Reference Models (tgbrg3100s000)

Mit diesem Programm display and maintain reference models.

You cannot change reference models:


Current Version
The version you currently use to create and modify model items.
Reference Model
A model that represents a line of business or business typology.

A reference model is built from a library (repository) of the following model items:

  • business-control model
  • business-function model
  • business-process model
A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.
The description or name of the version.
The description or name of the reference model.
An ERP user who has created a model item or version, or the ERP user who is responsible for the model or version.
The name of the owner.
Generation Date
By default, the date when the reference model is created . However, any authorized ERP user can change the date into another date.
Copied-From Type
This field only applies if the current reference model is created with the Import Project Model into Reference Model (tgbrg3205m000) session or copied from another reference model.

The value of this field, which you cannot change, is informative and is not used in other sessions.

Copied-From Model
The project model or reference model from which the current reference model is copied.

This field only applies if the current reference model is created with the Import Project Model into Reference Model (tgbrg3205m000) session or copied from another reference model.

The value of this field, which you cannot change, is informative and is not used in other sessions.

Copied-From Model Version
The version of the reference model or project model from which the reference model was copied.

This field only applies if the current reference model is created with the Import Project Model into Reference Model (tgbrg3205m000) session or copied from another reference model.

Copied-From Model Version
The description or name of the model item.
This field indicates whether the reference model has expired.
If the value of this field is Yes, text is available, which provides you with further information about the reference model.

If the value of this field is No, then no text is created.

See the Text command.


Hierzu ist keine Hilfe verfügbar.
The date when the last changes were made to this session.
The time when the last changes were made to this session.
The user who made the last changes in this session.
The name of the user who made the last changes in this session.