Invoicing Transaction Types (cisli0101m000)

Use this session to set up for each source type and invoicing scenario combination, the default transaction types and series to generate the invoice document numbers.


If, as a result of a software update or enabling of unused functionality, LN detects one or more source types are missing, on the appropriate menu, the Initialize Missing Source Types command becomes available. When you select this command, LN will add the missing source type and invoicing scenario combinations. You can then maintain the default transaction types and series.


Introduction Date

The date and time that the parameters are valid. The parameters are valid up to the effective date of a more recent parameter setting.

Financial Company

The financial company to which the parameters apply.


The description of the parameter set. For example, you can indicate why you change the parameters.

If you do not enter a description, this field contains the date and time when you defined the parameters.

Source Type

The type of document to which the transaction type and series apply.

Invoicing Scenario

If required, link the source type to a specific invoicing scenario:

  • Intercompany Settlement
  • Self-Billing
  • Write Off Self-Billed Invoice
  • Replacement Credit Note
  • Credit Invoice Line
  • Advance Payment Request
  • Tax Only Invoice - Claimed
  • Tax Only Invoice - Not Claimed
  • Tax on Separate Invoice
  • Replacement Tax Invoice

Default value

All Scenarios

Related topics

Transaction Type

The transaction type and series used to generate document numbers for the invoices.

The transaction category must be Sales Invoices.

LN generates the invoice document numbers when you print the original invoices. Until that moment, the invoicing data is identified in Invoicing by a temporary sequence number.

Credit Note Transaction Type

The transaction type and series used to generate document numbers for the credit note invoices.

The transaction category must be Sales Invoices or Sales Credit Notes.

LN generates the invoice document numbers when you print the original invoices. Until that moment, the invoicing data is identified in Invoicing by a temporary sequence number.


Initialize Missing Source Types

Use this command to initialize missing source type and scenario combinations.


The Initialize Missing Source Types command becomes available after, for example, a software update or enabling of unused functionality. When you select this command, LN will add the missing source type and invoicing scenario combinations. You can then maintain the default transaction types and series.