Job data procedure

Procedure aim

LN ’s Job management contains the procedures that you can use to create jobs, and define the time and date in which the job must be carried out in the job calendar.

Procedure result and prerequisites

A job ready to be started.


No prerequisites are required for the environment.

Procedure summary

Before you can use periodical jobs in LN, you must complete the following steps to define a job calendar and the basic job data. In LN, you can start periodical jobs according to a schedule that is defined in the job calendar or a regular interval. You can define the interval in the basic job data. After you define the basic job data, you can add sessions and shell commands to the job. The default settings of the sessions in the job can be maintained, when necessary, with an optional step in the procedure.

The following figure illustrates the sessions in the basic job procedure:
Schritt 1. Create a job calendar

To start periodical jobs, you can use a job calendar. The job calendar contains the dates and times the job must be carried out.

Session Calendars (ttaad5106m000).

Schritt 2. Specify the dates in a job calendar

In the job calendar, you must define the date and time that the job must be started.

Session Dates by Calendar (ttaad5107m000)

Schritt 3. Define the basic job data

Before you can add sessions to a job with the Add Session to Job (ttaad5102s000) session, you must first define the basic parameters for the job. To make a periodical job non-interactive, in the sessions Job Data (ttaad5500m000) and Job Data (ttaad5100s000), you can specify a predefined job calendar or a regular interval to start the job.

If you select the Suspend Job until Next Execution check box, the job is suspended until the next execution date. For jobs started by the Activate Job (ttaad5203m000) session, the UNIX shell program rc.startjob, or the Windows batch file startjob.bat, the job’s status is set to Waiting. The job is automatically restarted at every subsequent execution date that is defined in the calendar.

If you clear the Suspend Job Until Next Execution check box, the job is carried out once and then terminated. For jobs started by the Activate Job (ttaad5203m000) session, the UNIX shell program rc.startjob, or the Windows batch file startjob.bat, the job’s status is set to Free. To restart the job, you must manually start the Activate Job (ttaad5203m000) session, the UNIX shell program rc.startjob, or the Windows batch file startjob.bat.

Schritt 4. Add sessions to a job

A job must contain one or more sessions, which must be carried out according to the data specified in the session Job Data (ttaad5100s000) session. Typically, a job starts print or process sessions.

Under Error Handling, you can enter how LN must continue if an error occurs during the execution of the session. You can, for example, indicate that LN must execute, or skip, a number of sessions of the job if an error occurs during the execution of the session.

Schritt 5. Add a shell command to the job

This procedure is optional, and you can use this session to link the job to a shell command to a job to manipulate the command’s execution. To ensure that the shell command has the right effect on the job, you must test the script. Typically, to test the job and shell script, you can redirect the output to a file or printer. You can redirect the output to a file or printer with one of the operating system's output redirection facilities.

Session Add Shell Command to Job (ttaad5205m000).

Schritt 6. Change the default settings of the sessions in the job

This procedure is optional, and you can use this procedure to change the settings of the sessions that are linked to the job. For example, you can change the execution order of the sessions or the device to which the output of a session is sent.

Session Sessions by Job (ttaad5501m000).