The code used to identify the remittance advice.
Remittance Advice Lines (tfcmg2151m000)Use this session to view the remittance advices received from the pay-by business partner. Remittance advice messages consist of various details including the invoice details and the amount to be applied.
Remittance The code used to identify the remittance advice. Line Number The serial number which is automatically generated by LN. Sequence Number The sequence number generated by LN. Remittance Bank Reference A unique number used by the banks to reference each invoice. The bank reference number can be a string of 20 or more digits, composed in such a way that a number check can be performed to check its validity. In some countries, the bank reference number is a critical component of payment and receipt transactions, especially if payment slips are used. If bank reference numbers are used, the bank reference number must appear on the invoice document, on the payment slip if applicable, and on the payment document. Remittance Reference The shipment reference, packing slip number, external packing slip number, or customer order number recorded in the EDI message that was received from the customer. Financial Company The financial company used to store the invoice data. Document The transaction type of the invoice. The document number used to identify the invoice in the specified Transaction Type. The payment schedule line number. If you use receipts against shipments, this number indicates the shipment. Amount Applied in Receipt Currency The amount applied to an invoice in the payment currency. The remittance currency. Reference The reference used for normal remittance advices. Remittance advice text. Reason The reason for payment code. You must enter the reason for underpayments and overpayments. Amount Applied The remittance amount in the payment currency. The invoice currency. Balance Amount inInvoice Currency The payment amount which is due, in the invoice currency. Remittance Line Status The status of the individual remittance line after the open entries were applied to the remittance advice. Depending on the difference between the original invoice amount and the amount of remittance advice line, this field can have the following values:
Action on Advice The way in which underpayments and overpayments of the remittance advice must be handled.
Note If and how exceptions are handled is determined by the settings in the Cash Application Options section on the Cash Details tab of the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0500m000) session. Error Description The description of the error. Errors occur when the system is unable to apply cash for the remittance advices. Reverse If this check box is selected, the document is a reversal document. Text If this check box is selected, a text is present. Cash Flow Reason The cash flow reason of the transaction. Invoice-to Business Partner The business partner from whom you receive payments. This usually represents a customer's accounts payable department. The definition includes the default currency and exchange rate, the customer's bank relation, the type of reminders you send to the business partner, and the frequency of sending reminders. Invoice Over-paid Amountin Invoice Curr. The balance amount that exceeds the invoice amount. Discount Amount The discount amount which is allowed on the invoice in the invoice currency. Late Payment Surcharge The late-payment surcharge amount in the invoice currency. Payment Difference The difference between the invoice amount due and the amount that has been paid. The payment difference must be within the tolerance level specified in the CMG Parameters (tfcmg0100s000) session. Factoring Commission The factoring commission amount in the invoice currency. LN calculates the default factoring commission as a percentage of the original invoice amount. The percentage is retrieved from the factor/pay-by business partner combination in the Pay-by Business Partners by Factor (tfacr0516m000) session. Tax/Dimensions Tax Country The country in which the tax must be paid. A code that identifies the tax rate and which determines how LN calculates and registers tax amounts. Tax Amount The tax amount to be paid for advance payments or credit notes. Control Account A ledger account used to reflect the balance of a number of related subsidiary accounts. In LN, 'control account' usually refers to the creditors' account or the debitors' account defined for the financial business partner groups in Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. In addition to the creditors' account and the debitors' account, you can define a number of specific control accounts for a business partner group, such as control accounts for doubtful invoices, advance and anticipated payments or receipts, and realized and unrealized currency profit or loss. Dimension Description for Dimension Type 1 The first dimension selected in the invoice header. Dimension Description for Dimension Type 2 The second dimension selected in the invoice header. Dimension Description The description of a dimension type. The description of the dimensions is provided in the Group Company Parameters (tfgld0101s000) session. Dimension 3 - 12 The other dimensions to which the transaction must be posted. Posting Details Receipt Document The transaction type used for posting in the General Ledger and open entries. The document number used for postings in the General Ledger. The line number used for postings in the General Ledger. Reversal Transaction Type The transaction type used for reversal postings in the General Ledger and open entries. Reversal Document Number The document number used for reversal postings in the General Ledger. Reversal Line Number The line number of the reversal document.
Apply Changes the status of the remittance advice line to Applied. Unapply Resets the status of the remittance advice line from Applied, Overapplied or Underapplied to Unapplied.
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