always Update.

In the current session, you can also manually enter or modify the production plan.

Production Orders
Distribution Orders

The total order quantity of planned distribution orders and scheduled distribution receipts that fall in one plan period.


Planned receipts from other sites or from other locations within the same site always take the form of planned distribution orders. In master planning, planned distribution orders serve as a distribution plan.

Purchase Plan

The quantity of the purchase plan for the specified plan item.

When you run a master-plan simulation, LN generates a purchase plan if the following conditions are met:

  • According to the sourcing settings, a certain item volume must be supplied through purchase.
  • The Purchase Plan field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) session reads Generate or Always Update.

In the current session, you can also manually enter or modify the purchase plan.

Purchase Orders

The total order quantity of planned purchase orders and scheduled purchase receipts that fall in one plan period.

Projected Inventory

The projected inventory quantity for the specified plan item.

Inventory Plan

The quantity of the inventory plan for the specified plan item.

You can generate inventory plans in two ways:

  • Use the Generate Demand and Inventory Plan (cpdsp1210m000) session to let LN generate it.
  • Manually modify an inventory plan in this session.

In the Inventory Plan field in the Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) sessions, you can select the update mode for the inventory plan. If it reads Generate or Always Update, LN maintains this field automatically.

Total Production

The total quantity planned to be supplied by production.

The value of this field is equal to the sum of the following:

Total Purchase

The total volume planned to be supplied by purchase.

The value of this field is equal to the sum of the following:

  • The purchase plan
  • The planned purchase orders
  • The scheduled purchase receipts
Actual Assembly Part Demand

The assembly part demand that is delivered.

Unconfirmed Customer Orders

This field represents the unconfirmed requirements from the sales schedules in Sales. These requirements belong to schedule segments of a forecast requirement type.


In the current session, the unconfirmed customer orders are included in the value of the Customer Orders field. This means that for consuming demand forecast, LN considers unconfirmed customer orders as actual demand.

Dependent Scheduled Demand

The dependent scheduled demand quantity for the specified plan item.

Dependent Material Demand

The dependent material demand quantity for the specified plan item.

Dependent Distribution Demand

The dependent distribution demand quantity for the specified plan item.

The dependent distribution demand is derived from:

Related topics

Assembly Part Demand

Demand that originates from line assembly configuration (LAC).

LAC is an assembly line planner that calculates the requirements for assembly parts that need to be supplied to the assembly line. The planning of the assembly parts themselves is carried out by Enterprise Planning.

The Assembly Part Demand (cprrp0115m000) session gives an overview of the demand for assembly parts generated by LAC.

Total Deliveries

The quantity of the plan item that has already been delivered.

The value of this field is equal to the sum of the following fields:

  • Customer Deliveries
  • Internal Deliveries
  • Distribution Deliveries
Total Receipts

The total planned supply that must still be received.

The total planned supply is equal to the sum of the following fields in the item master plan:

  • Production Plan.
  • Planned Production Orders.
  • Scheduled Production Receipts.
  • Purchase Plan.
  • Planned Purchase Orders.
  • Scheduled Purchase Receipts.
  • Planned Distribution Orders.
  • Scheduled Distribution Receipts.
Period Finish Date

The plan period's end date.


The displayed scenario is the actual scenario.

Planned Production Orders

The total order quantity of the planned production orders that belong to one plan period.

You can generate planned production orders by running one of the following sessions:

  • Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000)
  • Generate Order Planning (Item) (cprrp1220m000)
  • Convert Master Plan to Planned Orders (cprmp2240m000)
Scheduled Production Receipts

The item quantity in the scheduled production receipts.

Planned Distribution Orders

The total quantity of the planned distribution orders that belong to one plan period.

Within the order horizon, you can generate planned distribution orders by running one of the following sessions:

  • Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000)
  • Generate Order Planning (Item) (cprrp1220m000)

Within the master-planning horizon, you can generate planned distribution orders by running one of the following sessions:

  • Generate Master Planning (cprmp1202m000)
  • Generate Master Planning (Item) (cprmp1203m000)

Within the master-planning horizon, planned distribution orders serve as a distribution plan.

Scheduled Distribution Receipts

The item quantity in the scheduled distribution receipts.

This quantity concerns warehouse transfer orders, up to the receipt of the order quantity in the warehouse.

Planned Purchase Orders

The total order quantity of the planned purchase orders that belong to one plan period.

You can generate planned purchase orders by running one of the following sessions:

  • Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000)
  • Generate Order Planning (Item) (cprrp1220m000)
Scheduled Purchase Receipts

The item quantity of the scheduled purchase receipts.

Actual Receipts

The item quantity of the actual receipts from actual orders.

Customer Deliveries

The item quantity of the customer deliveries.

Internal Deliveries

The item quantity of the internal deliveries.

This quantity is connected to deliveries to other logistic companies via a sales/purchase relationship.

Distribution Deliveries
CTP Reservations
CTP Reservation Receipts

The item quantity that is planned to be produced based on a component CTP reservation.

Cumulative ATP

The item quantity of the cumulative ATP.

The formula to calculate the cumulative ATP for period t is:

 ATP +	 cumulative	 ATP (t-1) 



Reads all item data, goods-flow data and explodes all plans again.

View General Item Details

Starts the Items (tcibd0501m000) session.

View Item Ordering Details