Create Order Group for Planned Orders (cppat3250m000)

Use this session to group planned production orders in an order group.


Planned Order Group Series

The series from which the order-group number is taken.

Allowed values

Choose a series from the number group that is specified in the Number Group for Order Grouping field in the Production Order Parameters (tisfc0100s000) session.

Enterprise Planning uses the first free number from this series.

Actual Scenario

The scenario that contains the operational master plan or order plan, as opposed to scenarios used only for simulation, that is, what-if analysis.

The actual scenario is the only scenario from which you can transfer planned orders to the execution level.


You can only create planned-order groups in the actual scenario.

Automatic Update

If this check box is selected, you can update the order group to include the planned orders that currently match the order group criteria.

Order Status

The range of order statuses that LN must use to select planned production orders.

Start Date

The range of start dates you want to use as a selection criterion.

Finish Date

The range of finish dates that you want to use as a selection criterion.


The range of warehouses that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for the order group. This criterion applies to the value of the Destination Warehouse field in the Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000) session.

Task (Current)

Specify the first of a range of tasks that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for the order group.

For every order, LN checks whether the corresponding operations consist of tasks that are included in the task selection range you must specify here. If this is not the case, LN does not include the order in the order group.

Task (Current)

Specify the last of a range of tasks that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for the order group.

For every order, LN checks whether the corresponding operations consist of tasks that are included in the task selection range you must specify here. If this is not the case, LN does not include the order in the order group.

Work Center (Current)

Specify the first of a range of work centers that LN must use to select planned production order for the order group.

For every order, LN checks whether the work center linked to each operation carried out to produce the concerned item, is included in the work center range you must specify here. If this is not the case, LN does not include the order in the order group.

Work Center (Current)

Specify the last of a range of work centers that LN must use to select planned production order for the order group.

For every order, LN checks whether the work center linked to each operation carried out to produce the concerned item, is included in the work center range you must specify here. If this is not the case, LN does not include the order in the order group.


Specify the first of a range of machines that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for an order group.

For every order, LN checks whether the machines linked to each operation carried out to produce the concerned item, are included in the machine selection range you must specify here. If this is not the case, LN does not include the order in the order group.


Specify the last of a range of machines that LN must use to select planned production orders for an order group.

For every order, LN checks whether the machines linked to each operation carried out to produce the concerned item, are included in the machine selection range you must specify here. If this is not the case, LN does not include the order in the order group.

Routing Group

Specify the first of a range of routing groups that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for an order group.

Routing Group

Specify the last of a range of routing groups that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for an order group.

Main Item

If this check box is selected, you can use a range of end items as a selection criterion for the order group.

From Main Item

Specify the first of a range of main items of which LN must combine the planned production orders in an order group.

To Main Item

Specify the last of a range of main items of which LN must combine the planned production orders in an order group.

Material Item Selection

If this check box is selected, you can use a range of component items as a selection criterion for the order group.

From Material Item

Specify the first of a range of material items of which LN must combine the planned production order in an order group.

To Material Item

Specify the last of a range of material items of which LN must combine the planned production order in an order group.

Item Group

Specify the first of a range of item groups that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Item Group

Specify the last of a range of item groups that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.


Specify the first of a range of planners that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.


Specify the last of a range of planners that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Shop Floor Planner

Specify the first of a range of shop floor planners that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Shop Floor Planner

Specify the last of a range of shop floor planners that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Product Line

Specify the first of a range of product lines that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Production Line

Specify the last of a range of product lines that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Product Class

Specify the first of a range of product classes that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Product Class

Specify the last of a range of product classes that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Selection Code

Specify the first of a range of selection codes that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Selection Code

Specify the last of a range of selection codes that LN must use as an additional criterion to select planned production orders of main items for an order group.

Tool Kit

If this check box is selected, you can use a range of tool kits as a criterion to select planned production orders for the new order group.

Tool Kit

Specify the first of a range of tool kits that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for an order group.

Tool Kit

Specify the last of a range of tool kits that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for an order group.

Tool Type

If this check box is selected, you can use a range of tool types as a criterion to select planned production orders for the new order group.

From Tool Type

Specify the first of a range of tool types that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for the new order group.

To Tool Type

Specify the last of a range of tool types that LN must use as a criterion to select planned production orders for the new order group.

Tool Serial Number

Specify the first of a range of tool serial numbers that LN must use as a criterion for the tool type selection range.

Tool Serial Number

Specify the last of a range of tool serial numbers that LN must use as a criterion for the tool type selection range.

Maximum Group Size

The maximum number of orders that LN can add to the planned-order group.

Include Grouped Orders

This check box determines how LN treats orders that match the selection criteria, but which are already part of an existing order group.

If this check box is selected, and you click Create Group, the Assign Production Orders to Planned Order Group (cppat3151s000) session also displays the planned production orders that belong to another order group. However, you cannot select those planned orders for the new order group.

If this check box is cleared, the Assign Production Orders to Planned Order Group (cppat3151s000) session hides these planned orders.

Group Description

Enter a description for the planned-order group.


Create Group

Transfers the selected data.

Spec. Orders

Transfers the selected data.