Importation des données de modèles de composants (tgbrg5256m000)

Cette session permet import the component and application conversion information from an export file that you created by using the Exportation des données de modèles de composants (tgbrg5257m000) session.

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Specify the location and name of the import file.

Default: ${HOME}/conv.dump

Where ${HOME} is your home directory.

Imprimer les erreurs
Si cette case est cochée, a report is printed of errors found during the import process.
Si cette case est cochée, any information that already exists is overwritten by the imported information.
Versions de composants
Si cette case est cochée, the selected range of applications that are defined for the component and component release are imported.
Si cette case est cochée, the subapplications defined for the selected range of components, component releases and applications are imported.
Conversion d'applications
Si cette case est cochée, the texts for the application conversions are not overwritten.
Si cette case est cochée, the texts for the components are not overwritten.
Si cette case est cochée, the texts for the applications are not overwritten.
Si cette case est cochée, the texts for the sub-applications are not overwritten.
Données de conversion des applications
Si cette case est cochée, the range of application conversion data specified on the Application Conversion Data tab (as define in the Conversion d'applications (tgbrg5150m000) session) is imported from the conversion dump.


If you click this button (or command), the import process is initiated.