Print Invoices (cisli2400m000)

Use this session to print invoices.

If you did not perform the entire process in the Compose/Print/Post Invoices (cisli2200m000) session, you can use this session to print the invoices separately. You can print draft invoices for checking or you can print final invoices.

You can only print invoices that have the Ready to Print status. To reprint invoices that have the Printed status, use the Reprint Invoices (cisli2405m000) session.


If one of the financial/reporting/tax periods in the range specified for the invoicing batches is closed, LN displays a warning message and the user will be asked if they want to continue or cancel the process. This is applicable only if:

  • The process is started manually.
  • The fiscal/reporting/tax period determination is based on invoice date or transaction entry date.


Selection Range
Invoicing Batch

The From and To fields define the range of invoicing batches that you want to process.


Select how you want to print the invoices.

  • Draft
    LN prints draft invoices that you can check. The invoicing data lines status and the invoicing batch status remain Ready to Print.
  • Original
    LN prints final invoices that you can send to your customers. The status of the invoicing data lines, the invoicing batch, and the invoices is set to Printed.

In the Number of Extra Invoice Copies field of the Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000) session, you can specify the number of copies of the invoice in addition to the original invoice, that you want to print.

Invoice Delivery Method

If this check box is selected, LN prints the invoices sorted by invoice delivery method.


If this check box is selected, amounts in EMU currencies are printed in euros.

For more information, refer to Printing euros.

Print Original Invoice of Credit Note

If this check box is selected, LN also reprints the original invoice when you print or reprint the credit note to which the original invoice is linked. If a credit note is linked to the original invoice, the original invoice line is printed as line details.


You cannot modify the invoice after the final or original invoice is printed. However, if the invoice status is Posted, an authorized user can still modify invoicing data via the Credit and Rebill command.

Transaction Entry Date

The transaction entry date of the invoice.

Printing Sequence

The printing sequence for the invoices.

Output Devices

The device to which the invoices must be printed.


The device to which an error report must be printed.