Global (Undo) Approve Hours and Expenses (bptmm1202m000)

Use this session to approve, undo, check hours transactions or expenses (project or general), for a selected range of employees, periods, and the selected transaction type.

Click Spec. Employees to use the list of specific employees rather than specifying a range of employees.

In this session, you can use the following options:

  • Hours Check (Regular Time)
  • Approve Transactions
  • Undo Approve Transactions
  • You can use this session if the Approval Required check box in the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session is selected. With this check box cleared you can use this session only for an hours check.
  • If the Approval Required check box in the People Parameters (bpmdm0100m000) session is selected, you can run this session before you run the Process Hours and Expenses (bptmm1203m000) session, or you can approve the hours or expenses in the applicable session.
  • If LN cannot carry out any of the options in this session, an error report is automatically generated.

Related topics


(Undo) Approve

If this check box is selected, you can specify a range for this transaction type.

Hours Check (Regular Time)

If this check box is selected, LN compares employees' actual hours with the employment hours. If the number of hours worked is greater or less than the number of employment hours, LN generates an error report. LN then only approves the hours that are not processed.


If the Approve Transactions check box is selected as well, LN first checks the selected hours and then approves them.

Approve Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN approves the hours transactions for the selected range of employees, years, and periods.

Undo Approve Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN unapproves the hours transactions for the selected range of employees, years, and periods.

  • You can only unapprove hours if the hours transactions are not already processed.
  • If the Undo Approve Transactions check box is selected, the Approve Transactions check box and the Hours Check (Regular Time) check box are cleared and unavailable.


(Undo) Approve

Click this button after you specify a selection range, at least one transaction type, and at least one approval option.

Spec. Employees

Selects all (active) employees in the Specific Employees (bpmdm1140m000) session. As a result, the employee range fields become unavailable.

Reset Selection

Cancels the selection of specific employees. As a result, the employee range fields become available.